2011-07-12 64 views



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       It was founded in the mid-3rd century BC by Arsaces I. Mithradates I greatly expanded the empire by seizing Media and Mesopotamia from the SeleuIt was founded in the mid-3rd century BC by Arsaces I. Mithradates I greatly expanded the empire by seizing Media and Mesopotamia from the SeleuIt was founded in the mid-3rd century BC by Arsaces I. Mithradates I greatly expanded the empire by seizing Media and Mesopotamia from the SeleuIt was founded in the mid-3rd century BC by Arsaces I. Mithradates I greatly expanded the empire by seizing Media and Mesopotamia from the SeleuIt was founded in the mid-3rd century BC by Arsaces I. Mithradates I greatly expanded the empire by seizing Media and Mesopotamia from the SeleuIt was founded in the mid-3rd century BC by Arsaces I. Mithradates I greatly expanded the empire by seizing Media and Mesopotamia from the SeleuIt was founded in the mid-3rd century BC by Arsaces I. Mithradates I greatly expanded the empire by seizing Media and Mesopotamia from the SeleuIt was founded in the mid-3rd century BC by Arsaces I. Mithradates I greatly expanded the empire by seizing Media and Mesopotamia from the SeleuIt was founded in the mid-3rd century BC by Arsaces I. Mithradates I greatly expanded the empire by seizing Media and Mesopotamia from the SeleuIt was founded in the mid-3rd century BC by Arsaces I. Mithradates I greatly expanded the empire by seizing Media and Mesopotamia from the SeleuIt was founded in the mid-3rd century BC by Arsaces I. Mithradates I greatly expanded the empire by seizing Media and Mesopotamia from the SeleuIt was founded in the mid-3rd century BC by Arsaces I. Mithradates I greatly expanded the empire by seizing Media and Mesopotamia from the SeleuIt was founded in the mid-3rd century BC by Arsaces I. Mithradates I greatly expanded the empire by seizing Media and Mesopotamia from the SeleuIt was founded in the mid-3rd century BC by Arsaces I. Mithradates I greatly expanded the empire by seizing Media and Mesopotamia from the SeleuIt was founded in the mid-3rd century BC by Arsaces I. Mithradates I greatly expanded the empire by seizing Media and Mesopotamia from the Seleu 
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您是否尝试设置'padding' 0,而不是汽车?你有没有试过把'.pageBoxTop'的'padding/margin'设置为0? – nnnnnn


@nnnnnn:padding:0;保证金:0;不工作 – Mack


也许这个问题的解决方案之一:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1207541/strange-gap-between-div-elements-in-ie-not-in-ff-or-opera会有帮助吗?试试'img'上的'display:block'。 – nnnnnn



尝试添加填充顶:0像素到.pageBoxContent - 这是否解决问题的间距?


NUP,我试过了 – Mack


问题是新行和一些空格。我有同样的该死的问题,在所有的浏览器看起来不错,但在IE浏览器之间有我的布局打破了我的div之间的空间,原因是我手动对齐源代码,并有一个空间某处的IE解释为& nbsp。尝试一下。删除img的结尾和div标签的开头之间的所有空格。删除评论以及



