2015-11-26 50 views


  1. 将单行,单在光标位置处的单元格表格或所选文本的起始索引,
  2. 在该单元格内放置用户选择的文本或放置光标的元素的完整文本,
  3. 删除原始选定文本/元素,以便只有表格保持


documentation的概述显示可以通过var element = cursor.insertText('ಠ‿ಠ');插入文本,但是没有类似的插入其他元素的方法。因此,我一直试图使用不同程度的成功insertTable(childIndex, cells)。关注用户将光标置于元素内部的情况,我可以插入一个正确文本的表格并删除原始文本,但是我找不到将表格插入正确位置的方法。我曾尝试以下,但无济于事:

  1. var newTable = body.insertTable(cursor.getOffset(), [['Test Text']]); - 这将创建表,但在错误的位置,看似基于其中文本光标置于其插入,通常对文档的开头。

  2. var el = cursor.getElement().asBody(); var newTable = el.insertTable(0, [['Test Text']]); - 这确实没什么

  3. var el = cursor.getElement().getParent().asBody(); var newTable = el.insertTable(0, [['Test Text']]); - 这确实没什么

  4. var el = cursor.getElement(); var parent = el.getParent().getChildIndex(el); var newTable = body.insertTable(parent, [['Test Text']]); - 此插入表在文档的最开始。

甲搜索堆栈溢出的产生this very similar question与插入在光标位置一些占位符文本,然后搜索该插入字符串文件,并把表的建议。我有这个方法有两个主要的担忧:

  1. 我需要修改的文本直接周围插入点,并插入额外的文本似乎是它可以使这更困难,而且
  2. 更重要的是,我还有事不知道如何获得表格插入点的正确位置。




我用下面的GAS代码在Google Doc中的当前光标位置插入表格。如果光标位于换行符上,它会更好。

var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument(); 
    var body = doc.getBody(); 
    var cursor = doc.getCursor(); 

    var element = cursor.getElement(); 
    var parent = element.getParent(); 
    //here table is an array of cells like 
    // [[r1c1, r1c2], [r2c1, r2c2]] 
    body.insertTable(parent.getChildIndex(element) + 1, table); 




TL; DR:使用代码下面的代码段。

看起来Google Docs在选择“插入”>“表格”时会执行的操作是将当前段落分成两段,然后在两段之间插入一个新表格。

困难的部分是将段落分成两部分。我试图通过几种方式来实现这一点。我无法从Google Apps脚本文档找到任何API调用(电子表格API在Range对象上有moveTo()方法,但这不能帮助我们)。我希望能够将段落中给定位置的元素复制到另一段中,并删除原稿。但是,由于Document Service does not allow explicit insertion of several element types只能在原地进行操作,如Equation元素,因此无法一一复制这些元素。



* Splits the contents of the paragraph (or list item) at the given position, 
* producing two adjacent paragraphs (or list items). This function may be used 
* to insert any kind of element at an arbitrary document position, but placing 
* it immediately before the second paragraph (or list item). 
* @param {Position} pos The position where the paragraph (or list item) should 
*  be split. `pos.getElement()` should be either a Text, Paragraph or 
*  ListItem object. 
* @returns {ContainerElement} The second (newly created) Paragraph or ListItem 
*  object. 
function splitParagraphAt(pos) { 
    var el = pos.getElement(), offset = pos.getOffset(); 

    var inParagraph = (el.getType() == DocumentApp.ElementType.PARAGRAPH || el.getType() == DocumentApp.ElementType.LIST_ITEM); 

    if (!inParagraph && (el.getType() != DocumentApp.ElementType.TEXT)) { 
    throw new Error("Position must be inside text or paragraph."); 

    var par; 
    if (inParagraph) { 
    // in this case, `offset` is the number of child elements before this 
    // Position within the same container element 
    par = el; 
    if (offset == par.getNumChildren()) { 
     // we're at the end of the paragraph 
     return par.getParent().insertParagraph(
     par.getParent().getChildIndex(par) + 1, ""); 
    el = par.getChild(offset); 
    else { 
    par = el.getParent(); 

    if (par == null || (par.getType() != DocumentApp.ElementType.PARAGRAPH && par.getType() != DocumentApp.ElementType.LIST_ITEM)) { 
     throw new Error("Parent of text is not a paragraph or a list item."); 

    var parContainer = par.getParent(); 

    if (!("insertParagraph" in parContainer)) { 
    throw new Error("Cannot insert another paragraph in this container."); 

    // This assumes the given position is in the current document. 
    // alternatively, one may traverse through parents of par until document 
    // root is reached. 
    var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument(); 

    var elIndex = par.getChildIndex(el); 
    var newPar = par.copy(); 

    var newEl = newPar.getChild(elIndex); 

    // remove everything up to position from the new element 
    if (!inParagraph && (offset != 0)) { 
    newEl.deleteText(0, offset-1); 
    newEl = newEl.getPreviousSibling(); 
    while (newEl != null) { 
    // get the previous sibling before we remove the element. 
    var prevEl = newEl.getPreviousSibling(); 
    newEl = prevEl; 

    // since we might remove el itself, we get the next sibling here already 
    var nextEl = el.getNextSibling(); 

    // remove everything from position onwards in the original element 
    if (!inParagraph && (offset != 0)) { 
    el.deleteText(offset, el.getText().length-1); 
    else { 
    // we're at the beginning of the text (or just before a paragraph 
    // subelement) and need to remove the entire text/subelement. 

    el = nextEl; 
    while (el != null) { 
    // get the next sibling before we remove the element. 
    nextEl = el.getNextSibling(); 
    el = nextEl; 

    // actually insert the newly created paragraph into the document tree. 
    switch (par.getType()) { 
    case DocumentApp.ElementType.PARAGRAPH: 
     parContainer.insertParagraph(parContainer.getChildIndex(par)+1, newPar); 
    case DocumentApp.ElementType.LIST_ITEM: 
     parContainer.insertListItem(parContainer.getChildIndex(par)+1, newPar); 

    return newPar; 


var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument(); 
var cursor = doc.getCursor(); 
var el = (cursor.getOffset() == 0? cursor.getElement() : splitParagraphAt(cursor)); 
var parentEl = el.getParent(); 
var table = parentEl.insertTable(parentEl.getChildIndex(el), [['ಠ‿ಠ']]); 
doc.setCursor(doc.newPosition(table.getCell(0, 0), 0)); 

