2016-03-19 76 views

我正在使用Laravel 5.2,并且我得到了一段保持返回NULL的代码。致命错误:调用null(Laravel 5.2)上的成员函数query()

public function load_network_settings() 
      $db = &$this->db1; 
      $r = $db->query('SELECT * FROM settings', FALSE); 
      while($obj = $db->fetch_object($r)) { 
       $this->C->{$obj->word} = stripslashes($obj->value); 

      global $C; 
      foreach($this->C as $k=>$v) { 
       $C->$k = & $this->C->$k; 

      if(!isset($C->SITE_TITLE) || empty($C->SITE_TITLE)) { 
       $C->SITE_TITLE = 'Friendly'; 


$r = $db->query('SELECT * FROM settings', FALSE); 




    class network 
     public $id; 
     public $info; 
     public $is_private; 
     public $is_public; 
     public $mysql; 

     public function __construct() 
      $this->id = FALSE; 
      $this->C = new stdClass; 
      $this->info = new stdClass; 
      $this->db1  = & $GLOBALS['db1']; 
      $this->db2  = & $GLOBALS['db2']; 
      $this->mysql = new mysqli('localhost','root','','SCM') or die ("problem"); 

     public function load() 
      if($this->id) { 
       return FALSE; 
      $this->info = (object) array(
       'id' => 1, 
      $this->is_private = FALSE; 
      $this->is_public = TRUE; 
      $this->id = $this->info->id; 
      return $this->id; 

     public function load_network_settings() 
      $db = &$this->db1; 
      $r = $db->query('SELECT * FROM settings', FALSE); 
      while($obj = $db->fetch_object($r)) { 
       $this->C->{$obj->word} = stripslashes($obj->value); 

      global $C; 
      foreach($this->C as $k=>$v) { 
       $C->$k = & $this->C->$k; 

      if(!isset($C->SITE_TITLE) || empty($C->SITE_TITLE)) { 
       $C->SITE_TITLE = 'Friendly'; 

     public function get_user_by_username($uname, $force_refresh=FALSE, $return_id=FALSE) 
      if(! $this->id) { 
       return FALSE; 
      if(empty($uname)) { 
       return FALSE; 

      $uid = FALSE; 
      $r = $this->db2->query('SELECT iduser FROM users WHERE username="'.$this->db2->e($uname).'" LIMIT 1', FALSE); 
      if($o = $this->db2->fetch_object($r)) { 
       $uid = intval($o->iduser); 
       return $return_id ? $uid : $this->get_user_by_id($uid); 
      return FALSE; 

     public function get_user_by_email($email, $force_refresh=FALSE, $return_id=FALSE) 
      if(! $this->id) { 
       return FALSE; 
      if(! is_valid_email($email)) { 
       return FALSE; 

      $uid = FALSE; 
      $r = $this->db2->query('SELECT iduser FROM users WHERE email="'.$this->db2->escape($email).'" LIMIT 1', FALSE); 
      if($o = $this->db2->fetch_object($r)) { 
       $uid = intval($o->iduser); 
       return $return_id ? $uid : $this->get_user_by_id($uid); 

      return FALSE; 

     public function get_user_by_id($uid, $force_refresh=FALSE) 
      if(! $this->id) { 
       return FALSE; 
      $uid = intval($uid); 
      if(0 == $uid) { 
       return FALSE; 

      $r = $this->db2->query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE iduser="'.$uid.'" LIMIT 1', FALSE); 
      if ($o = $this->db2->fetch_object($r)) { 
       $o->active  = intval($o->active); 
       $o->firstname = stripslashes($o->firstname); 
       $o->lastname = stripslashes($o->lastname); 
       $o->aboutme = stripslashes($o->aboutme); 
       $o->codecountry = stripslashes($o->codecountry); 
       $o->city = stripslashes($o->city); 
       $o->idregion = intval($o->idregion); 
       $o->network_id = $this->id; 
       $o->user_details = FALSE; 
       return $o; 

      return FALSE; 

     public function get_page_by_url($url, $return_id=FALSE) 
      if(! $this->id) return FALSE; 
      if(empty($url)) return FALSE; 

