2016-03-14 26 views


(我已经安装了this tutorial


[email protected]:~$ rhc setup --debug 
DEBUG: Using config file /home/arjempagan/.openshift/express.conf 
DEBUG: Running greeting_stage 
OpenShift Client Tools (RHC) Setup Wizard 

This wizard will help you upload your SSH keys, set your application 
namespace, and check that other programs like Git are properly installed. 
DEBUG: Running server_stage 

If you have your own OpenShift server, you can specify it now. Just hit 
enter to use the server for OpenShift Online: openshift.redhat.com. 

You can add more servers later using 'rhc server'. 
DEBUG: Running login_stage 
DEBUG: Connecting to https://openshift.redhat.com/broker/rest/api 
DEBUG: Client supports API versions 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 
DEBUG: Created new httpclient 
DEBUG: Request GET https://openshift.redhat.com/broker/rest/api 
DEBUG: code 200 919 ms 
DEBUG: Server supports API versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 
DEBUG: Using API version 1.7 
DEBUG: Client API version 1.7 is not current. Refetching API 
DEBUG: Request GET https://openshift.redhat.com/broker/rest/api 
DEBUG: code 200 207 ms 
DEBUG: Getting user info 
DEBUG: Request GET https://openshift.redhat.com/broker/rest/user 


$ rhc --version 
rhc 0.0.0 

它挂着还是等着? - btw:命令行工具可能会将所需的身份验证值添加到头部/参数/ cookie中,因此与仅浏览网址时不同,而不会提供这些命令 – Carsten


该命令仍在运行。你可以看到[这里](https://vgy.me/rr2dFc.png)。我可以用ctrl + c取消。它没有冻结。 –


有趣 - 也许你必须更新/重新下载'rhc'tools - 或联系他们的支持 – Carsten






与Ubuntu 15.10和RHC 1.35.4-3,RHC --version给人0.0.0和设置在GET(...)/ broker/rest/user之后挂起。卸载软件包(sudo apt-get remove rhc),安装gem(sudo gem install rhc)以及清除bash的路径缓存(hash -d rhc)的确行得通。


一个潜在的解决方案的链接总是受欢迎的,但请[在链接周围添加上下文](// meta.stackoverflow.com/a/8259/169503),以便您的同行用户可以了解它是什么以及它为什么在那里。如果目标网站无法访问或永久离线,请始终引用重要链接中最相关的部分。考虑到_仅仅是一个链接到外部site_是一个可能的原因,因为[为什么和如何删除一些答案?](// stackoverflow.com/help/deleted-answers)。换句话说:在这里提供解决方案的总结。 – Mogsdad


我有同样的问题在Ubuntu 16.04,我不能使它与@Interesting诺克斯的解决方案


// removing debian package 
sudo apt-get remove rhc 

// installing rhc with gems 
sudo gem install rhc 

// version installed is rhc-1.38.4 
// navigate to /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/rhc-1.38.4 

cd /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/rhc-1.38.4 

// run setup 
rhc setup