2012-04-20 38 views


 var scrollSpeed = 70;  // Speed in milliseconds 
     var step = 1;    // How many pixels to move per step 
     var left = 0; 
     var top = 0;   // The current pixel row 
     var imageHeight = 718;  // Background image height 
     var headerHeight = 376;  // How tall the header is. 

     //The pixel row where to start a new loop 
     var restartPosition = -(imageHeight - headerHeight); 

     function scrollBg(){ 

      //Go to next pixel row. 
      left -= step; 
      top -= step; 

      //If at the end of the image, then go to the top. 
      if (top == restartPosition){ 
       top += step 

      //Set the CSS of the header. 
      $('#slideshow').css("background-position",left+"px"+" "+top+"px"); 
     //Calls the scrolling function repeatedly 
     var init = setInterval("scrollBg()", scrollSpeed); 

我正在使用jquery 1.4.3。 html如下:

<div class="banner"> 
         <div id="slideshow"></div> 



使用此:'VAR的init = setInterval的(scrollBg,scrollSpeed);',它可能会有所帮助。 – Teemu 2012-04-20 06:52:53


感谢您的回复。我试过,但没有工作。 – 2012-04-20 07:16:32




$(document).ready(function() { 
     var scrollSpeed = 80;  // Speed in milliseconds 
     var step = 1;    // How many pixels to move per step 
     var left = 0; 
     var top = 0;   // The current pixel row 
     var imageHeight = 718;  // Background image height 
     var headerHeight = 376;  // How tall the header is. 

     //The pixel row where to start a new loop 
     var restartPosition = -(imageHeight - headerHeight); 

     function scrollBg(){ 

      //Go to next pixel row. 
      left -= step; 
      top -= step; 

      //If at the end of the image, then go to the top. 
      if (top == restartPosition){ 
       top += step 

      //Set the CSS of the header. 
      $('#slideshow').css("background-position",left+"px"+" "+top+"px"); 
     //Calls the scrolling function repeatedly 
     setInterval(scrollBg, scrollSpeed); 