      $uid = FALSE; 
      $r = $this->db2->query('SELECT idpage FROM pages WHERE url="'.$this->db2->e($url).'" LIMIT 1', FALSE); 
      if($o = $this->db2->fetch_object($r)) { 
       $uid = intval($o->idpage); 
       return $return_id ? $uid : $this->get_page_by_id($uid); 
      return FALSE; 

     public function get_page_by_id($idpage) 
      if(! $this->id) { 
       return FALSE; 
      $idpage = intval($idpage); 
      if (0 == $idpage) return FALSE; 

      $r = $this->db2->query('SELECT * FROM pages WHERE idpage='.$idpage.' LIMIT 1', FALSE); 
      if ($o = $this->db2->fetch_object($r)) { 
       $o->status = intval($o->status); 
       $o->title = stripslashes($o->title); 
       $o->url = $o->url; 
       $o->idpage = intval($o->idpage); 
       $o->code = $o->code; 
       return $o; 
      return FALSE; 

     public function get_group_by_url($url, $return_id=FALSE) 
      if(! $this->id) return FALSE; 
      if(empty($url)) return FALSE; 

      $uid = FALSE; 
      $r = $this->db2->query('SELECT idgroup FROM groups WHERE url="'.$this->db2->e($url).'" LIMIT 1', FALSE); 
      if($o = $this->db2->fetch_object($r)) { 
       $uid = intval($o->idgroup); 
       return $return_id ? $uid : $this->get_group_by_id($uid); 
      return FALSE; 

     public function get_group_by_id($idgroup) 
      if(! $this->id) return FALSE; 

      $idgroup = intval($idgroup); 
      if (0 == $idgroup) return FALSE; 

      $r = $this->db2->query('SELECT * FROM groups WHERE idgroup='.$idgroup.' LIMIT 1', FALSE); 
      if ($o = $this->db2->fetch_object($r)) { 
       $o->status = intval($o->status); 
       $o->name_group = stripslashes($o->name_group); 
       $o->url = $o->url; 
       $o->idgroup = intval($o->idgroup); 
       $o->code = $o->code; 
       return $o; 
      return FALSE; 

     public function get_ads_basic($code) 
      if(! $this->id) { 
       return FALSE; 
      return $this->db2->fetch_field('SELECT adsource FROM ads_basic WHERE code="'.$code.'" LIMIT 1'); 

     // Check if $uid1 is a follower of $uid2 
     public function verifies_follower($uid1, $uid2) 
      if(! $this->id) { 
       return FALSE; 
      $uid1 = intval($uid1); 
      if(0 == $uid1) { 
       return FALSE; 

      $uid2 = intval($uid2); 
      if(0 == $uid2) { 
       return FALSE; 

      return $this->db2->fetch_field('SELECT idrelation FROM relations WHERE leader='.$uid2.' AND type_leader=0 AND subscriber='.$uid1); 

     public function get_user_follows($uid, $type = FALSE) 
      if(! $this->id) { 
       return FALSE; 
      $uid = intval($uid); 
      if(0 == $uid) { 
       return FALSE; 

      $data = new stdClass; 
      $data->followers = array(); 
      $data->follow_users = array(); 

      if(($type && $type == 'hisfollowers') || ($type === FALSE)){ 
       $r = $this->db2->query('SELECT suscriber FROM relations WHERE leader="'.$uid.'" AND type_leader=0 ORDER BY idrelation DESC', FALSE); 
       while($o = $this->db2->fetch_object($r)) { 
        $data->followers[intval($o->suscriber)] = 1; 
      if(($type && $type == 'hefollows') || ($type === FALSE)){ 
       $r = $this->db2->query('SELECT leader FROM relations WHERE suscriber="'.$uid.'" AND type_leader=0 ORDER BY idrelation DESC', FALSE); 
       while($o = $this->db2->fetch_object($r)) { 
        $data->follow_users[intval($o->leader)] = 2; 
      return $data; 

     public function get_country($codecountry) 
      return $this->db2->fetch_field('SELECT country FROM country WHERE code="'.$codecountry.'" LIMIT 1'); 

     public function get_region($idregion) 
      return $this->db2->fetch_field('SELECT region FROM country_region WHERE idregion='.$idregion.' LIMIT 1'); 

     public function isUserVerified($uid) 
      if(! $this->id) { 
       return FALSE; 
      $uid = intval($uid); 
      if(0 == $uid) { 
       return FALSE; 

