2017-07-29 103 views


template<typename T> 
struct Node { 
    Node(): item(0),next(0) {} 
    Node(T x): item(x),next(0) {} 
    T item; 
    Node* next; 

template <typename T> 
struct List { 
    List() : head(0),tail(0) {} 
    Node<T>* head; 
    Node<T>* tail; 
    void insert(T x) { 
     Node<T>* newNode = new Node<T>(x); 
     if(head == NULL) { 
      head = tail = newNode; 
     } else { 
      tail->next = newNode; 
      tail = tail->next; 

    void clearRecur(Node<T>* h) { 
     if(h) { 
      delete h; 

    void clear() { 
     if(head) { 

有多少是“太多”? – user463035818


看起来你正在泄漏内存,但很难从只给出的代码片段中分辨出来。 – user0042


对于初学者来说,你在这里有悬挂的参考。你可以在'clearRecur'中释放这个列表,但是不要改变'tail'或'h'前面的元素(或者头部,如果它是第一个)。这同样适用于'clear',当你完成时''head'和'tail'仍然被设置,但已经被释放。 – amit






template<typename T> 
struct Node { 
    Node(): item(), next(nullptr) {} 
    Node(T x): item(x), next(nullptr) {} 

    ~Node() { delete next; } // <== recursive clearing 

    T item; 
    Node* next; 

    // Using the default copy ctor would corrupt the memory management. 
    // Deleting it lets the compiler check for accidental usage. 
    Node(const Node&) = delete; 
    // Deleting assignment operator as well. 
    Node& operator=(const Node&) = delete; 

template <typename T> 
struct List { 
    List() : head(nullptr), tail(nullptr) {} 
    ~List() { clear(); } 
    Node<T>* head, tail; 
    void insert(T x) { 
     Node<T>* newNode = new Node<T>(x); 
     if (head == nullptr) head = tail = newNode; 
     else { 
      tail->next = newNode; 
      tail = tail->next; 

    void clear() { 
     delete head; 
     head = tail = nullptr; 

    // Using the default copy ctor would corrupt the memory management. 
    // Deleting it lets the compiler check for accidental usage. 
    List(const List&) = delete; 
    // Delete assignment operator as well. 
    List& operator=(const List&) = delete; 

这是这样的,我做到了,在我们目前的项目。乍一看,它看起来很简单并且工作得很好。当我们的beta测试人员进场时,我改变了主意。在现实世界的项目中,列表很长,递归清除耗尽堆栈内存。 (Yepp – a 堆栈溢出。)我应该知道更好!

因此,我重复地做出了清算–,其中“责任”从Node移回List。 (该API的用户不会注意这个,因为它发生“引擎盖下”。)


template<typename T> 
struct Node { 
    Node(): item(), next(nullptr) {} 
    Node(T x): item(x), next(nullptr) {} 
    T item; 
    Node* next; 

template <typename T> 
struct List { 
    List() : head(nullptr), tail(nullptr) {} 
    ~List() { clear(); } 
    Node<T>* head, tail; 
    void insert(T x) { 
     Node<T>* newNode = new Node<T>(x); 
     if (head == nullptr) head = tail = newNode; 
     else { 
      tail->next = newNode; 
      tail = tail->next; 

    void clear() { 
     while (head) { 
      Node<T> *p = head; head = head->next; 
      delete p; 
     tail = nullptr; 

    // Using the default copy ctor would corrupt the memory management. 
    // Deleting it lets the compiler check for accidental usage. 
    List(const List&) = delete; 
    // Delete assignment operator as well. 
    List& operator=(const List&) = delete; 

由于我们不在FP(函数编程)领域,我建议避免递归(特别是)列表销毁。 –