2013-04-24 31 views

那么,我一直试图在过去两天得到这个工作,重新安装依赖关系,更新模块,但我还没有找到任何解决方案。DBIx :: Class :: Schema :: Loader安装失败


$> cpan DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader 


    /usr/bin/make -- OK 
CPAN: YAML loaded ok (v0.84) 
Running make test 
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/backcompat/0.04006/*.t 
t/01use.t ............................... ok  
t/02pod.t ............................... ok  
t/10_01sqlite_common.t .................. 6/294 
# Failed test 'Correct number of warnings' 
# at t/lib/dbixcsl_common_tests.pm line 323. 
#   got: '10' 
#  expected: '9' 
# Column 'dbix_class_testcomponent' in table 'loader_test2' collides with an inherited method. 
# See "COLUMN ACCESSOR COLLISIONS" in perldoc DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Base . 
# Column 'dbix_class_testcomponentmap' in table 'loader_test2' collides with an inherited method. 
# See "COLUMN ACCESSOR COLLISIONS" in perldoc DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Base . 
# Column 'testcomponent_fqn' in table 'loader_test2' collides with an inherited method. 
# Column 'set_primary_key' in table 'loader_test2' collides with an inherited method. 
# See "COLUMN ACCESSOR COLLISIONS" in perldoc DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Base . 
# Column 'set_primary_key' in table 'loader_test4' collides with an inherited method. 
# See "COLUMN ACCESSOR COLLISIONS" in perldoc DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Base . 
# Column 'belongs_to' in table 'loader_test4' collides with an inherited method. 
# See "COLUMN ACCESSOR COLLISIONS" in perldoc DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Base . 
# Relationship 'belongs_to' in source 'LoaderTest4' for columns 'belongs_to' collides with an inherited method. Renaming to 'belongs_to_rel'. 
# See "RELATIONSHIP NAME COLLISIONS" in perldoc DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Base . 
# stat(t/var/common_dump/DBIXCSL_Test/Schema/MyResult/LoaderTest1.pm): No such file or directory at .cpan/build/DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader-0.07035-Emrz71/blib/lib/DBIx/Class/Schema/Loader/Base.pm line 1370. 
# Dumping manual schema for DBIXCSL_Test::Schema to directory t/var/common_dump ... 
# Schema dump completed. 
t/10_01sqlite_common.t .................. 294/294 # Looks like you failed 1 test of 294. 
t/10_01sqlite_common.t .................. Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100) 
Failed 1/294 subtests 
     (less 2 skipped subtests: 291 okay) 
t/10_02mysql_common.t ................... skipped: You need to set the DBICTEST_MYSQL_DSN, DBICTEST_MYSQL_USER, and DBICTEST_MYSQL_PASS environment variables 
t/10_03pg_common.t ...................... skipped: You need to set the DBICTEST_PG_DSN, _USER, and _PASS environment variables 
t/10_04db2_common.t ..................... skipped: You need to set the DBICTEST_DB2_DSN, _USER, and _PASS environment variables 
t/10_05ora_common.t ..................... skipped: You need to set the DBICTEST_ORA_DSN, _USER, and _PASS environment variables 
t/10_06sybase_common.t .................. skipped: You need to set the DBICTEST_SYBASE_DSN, _USER, and _PASS environment variables 
t/10_07mssql_common.t ................... skipped: You need to set the DBICTEST_MSSQL_DSN, _USER and _PASS and /or the DBICTEST_MSSQL_ODBC_DSN, _USER and _PASS environment variables 
t/10_08sqlanywhere_common.t ............. skipped: You need to set the DBICTEST_SQLANYWHERE_DSN, _USER and _PASS and/or the DBICTEST_SQLANYWHERE_ODBC_DSN, _USER and _PASS environment variables 
t/10_09firebird_common.t ................ skipped: You need to set the DBICTEST_FIREBIRD_DSN, _USER and _PASS and/or the DBICTEST_FIREBIRD_INTERBASE_DSN and/or the DBICTEST_FIREBIRD_ODBC_DSN environment variables 
t/10_10informix_common.t ................ skipped: You need to set the DBICTEST_INFORMIX_DSN, _USER, and _PASS environment variables 
t/10_11msaccess_common.t ................ skipped: You need to set the DBICTEST_MSACCESS_ODBC_DSN, and optionally _USER and _PASS and/or the DBICTEST_MSACCESS_ADO_DSN, and optionally _USER and _PASS environment variables 
t/20invocations.t ....................... ok  
t/21misc_fatal.t ........................ ok 
t/22dump.t .............................. ok 
t/23dumpmore.t .......................... 1/? 
# Failed test 'DBICTest::Schema::_no_skip_load_external warning count' 
# at t/lib/dbixcsl_dumper_tests.pm line 176. 
#   got: '1' 
#  expected: '0' 
# stat(t/var/dump/DBICTest/Schema/_no_skip_load_external/Foo.pm): No such file or directory at .cpan/build/DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader-0.07035-Emrz71/blib/lib/DBIx/Class/Schema/Loader/Base.pm line 1370. 
t/23dumpmore.t .......................... 95/? make: *** wait: No child processes. Stop. 



