2017-04-20 169 views


//TypeError: Fuse is not a constructor 

var Fuse = require('fuse'); 

var options = { // list of options that need to be provided to fuse.js for search to occur 
    shouldSort: true, 
    threshold: 0.6, 
    location: 0, 
    distance: 100, 
    maxPatternLength: 32, 
    minMatchCharLength: 1, 
    keys: [ 
    "title", // the keys that are searched 

var fuse = new Fuse(posts, options); // "list" is the item array 
var result = fuse.search(searchOptions.keywords); // search is conducted and result should be all matching json objects 



你混淆了fuse.js模块与模块fuse,这是一个completely different project。您可以通过查看Fuse.js网站的"Install"部分来了解情况。

为了解决这个问题,运行npm install --save fuse.js和修复符合要求这样:

var Fuse = require('fuse.js');