2016-12-08 191 views

我试图将来自其他帖子的代码改编为更易于理解的代码。在运行代码时,我仍然收到此行的“类型不匹配”错误:w(k) = z(i, 1)。有没有人有任何洞察到这个错误?为MAXIFs创建VBA代码


Option Base 1 

Function MaxIf(MaxRange As Range, Lookup_Range1 As Range, Var_Range1 As Variant, _ 
       Lookup_Range2 As Range, Var_Range2 As Variant) As Variant 

    Dim x() As Variant, y() As Variant, z() As Variant, w() As Long 
    Dim i As Long 
    Dim Constraint1 As Variant, Constraint2 As Variant, k As Long 

    i = 1 
    k = 0 
    Constraint1 = Var_Range1 
    Constraint2 = Var_Range2 
    x = Lookup_Range1 
    y = Lookup_Range2 
    z = MaxRange 

    For i = 1 To Lookup_Range1.Rows.Count 
     If x(i, 1) = Var_Range1 Then 
      If y(i, 1) = Var_Range2 Then 
       k = k + 1 
       ReDim Preserve w(k) 
       w(k) = z(i, 1) 
      End If 
     End If 
    Next i 
    MaxIf = Application.Max(w) 

End Function    

当你得到错误时'z(i,1)'的值是多少?我的猜测是它包含一个'String',一个错误或其他一些不能隐式转换为'Long'的数据类型。您可以通过在错误行上方添加'Debug.Assert IsNumeric(z(i,1))'行来检查。 – Comintern


@Diedrich尝试解释你想要你的'Function'做什么?也许添加工作表的屏幕截图以及预期的结果。 –


我认为你正试图获得在其他列中的相应单元格符合某些标准的范围内的最大值。你可以通过一个简单的公式,例如MAX( - (Range1 = Criteria1)* - (Range2 = Criteria2)* MaxRange) '最大( - (A1:A15 =“约翰”)* - (B1:B15 = 20)* C1:C15)' – nightcrawler23




Function MaxIF(MaxRange As Range, Lookup_Range1 As Range, Var_Range1 As Variant, _ 
       Lookup_Range2 As Range, Var_Range2 As Variant) As Variant 

    Dim LU1 As Variant, LU2 As Variant 
    Dim founds As Long 
    Dim cell As Range 

    LU1 = Lookup_Range1.Value2 '<--| store Lookup_Range1 values 
    LU2 = Lookup_Range2.Value2 '<--| store Lookup_Range2 values 

    ReDim ValuesForMax(1 To MaxRange.Rows.count) As Long '<--| initialize ValuesForMax to its maximum possible size 
    For Each cell In MaxRange.Columns(1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlNumbers) 
     If LU1(cell.row, 1) = Var_Range1 Then '<--| check 'Lookup_Range1' value in corresponding row of current 'MaxRange' cell 
      If LU2(cell.row, 1) = Var_Range2 Then '<--| check 'Lookup_Range2' value in corresponding row of current 'MaxRange' cell 
       founds = founds + 1 
       ValuesForMax(founds) = CLng(cell) '<--| store current 'MaxRange' cell 
      End If 
     End If 
    Next cell 
    ReDim Preserve ValuesForMax(1 To founds) '<--| resize ValuesForMax to its actual values number 
    MaxIF = Application.max(ValuesForMax) 
End Function 



感谢大家的帮助。 user3598756,运行代码时出现运行时错误9“下标超出范围”错误,如下:如果LU1(cell.Row,1)= Var_Range1那么'< - |检查当前'MaxRange'单元格对应行中的'Lookup_Range1'值。 你知道这可能是什么原因吗? – Diedrich


你传递给函数的三个范围是什么? – user3598756


他们都是使用最后一行定义的范围。例如:范围(工作表(“数据”)。单元格(2,定义的列),工作表(“数据”)。单元格(最后一行,定义的列)),我现在无法提供实际的代码,因为我目前正在工作并且无法访问我的个人计算机/文件。我今天晚些时候可以发送实际范围。再次感谢! – Diedrich



Function MaxIfs(MaxRange As Range, ParamArray Criteria() As Variant) As Variant 
    Dim n As Long 
    Dim i As Long 
    Dim c As Long 
    Dim f As Boolean 
    Dim w() As Long 
    Dim k As Long 
    Dim z As Variant 

    'Error if less than 1 criteria 
    On Error GoTo ErrHandler 
    n = UBound(Criteria) 
    If n < 1 Then 
     'too few criteria 
     GoTo ErrHandler 
    End If 

    'Define k 
    k = 0 

    'Loop through cells of max range 
    For i = 1 To MaxRange.Count 

    'Start by assuming there is a match 
    f = True 

     'Loop through conditions 
     For c = 0 To n - 1 Step 2 

      'Does cell in criteria range match condition? 
      If Criteria(c).Cells(i).Value <> Criteria(c + 1) Then 
       f = False 
      End If 

     Next c 

     'Define z 
     z = MaxRange 

     'Were all criteria satisfied? 
     If f Then 
      k = k + 1 
      ReDim Preserve w(k) 
      w(k) = z(i, 1) 
     End If 

    Next i 

    MaxIfs = Application.Max(w) 

    Exit Function 
    MaxIfs = CVErr(xlErrValue) 

End Function 


此代码是参考Hans V在Eileen's Lounge上发布的多个代码开发的。