      $r = $this->db2->query('SELECT verified FROM users WHERE iduser="'.$uid.'" LIMIT 1', FALSE); 
      if ($o = $this->db2->fetch_object($r)) { 
       if ($o->verified==1) return TRUE; 
      return FALSE; 

     public function getUserAleat($total, $exclude=0, $privacy=-1) 
      global $user; 
      $condition = ''; 
      if ($user->is_logged) { 
       $friends = $this->db2->fetch_all('SELECT iduser FROM friends, users WHERE accepted<>0 AND ((user1=iduser AND user2='.$user->id.') OR (user1='.$user->id.' AND user2=iduser))'); 

       if (count($friends)>0) { 
        $arrayFriends = array(); 
        foreach($friends as $onefriend) { 
         $arrayFriends[] = $onefriend->iduser; 
        $condition = ' iduser NOT IN ('.implode(',',$arrayFriends).') AND '; 
      if ($privacy==-1) $r = $this->db2->fetch_all('SELECT * FROM users WHERE '.$condition.' active=1 AND iduser<>'.$exclude.' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT '.$total); 
      else $r = $this->db2->fetch_all('SELECT * FROM users WHERE '.$condition.' active=1 AND privacy='.$privacy.' AND iduser<>'.$exclude.' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT '.$total); 
      return $r; 

     public function getPostsUser($iduser) 
      $r = $this->db2->fetch_all('SELECT idpost, code FROM posts WHERE iduser='.$iduser); 
      return $r; 

     public function getCodePost($idp) 
      $idp = intval($idp); 
      if(0 == $idp) return FALSE; 
      return $this->db2->fetch_field('SELECT code FROM posts WHERE idpost='.$idp.' LIMIT 1'); 

     public function getURLPage($idpage) 
      $idpage = intval($idpage); 
      if(0 == $idpage) return FALSE; 
      return $this->db2->fetch_field('SELECT url FROM pages WHERE idpage='.$idpage.' LIMIT 1'); 

     public function getURLGroup($idgroup) 
      $idgroup = intval($idgroup); 
      if(0 == $idgroup) return FALSE; 
      return $this->db2->fetch_field('SELECT url FROM groups WHERE idgroup='.$idgroup.' LIMIT 1'); 

     public function getCodeGroup($idgroup) 
      $idgroup = intval($idgroup); 
      if(0 == $idgroup) return FALSE; 
      return $this->db2->fetch_field('SELECT code FROM groups WHERE idgroup='.$idgroup.' LIMIT 1'); 

     public function getInfoGroup($idgroup) 
      $idgroup = intval($idgroup); 
      if(0 == $idgroup) return FALSE; 
      $r = $this->db2->fetch('SELECT url, name_group FROM groups WHERE idgroup='.$idgroup.' LIMIT 1'); 
      return $r; 

     public function verifiedPost($code, $idu) 
      $code = $this->db2->e($code); 
      if (strlen($code) != 11) return FALSE; 
      $idu = intval($idu); 
      if(0 == $idu) return FALSE; 
      return $this->db2->fetch_field('SELECT idpost FROM posts WHERE code="'.$code.'" AND iduser='.$idu.' LIMIT 1'); 

     public function verifiedPostinPage($code, $idpage) 
      $code = $this->db2->e($code); 
      if (strlen($code) != 11) return FALSE; 
      $idpage = intval($idpage); 
      if(0 == $idpage) return FALSE; 
      return $this->db2->fetch_field('SELECT idpost FROM posts WHERE code="'.$code.'" AND posted_in=1 AND id_wall='.$idpage.' LIMIT 1'); 

     public function verifiedPostinGroup($code, $idgroup) 
      $code = $this->db2->e($code); 
      if (strlen($code) != 11) return FALSE; 
      $idgroup = intval($idgroup); 
      if(0 == $idgroup) return FALSE; 
      return $this->db2->fetch_field('SELECT idpost FROM posts WHERE code="'.$code.'" AND posted_in=2 AND id_wall='.$idgroup.' LIMIT 1'); 

