2012-09-29 54 views


Module Bits 

    Dim employeeName As String 
    Dim currentSalary As Decimal 
    Dim payIncrease As Single 
    Dim runReply As Char 
    Dim employeeSalary As Single 
    Dim numbersOfEmployees As Decimal 
    Dim projectedSalary As Decimal 
    Dim increasedSalary As Decimal 
    Dim y As Char 
    Dim n As Char 

    Sub Main() 

      Console.Out.WriteLine("Bits and Pieces Manufacturing Company") 
      Console.Out.WriteLine(DateString & "      By.Cristian Bouchez") 


      Console.Out.Write(vbCrLf & "Enter your employee's name:     ") 
      employeeName = Console.In.ReadLine() 
      Console.Out.Write("Enter your employee's current weekly salary: $") 
      currentSalary = Console.In.ReadLine() 
      Console.Out.Write("Enter your employee's pay increase:   %") 
      payIncrease = Console.In.ReadLine() 

      payIncrease = payIncrease/100 
      employeeSalary = currentSalary * payIncrease 
      payIncrease = payIncrease * 100 
      employeeSalary = employeeSalary + currentSalary 

      numbersOfEmployees = numbersOfEmployees + 1 
      projectedSalary = projectedSalary + currentSalary 
      increasedSalary = increasedSalary + (employeeSalary - currentSalary) 

      Console.Out.WriteLine(vbCrLf & vbCrLf & employeeName & " will earn $" & employeeSalary & _ 
            " after a %" & payIncrease & " raise.") 

      Console.Out.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Do you want to calaculate another employee's weekly pay?") 
      Console.Out.Write("Enter Y for yes and N for no: ") 
      runReply = Console.In.ReadLine() 


     Loop Until runReply = n 

     Console.Out.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "*******************************" & vbCrLf) 

    End Sub 

End Module 

请添加更多细节。你能指望什么?你遇到什么问题? – Macmade



1)设定N = “N”
2)循环直到LCASE(runReply)= N


它仍然继续循环,即使有变化 – Cristian


Nevermind。我没有注意到你的报价 – Cristian


好吧,我很高兴你帮助解决了循环。 – Mate