2012-06-19 68 views

我找不到让Maven的做的Tomcat 7的部署,使使用Tomcat 7的并行部署的标准化方式:找行家做并行部署到Tomcat




我没有使用MTOMCAT的经验,但可以定义您将要部署的WAR文件的名称吗?如果是这样,只要确保它被称为'mywebapp ## version.war'。 –






当然,如果您不想保留所有旧版本的运行,您仍然需要在您的server.xml <Host>元素中使用undeployOldVersions="true"






它不使用Maven,但它可以部署在多个Tomcat服务器实例相同的应用程序,并轻松地管理他们的部署。一探究竟 !


这就是我在我的问题How do I get Maven to create an appropriately named .war for use with Tomcat 7's parallel deployment feature?得到的。




使用时间戳作为版本保证.war文件根据Tomcat 7用来决定最新版本的规则正确命名。

我找不到任何有关使Tomcat 7 Maven插件与此工作有关的信息。在Maven IRC上提问Tomcat IRC &。也许这是可能的,但我无法实现它的工作。




如果您使用Jenkins进行部署,则可以将该副本设置为生成后操作。 (使用觇/应用程序的名字*的.war为EAR/WAR文件名。)


    <autodeploy.directory xml:space="preserve">C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\webapps</autodeploy.directory> 


Tomcat 7将默认自动部署,但不会删除旧版本。也许这就是你想要的,因为如果你搞砸了某些东西,并且需要取消部署最新版本,那么你将拥有所有旧版本。

但是,如果你想写在钢笔,可以这么说,找到conf /服务器。xml从Tomcat 7安装目录。让<Host>是这个样子:

<Host appBase="webapps" autoDeploy="true" name="localhost" unpackWARs="true" undeployOldVersions="true"> 


就是这样。现在,当您执行maven clean install时,它会构建一个很好命名的战争,并将其放入Tomcat的自动部署目录中,并且它应该可以正常工作。



感谢您分享这颗宝石!另一个补充,为了调整时间戳格式,可以按照这里提供的指令进行操作:http://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-the-pom.html#Available_Variables – bertie




  • 本地部署由货运
  • 自动安装Tomcat的本地部署到Tomcat已经安装并启动
  • 远程部署。


     <!-- Local deploy - tomcat 7 automatically installed by Cargo --> 

     <!-- Local deploy - tomcat 7 must have been installed and started --> 
         <!-- When Cargo starts the container, the following tag instructs it to wait for you to kill the session with Crtl-C --> 
         <!-- <wait>true</wait> --> 
         <!-- The following tag details the container you want to deploy to. --> 
          <!-- Specifying "tomcat7x" is very important! This one tripped me up for quite a while. The issue is that instead 
           of being an identifier for you, "tomcat7x" is an identifier for Cargo that you want to deploy your webapp in Tomcat 7.x. 
           I had initially thought otherwise and hence just dropped the 'x', making it "tomcat7", but that never worked. --> 
          <!-- Type == Installed means that you want to deploy to a container that's installed on your computer --> 
          <!-- This is another one that confused me for long. Its not enough to specify 'installed' in the container tag. You 
           have to now specify another configuration with type == existing and the home path --> 
         <!-- Here you specify 'deployables' --> 
          <!-- This deployable specifies the webapp you want to deploy --> 
        <!-- Executions specify the targets that you want to run during build --> 
         <!-- Maven has the concept of a 'phase' which can be thought of a collection of goals. Hence here we are specifying 
          that during the 'install' phase first deploy the webapp to the container specific folder and then start the container. Both 
          'deployer-deploy' and 'start' are cargo specific goals. --> 

     <!-- Remote dans un tomcat7 pré-installé, pré-démarré --> 
         <!-- When Cargo starts the container, the following tag instructs it to wait for you to kill the session with Crtl-C --> 
         <!-- <wait>true</wait> --> 
         <!-- The following tag details the container you want to deploy to. --> 
          <!-- Specifying "tomcat7x" is very important! This one tripped me up for quite a while. The issue is that instead 
           of being an identifier for you, "tomcat7x" is an identifier for Cargo that you want to deploy your webapp in Tomcat 7.x. 
           I had initially thought otherwise and hence just dropped the 'x', making it "tomcat7", but that never worked. --> 
          <!-- Type == Installed means that you want to deploy to a container that's installed on your computer --> 
          <!-- This is another one that confused me for long. Its not enough to specify 'installed' in the container tag. You 
           have to now specify another configuration with type == existing and re-issue the home path --> 
         <!-- Here you specify 'deployables' --> 
          <!-- This deployable specifies the webapp you want to deploy --> 
        <!-- Executions specify the targets that you want to run during build --> 
         <!-- Maven has the concept of a 'phase' which can be thought of a collection of goals. Hence here we are specifying 
          that during the 'install' phase first deploy the webapp to the container specific folder and then start the container. Both 
          'deployer-deploy' and 'start' are cargo specific goals. --> 