     public function idwall($code, $type) 
      $code = $this->db2->e($code); 
      if (strlen($code) != 11) return FALSE; 
      switch ($type) { 
       case 0: 
        return $this->db2->fetch_field('SELECT iduser FROM users WHERE code="'.$code.'" LIMIT 1'); 
       case 1: 
        return $this->db2->fetch_field('SELECT idpage FROM pages WHERE code="'.$code.'" LIMIT 1'); 
       case 2: 
        return $this->db2->fetch_field('SELECT idgroup FROM groups WHERE code="'.$code.'" LIMIT 1'); 

     public function infoBasicWall($posted_in, $id_wall) 
      switch ($posted_in) { 
       case 0: 
        $r = $this->db2->fetch('SELECT code, username, firstname, lastname FROM users WHERE iduser='.$id_wall.' LIMIT 1'); 
       case 1: 
        $r = $this->db2->fetch('SELECT code, url, title, idpage FROM pages WHERE idpage='.$id_wall.' LIMIT 1'); 
       case 2: 
        $r = $this->db2->fetch('SELECT idgroup, code, url, name_group FROM groups WHERE idgroup='.$id_wall.' LIMIT 1'); 
      return $r;   

     public function getComment($idc) 
      $idc = intval($idc); 
      if(0 == $idc) return FALSE; 
      return $this->db2->fetch_field('SELECT comment FROM comments WHERE idcomment='.$idc.' LIMIT 1'); 

     public function getInfoCommentById($idc) 
      $idc = intval($idc); 
      if(0 == $idc) return FALSE; 
      return $this->db2->fetch('SELECT posts.code, posts.iduser, comment, username FROM comments, posts, users WHERE users.iduser=posts.iduser AND comments.idpost=posts.idpost AND idcomment='.$idc.' LIMIT 1'); 

     public function getUsername($idu) 
      $idu = intval($idu); 
      if(0 == $idu) return FALSE; 
      return $this->db2->fetch_field('SELECT username FROM users WHERE iduser='.$idu.' LIMIT 1'); 

     public function getNumNotifications($idu) 
      $idu = intval($idu); 
      if(0 == $idu) return FALSE; 
      return $this->db2->fetch_field('SELECT num_notifications FROM users WHERE iduser='.$idu.' LIMIT 1'); 

     public function getNameCatPage($idcat) 
      $idcat = intval($idcat); 
      if(0 == $idcat) return FALSE; 
      return $this->db2->fetch_field('SELECT name FROM pages_cat WHERE idcategory='.$idcat.' LIMIT 1'); 

     public function getUsersAleatHome($quantity=8) 
      //$r = $this->db2->fetch_all("SELECT * FROM users WHERE active=1 AND avatar<>'' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT ".$quantity); 
      $r = $this->db2->fetch_all("SELECT * FROM users WHERE active=1 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT ".$quantity); 
      return $r;   

     public function getTrendsTopic($quantity=10) 
      global $C; 
      $timenow = time(); 
      $timeoneday = time() - 86400000 * $C->NUM_DAYS_TRENDS; 
      $r = $this->db2->fetch_all("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT iduser) total, trend FROM trends WHERE whendate < '".$timenow."' AND whendate > '".$timeoneday."' && trend <> '' GROUP BY trend ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT ".$quantity); 
      return $r;   

     // Check if $uid1 is a friend of $uid2 
     public function verifyFriendship($uid1, $uid2, $action) 
      if(! $this->id) { 
       return FALSE; 
      $uid1 = intval($uid1); 
      $uid2 = intval($uid2); 
      if(0 == $uid1 || 0 == $uid2) { 
       return FALSE; 

      switch ($action) { 
       case 1: 
        return $this->db2->fetch_field('SELECT id FROM friends WHERE (user1='.$uid2.' AND user2='.$uid1.') OR (user1='.$uid1.' AND user2='.$uid2.')'); 
       case 2: 
       case 3: 
       case 4: 
        return $this->db2->fetch_field('SELECT id FROM friends WHERE accepted=0 AND ((user1='.$uid2.' AND user2='.$uid1.') OR (user1='.$uid1.' AND user2='.$uid2.'))'); 
       case 5: 
        return $this->db2->fetch_field('SELECT id FROM friends WHERE accepted<>0 AND ((user1='.$uid2.' AND user2='.$uid1.') OR (user1='.$uid1.' AND user2='.$uid2.'))'); 

