2017-07-28 17 views


此代码编译并正常工作,但由于某种原因,当我尝试使用500万或更多的上限时,出现了段错误11。在我尝试制作“finalPrimes”名单之前,它似乎是“一切都好”。任何想法,为什么这可能是/一般反馈,不胜感激。 PS,我是C新手,所以我的设计的一般评论也很感激。


void fill_array_with_primes_brute(int *array, int upper); 

void fill_array_with_primes_quick(int *initial, int *final, int lower, int upper); 

int find_end(int *array, int length); 

bool is_prime_brute(int num); 

bool is_prime_quick(int *primes, int num); 

int main(void) 
    int upperBound; 
    printf("Enter upper bound: \n"); 
    scanf("%i", &upperBound);        /* get user input for upper bound */ 
    int boundRoot = (int) sqrtf((float) upperBound) + 1; /* get the root of this upper bound for later use */ 
    printf("%i is root\n", boundRoot); 
    printf("All good\n"); 
    int initialPrimes[boundRoot/2];      /* we can safely assume that the number of primes between 0 and x is less than x/2 for larger numbers */ 
    printf("All good\n"); 
    int finalPrimes[upperBound/2]; 
    printf("All good\n"); 
    fill_array_with_primes_brute(initialPrimes, boundRoot); 
    printf("All good\n"); 
    int initialPrimesSize = find_end(initialPrimes, sizeof initialPrimes/sizeof initialPrimes[0]); 
    printf("All good\n"); 
    printf("%i primes between 0 and %i\n", initialPrimesSize, boundRoot); 
    printf("All good\n"); 
    initialPrimes[initialPrimesSize] = 50000; 
    printf("All good\n"); 
    printf("\nHere they are: \n");    /* This will act as a barrier between the primes and the trailing 0's so that is_prime_quick works properly */ 
    for (int x = 0; x < initialPrimesSize; x++) 
    printf("%i\n", initialPrimes[x]); 
    fill_array_with_primes_quick(initialPrimes, finalPrimes, boundRoot, upperBound); 
    printf("\nHere are the other ones: \n"); 
    int pos = 0; 
    while (finalPrimes[pos] != 0) 
    printf("%i\n", finalPrimes[pos]); 

void fill_array_with_primes_brute(int *array, int upper)  /* upper is the number up to which we want primes */ 
    array[0] = 2; 
    array[1] = 3;         /* fill array with 2 & 3 cos yolo */ 
    int arrayCount = 2;        /* start this counter cos C doesn't have ArrayLists */ 
    for (int pote = 4; pote < upper; pote++)   /* every number in range is potentially a prime */ 
    if (is_prime_brute(pote)) 
     array[arrayCount] = pote; 

bool is_prime_brute(int num) 
    for (int x = 2; x < (int) sqrtf((float) num) + 1; x++) /* go through numbers up to the number's square root looking for a factor */ 
    if (num % x == 0) 
     return false;        /* has a factor, so not a prime */ 
    return true;          /* if we've made it this far it's a prime */ 

void fill_array_with_primes_quick(int *initial, int *final, int lower, int upper) 
    int arrayCount = 0; 
    for (int pote = lower; pote < upper; pote++) 
    if (is_prime_quick(initial, pote)) 
     final[arrayCount] = pote; 

bool is_prime_quick(int *primes, int num) 
    int pos = 0; 
    while (primes[pos] < (int) sqrtf((float) num) + 1)  /* while the number we're at in the array is less than the number's square root */ 
     if (num % primes[pos] == 0) 
     return false; 
    return true; 

int find_end(int *array, int length)    /* Find the true end of the array, as it will contain a few trailing 0's */ 
    for(int x = 0; x < length; x++) 
    if (array[x] == 0) 
     return x; 
    return 0; 

请花一些时间来阅读[如何调试小程序(https://ericlippert.com/2014/03/05/how -to-debug-small-programs /)Eric Lippert。然后学习如何使用调试器来捕获崩溃,并在您的代码中找到它们的位置。 –


可能试图确保对于堆栈来说太大的数组。 – BLUEPIXY


谢谢@Someprogrammerdude,会做。 – cornelius





int initialPrimes[boundRoot/2]; 
int finalPrimes[boundRoot/2]; 


int *initialPrimes = malloc(sizeof(int)*boundRoot/2); 
int *finalPrimes = malloc(sizeof(int)*boundRoot/2); 

还与boundRoot/2替换sizeof initialPrimes/sizeof initialPrimes[0])表达。在main最终while循环之后,添加


感谢堆。 (介意双关)。 – cornelius



Enter upper bound: 
2237 is root 
All good 
All good 
==24998==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: stack-overflow on address 0x7ffe01f4fb28 (pc 0x55d6add011dd bp 0x7ffe028da410 sp 0x7ffe01f4fb30 T0) 
    #0 0x55d6add011dc in main (/tmp/a.out+0x11dc) 
    #1 0x7fbb442fb4c9 in __libc_start_main (/usr/lib/libc.so.6+0x204c9) 
    #2 0x55d6add00d19 in _start (/tmp/a.out+0xd19) 

SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: stack-overflow (/tmp/a.out+0x11dc) in main 

正如@dasblinkenlight提到的,你可以使用堆分配修复它。但是,也要考虑primality test algorithm之一,它的速度更快,可扩展性更高,但有些未被证明是100%正确的(它实际上用于加密)。


是的,'malloc'命令似乎是要走的路,谢谢。我是编程新手,并没有真正了解静态和动态内存,虽然我在本学期做系统编程单元,所以应该有所帮助。 – cornelius


崩溃发生在这里:int finalPrimes[upperBound/2];当你声明和定义自动变长数组。

  1. VLA驻留在堆栈上,堆栈空间相对较小。


int* initialPrimes = malloc(sizeof(int)*(upperBound/2));      
int* finalPrimes = malloc(sizeof(int)*(upperBound/2)); 




int finalPrimes[5000001]; 
int initialPrimes[5000001]; 
int main(void){ 

问题标记为C,C99不支持C++和VLA,即使它们自C11以来是可选的。 –


非常感谢,我不知道如何创建全局变量。虽然它不会被认为是糟糕的设计初始化500万条目的数组?我知道我正在使用find_end函数,但仍然如此。 – cornelius


@cornelius是的,这是不好的设计,我不建议这样做。 –