2009-07-12 104 views

这是一个谷歌问题,诚然。但似乎所有的文档已被删除,我无法在任何地方找到它们。所以我希望有人能够让我看到一些VBScript代码来枚举对象,或者有更强大的Google-fu。Merlin Agent可以做什么?

梅林代理是一个废弃的Windows组件,有点像Alice,旨在通过让孩子们讲故事,教编程。它被介绍给我in this stackoverflow answerBob Mc(坦率地说,值得的方式更upvotes)。在任何情况下,这里有一个例子,假设你在Windows和它的安装到C盘(我发现,梅林是在几乎所有的计算机):

agentName = "Merlin" 
agentPath = "c:\windows\msagent\chars\" & agentName & ".acs" 
Set agent = CreateObject("Agent.Control.2") 
agent.Connected = TRUE 
agent.Characters.Load agentName, agentPath 
Set character = agent.Characters.Character(agentName) 

character.MoveTo 200, 400 
character.Play "Surprised" 

Wscript.Sleep 10000 


  • 显示
  • 通过MoveTo
  • 隐藏
  • GestureAt
  • 播放


  • 'character.Play “读”
  • ' character.Play “写”
  • 'character.Play “WriteContinued”
  • ' character.Play “祝贺”
  • 'character.Play “欢迎”
  • ' character.Play “拒绝”
  • 'character.Play “解释”
  • ' character.Play“GestureLef T”
  • 'character.Play “GestureRight”
  • ' character.Play “很高兴”
  • 'character.Play “惊讶”
  • ' character.Play “GetAttention”



你已经偶然发现了VB/VBA/VBScript中最难的部分 - 文档往往缺少位置或流畅的位置。尝试在Merlin上检查旧图书数据库。如果使用VBScript而不使用VB.net,那么任何旧版本的标题都可能会有很好的信息。 – 2009-07-12 17:31:02




Acknowledge    Nods head 
Alert     Straightens and raises eyebrows 
Announce    Raises trumpet and plays 
Blink     Blinks eyes 
Confused    Scratches head 
Congratulate    Displays trophy 
Congratulate_2    Applauds 
Decline     Raises hands and shakes head 
DoMagic1    Raises magic wand 
DoMagic2    Lowers wand, clouds appear 
DontRecognize    Holds hand to ear 
Explain     Extends arms to side 
GestureDown    Gestures down 
GestureLeft    Gestures to his left 
GestureRight    Gestures to his right 
GestureUp    Gestures up 
GetAttention    Leans forward and knocks 
GetAttentionContinued   Leaning forward, knocks again 
GetAttentionReturn   Returns to neutral position 
Hearing_1    Ears extend (looping animation) 
Hearing_2    Tilts head left (looping animation) 
Hearing_3    Turns head left (looping animation) 
Hearing_4    Turns head right (looping animation) 
Hide     Disappears under cap 
Idle1_1     Takes breath 
Idle1_2     Glances left and blinks 
Idle1_3     Glances right 
Idle1_4     Glances up to the right and blinks 
Idle2_1     Looks at wand and blinks 
Idle2_2     Holds hands and blinks 
Idle3_1     Yawns 
Idle3_2     Falls asleep (looping animation) 
LookDown    Looks down 
LookDownBlink    Blinks looking down 
LookDownReturn    Returns to neutral position 
LookLeft    Looks left 
LookLeftBlink    Blinks looking left 
LookLeftReturn    Returns to neutral position 
LookRight    Looks right 
LookRightBlink    Blinks looking right 
LookRightReturn    Returns to neutral position 
LookUp     Looks up 
LookUpBlink    Blinks looking up 
LookUpReturn    Returns to neutral position 
MoveDown    Flies down 
MoveLeft    Flies to his left 
MoveRight    Flies to his right 
MoveUp     Flies up 
Pleased     Smiles and holds his hands together 
Process     Stirs cauldron 
Processing    Stirs cauldron (looping animation) 
Read     Opens book, reads and looks up 
ReadContinued    Reads and looks up 
ReadReturn    Returns to neutral position 
Reading     Reads (looping animation) 
RestPose    Neutral position 
Sad     Sad expression 
Search     Looks into crystal ball 
Searching    Looks into crystal ball (looping animation) 
Show     Appears out of cap 
StartListening    Puts hand to ear 
StopListening    Puts hands over ear 
Suggest     Displays light bulb 
Surprised    Looks surprised 
Think     Looks up with hand on chin 
Thinking    Looks up with hand on chin (looping animation) 
Uncertain    Leans forward and raises eyebrows 
Wave     Waves 
Write     Opens book, writes and looks up 
WriteContinued    Writes and looks up 
WriteReturn    Returns to neutral position 
Writing     Writes (looping animation)   


For Each strName in objCharacter.AnimationNames 
    Wscript.Echo strName 

1:(SO不能解析此链接) http://web.archive.org/web/20080214075638/http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/funzone/agent.mspx