     public function idOwnerPost($idpost) 
      $idp = intval($idpost); 
      if(0 == $idp) return FALSE; 
      return $this->db2->fetch_field('SELECT iduser FROM posts WHERE idpost='.$idp.' LIMIT 1'); 

     public function PostLiketoUser($iduser, $idpost) 
      $r = $this->db2->fetch_field('SELECT idlike FROM likes WHERE iduser='.$iduser.' AND idpost='.$idpost.' LIMIT 1'); 
      return $r; 

     public function getCommentsPost($start, $quantity, $idpost, $iduhidden=0) 
      $sqlCommentsHiddens = ''; 
      if ($iduhidden != 0) { 
       $sqlCommentsHiddens = ' SELECT iditem FROM hiddens WHERE typeitem=2 AND iduser='.$iduhidden; 
       $sqlCommentsHiddens = ' idcomment NOT IN ('.$sqlCommentsHiddens.') AND '; 

      $r = $this->db2->fetch_all(' 
      SELECT idcomment, comments.whendate, comment, comments.iduser, username, firstname, lastname, avatar, idpost, users.code as ucode 
      FROM comments, users 
      WHERE '.$sqlCommentsHiddens.' 
      AND idpost='.$idpost.' 
      ORDER BY comments.whendate DESC 
      LIMIT '.$start.','.$quantity); 
      return $r; 

     public function getNumCommentsPost($idpost, $iduhidden=0) 
      $sqlCommentsHiddens = ''; 
      if ($iduhidden != 0) { 
       $sqlCommentsHiddens = ' SELECT iditem FROM hiddens WHERE typeitem=2 AND iduser='.$iduhidden; 
       $sqlCommentsHiddens = ' idcomment NOT IN ('.$sqlCommentsHiddens.') AND '; 

      $r = $this->db2->fetch_field(' 
      SELECT count(idcomment) 
      FROM comments 
      WHERE '.$sqlCommentsHiddens.' 
      return $r; 

     public function idOwnerPage($idpage) 
      $idp = intval($idpage); 
      if(0 == $idp) return FALSE; 
      return $this->db2->fetch_field('SELECT idowner FROM pages WHERE idpage='.$idp.' LIMIT 1'); 

     public function idOwnerGroup($idgroup) 
      $idg = intval($idgroup); 
      if(0 == $idg) return FALSE; 
      return $this->db2->fetch_field('SELECT idcreator FROM groups WHERE idgroup='.$idg.' LIMIT 1'); 




* NOTE: Designed for use with PHP version 4, 5 and up 
* @author Santos Montano B. <[email protected], [email protected]> 
* @country Perú 
* @copyright 2016 
* @version: 1.5.3 

* Configuration file. 

    $C = new stdClass; 

    $C->INCPATH = dirname(__FILE__).'/'; 

    $C->SITE_URL = 'http://localhost/'; 
    $C->DOMAIN = 'http://localhost'; 

    $C->DB_HOST = 'localhost'; 
    $C->DB_USER = 'root'; 
    $C->DB_PASS = ''; 
    $C->DB_NAME = 'SCM'; 
    $C->DB_MYEXT = 'mysql'; // 'mysqli' or 'mysql' 

    // Folder of user data 
    $C->FOLDER_DATA = "data/"; 

    // Temporary folder 
    $C->FOLDER_TMP = "data/tmp/"; 

    // Avatars folder users 
    $C->FOLDER_AVATAR = "data/avatars/";  
    $C->AVATAR_DEFAULT = 'default.jpg'; 

    // Avatars folder pages 
    $C->FOLDER_AVATAR_PAGES = "data/avatars_pages/";  
    $C->AVATAR_DEFAULT_PAGE = 'default.jpg'; 

    // Avatars folder groups 
    $C->FOLDER_AVATAR_GROUPS = "data/avatars_groups/"; 
    $C->AVATAR_DEFAUL_GROUP = 'default.jpg';  

    // Sizes for the avatar 
    $C->widthAvatar0 = 180; 
    $C->widthAvatar1 = 100; 
    $C->heightAvatar1 = 100; 
    $C->widthAvatar2 = 50; 
    $C->heightAvatar2 = 50; 
    $C->widthAvatar3 = 26; 
    $C->heightAvatar3 = 26; 
    $C->widthAvatar4 = 180; 
    $C->heightAvatar4 = 180; 

