2012-12-17 46 views

我正在学习字符设备驱动编程。我有一些疑惑,并希望在这里澄清它们: -字符设备驱动编程


1. I want to know what exactly happens when a function is called on the device file. 
Here is what I think. Suppose, I make a file called mydevfile using mknod(). Now 
when I call open(mydevfile, O_RDWR), the kernel is searched for a cdev object with 
same minor and major number. When found, the cdev 's fops is searched for function 
for open() (say dev_open()). It is written that the dev_open() should have first 
argument inode* and second argument file*. My question is how are these parameters 
passed to the dev_open() function? 

2. I learnt that inode is associated with a file on disk. Which file is it associated 
with here? Also inode has a pointer to corresponding cdev. Now if we have already 
got the cdev by searching major and minor number from mydevfile, why do we need 
inode? W 

3. What does the file*(i.e. the second argument) point to in this case? 






1)文件操作结构:每个字段在这种结构中指向实现如开放的驱动程序中的功能,读,写, IOCTL。每个打开的文件都通过包含一个名为f_op的字段与某些函数关联,该字段将指向文件操作结构。

2)文件结构:它代表一个打开的文件。它并不特定于驱动程序,每个打开的文件在内核空间中都有一个文件结构。它由内核创建,打开&传递给在文件上运行的任何函数,直到最后一次关闭。 struct fileoperations * f_op;

3)Inode结构:内核用来内部表示文件。这里只有两个参数很重要。结构的cdev * i_cdev和b.dev_t i_rdev

a. struct cdev *i_cdev: kernel's internal structure to represent the char devices. 
b. dev_t i_rdev: contains the actual device numbers. 


的索引节点是从磁盘& inode对象是intialized读取。

ext2_readinode()----> init_special_inode()---->这会初始化inode对象的i_rdev字段为次要和主要数量的设备文件。