icsl8684> perl -v 

This is perl 5, version 12, subversion 2 (v5.12.2) built for x86_64-linux 

另外,我使用local :: lib,因为我没有root权限。 我重新运行测试,并再次失败。 不过,我没有看到的perl版本在CPAN已经改变了安装proccess:

PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/backcompat/0.04006/*.t 
t/01use.t ............................... ok  
t/02pod.t ............................... ok  
t/10_01sqlite_common.t .................. 6/294 
# Failed test 'Correct number of warnings' 
# at t/lib/dbixcsl_common_tests.pm line 323. 
#   got: '10' 
#  expected: '9' 
# Column 'dbix_class_testcomponent' in table 'loader_test2' collides with an inherited method. 
# See "COLUMN ACCESSOR COLLISIONS" in perldoc DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Base . 
# Column 'dbix_class_testcomponentmap' in table 'loader_test2' collides with an inherited method. 



我已经改变了我对$PATH使用更新的Perl版本,实际上它是(请参阅perl -v行)。

我觉得这里有东西搞砸了。我也尝试安装cpan[5]> install Devel::DProf,并得到以下错误: 无法为模块Devel加载'〜/ .cpan/build/Devel-DProf-20110802.00-cJFc6O/blib/arch/auto/Devel/DProf/DProf.so' :: DProf:〜/ .cpan/build/Devel-DProf-20110802.00-cJFc6O/blib/arch/auto/Devel/DProf/DProf.so:undefined symbol:get_cvn_flags在/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/x86_64 -linux-thread-multi/DynaLoader.pm line 230. at dprof/test8_t line 0.

正如您所看到的,它会尝试从/ usr/lib /而不是local :: lib加载DynaLoader我有。


请至少为您正在使用的DBI,DBD :: SQLite和DBIx :: Class添加OS,Perl版本和模块版本。 – 2013-04-24 09:30:14


我正在使用Unix。 Perl版本v5.8.5。 DBI - 1.625。 DBD :: SQLite - 1.37。 DBIx :: Class - 0.08210。谢谢! – Mattan 2013-04-24 09:36:13


Unix还是Linux?因为你使用的是这样一个旧的Perl版本,我假设你使用Distro的Perl。使用prove -vl t/10_01sqlite_common.t运行失败的测试用例并添加其输出。 – 2013-04-24 09:39:03



DBIx :: Class维护者采用了一种很大的方式使其向下兼容版本为在其META文件中声明的Perl 5.8.1。可能是某些其他组件(如DBD :: SQLite或DBIx :: Class :: Schema :: Loader)在您的特定版本(RedHat Enterprise Linux 4?)上存在一个错误。 DBIx :: Class在其疑难解答文档中甚至有一节:Perl Performance Issues on Red Hat Systems



谢谢。它没有帮助,请参阅我上面更新的帖子。 – Mattan 2013-04-25 13:35:47


为什么不按照我的建议使用perlbrew?如果你安装了你自己的Perl,你不需要使用local :: lib,因为它有自己的@INC。 perlbrew使所有这些都非常简单,而不需要知道Perl内部关于这一切的所有知识。 – 2013-04-26 08:06:28


谢谢。我用perlbrew试了一下,这个软件包安装成功了:)但是,我遇到了另一个问题,我会问一个单独的问题。再次感谢。 – Mattan 2013-04-26 10:01:20