    $C->SIZE_IMAGEN_AVATAR = 2 * 1024 * 1024; // 2 MB; 

    // photos folder users 
    $C->FOLDER_PHOTOS = "data/photos/"; 

    // photos folder pages 
    $C->FOLDER_PHOTOS_PAGES = "data/photos_pages/"; 

    // photos folder groups 
    $C->FOLDER_PHOTOS_GROUPS = "data/photos_groups/"; 

    $C->SIZE_PHOTO = 5 * 1024 * 1024; // 5 MB; 

    // Sizes for the photos 
    $C->widthPhotoThumbail = 230; 


    // Covers folder users 
    $C->FOLDER_COVERS = "data/covers/"; 

    // Covers folder pages 
    $C->FOLDER_COVERS_PAGES = "data/covers_pages/"; 

    // Covers folder groups 
    $C->FOLDER_COVERS_GROUPS = "data/covers_groups/"; 

    // Sizes for the covers 
    $C->widthCover1 = 946; 
    $C->heightCover1 = 300; 
    $C->widthCover2 = 712; 
    $C->heightCover2 = 226; 
    $C->widthCover3 = 350; 
    $C->heightCover3 = 111; 

    $C->SIZE_IMAGEN_COVER = 5 * 1024 * 1024; // 5 MB; 


    // Background folder of images in home 
    $C->FOLDER_BGHOME = "data/bghome/"; 


    // Images of Ads of users 
    $C->FOLDER_ADS = "data/ads/"; 


    // Albums of users 
    $C->FOLDER_ALBUMS = "data/albums/"; 


    //if you want to view page view statistics in administration section set the value to TRUE, 
    $C->write_page_view_is_active = FALSE; 

    $C->FB_APPID = '111100001111000'; 
    $C->FB_SECRET = '44445555666677778888999900000000'; 

    $C->TW_APPID = 'xxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyx'; 
    $C->TW_SECRET = 'aaaabbbbaaaabbbbaaaabbbbaaaabbbbaaaabbbbaaabbbbaa'; 
    $C->DOMAIN_EMAIL_TW = 'kanorika.com'; //usually your domain 

    // Settings for Mail 
    $C->FromName = 'Friendly'; 
    $C->From = '[email protected]'; 
    $C->Host = 'mail.kanorika.com'; 
    $C->Port = '587'; 
    $C->UsernameMail = '[email protected]'; 
    $C->PasswordMail = 'yourpass'; 


    /*** VERSION 1.2 ***/ 

    $C->widthAd1 = 180; 
    $C->heightAd1 = 90; 

    $C->widthAd2 = 100; 
    $C->heightAd2 = 50; 

    /*** END VERSION 1.2 ***/ 

    /*** VERSION 1.3 ***/ 

    $C->VK_APPID = '1111111'; 
    $C->VK_SECRET = 'xxxxdddxxxdddaaawwwsss'; 
    $C->DOMAIN_EMAIL_VK = 'kanorika.com'; //usually your domain 

    $C->SHOW_APP = TRUE; // Show "images link" for download your app android 

    /*** END VERSION 1.3 ***/ 

    /*** VERSION 1.4 ***/ 

    $C->GP_CLIENTID = '1122112211221-qvd3f4d3f4s2d3f4g5h6j7t5r4w2e3r4.apps.googleusercontent.com'; 
    $C->GP_CLIENTSECRET = 'r4t5y6u7i8o9e3r4t5y6e3r4'; 

    $C->IN_APIKEY = '77defrg5h6e3r4'; 
    $C->IN_SECRETKEY = 'E343ere3r4r4r4r4'; 
    $C->DOMAIN_EMAIL_IN = 'kanorika.com'; //usually your domain 

    $C->YH_CONSUMERKEY = 'dj0defrgthyswdefrgthyjukiloswdefrgtdefrgthyewdsewrefdregftrewdsewrefdretrgfwdsewdsrefdrer--'; 
    $C->YH_CONSUMERSECRET = '3329fwget4y5dsewfdredsew3243re4354tr32ew'; 
    $C->YH_DOMAIN_MAIN = 'www.kanorika.com'; //usually your domain 

    /*** END VERSION 1.4 ***/ 




