2017-05-03 24 views

我有一个网格中的组产品选项的嵌套数组。我想要一个弹出式编辑器,列出每个分组产品选项的所有产品(产品选项),并允许用户检查它们之间的关系。我曾经遇到过多对多关系的例子,但没有看到多对多的自我参照的例子。Knockoutjs - 自引用多对多复选框列表的嵌套组阵列


grouptitle: "User Band", 
productoptionrows: [{ 
    id: "1", 
    producttitle: "25-100", 
    relatedproductoptionrows: [{ 
     id: "4", 
     title: '1 Year' 
    }, { 
     id: "5", 
     title: '2 Year' 
    }, { 
     id: "6", 
     title: '3 Year' 




/*Select Options*/ 
var initialData = [{ 
    grouptitle: "User Band", 
    productoptionrows: [{ 
     id: "1", 
     producttitle: "25-100", 
     relatedproductoptionrows: [{ 
      id: "4", 
      producttitle: '1 Year' 
     }, { 
      id: "5", 
      producttitle: '2 Year' 
     }, { 
      id: "6", 
      producttitle: '3 Year' 
    }, { 
     id: "2", 
     producttitle: "101-250", 
     relatedproductoptionrows: [{ 
      id: "7", 
      producttitle: '1 Year' 
     }, { 
      id: "8", 
      producttitle: '2 Year' 
     }, { 
      id: "9", 
      producttitle: '3 Year' 
    }, { 
     id: "3", 
     producttitle: "251-500", 
     relatedproductoptionrows: [{ 
      id: "10", 
      producttitle: '1 Year' 
     }, { 
      id: "11", 
      producttitle: '2 Year' 
     }, { 
      id: "12", 
      producttitle: '3 Year' 
}, { 
    grouptitle: "Please select the number of years license", 
    productoptionrows: [{ 
     id: "4", 
     producttitle: "1 Year", 
     relatedproductoptionrows: [] 
    }, { 
     id: "5", 
     producttitle: "2 Year", 
     relatedproductoptionrows: [] 
    }, { 
     id: "6", 
     producttitle: "3 Year", 
     relatedproductoptionrows: [] 
    }, { 
     id: "7", 
     producttitle: "1 Year", 
     relatedproductoptionrows: [] 
    }, { 
     id: "8", 
     producttitle: "2 Year", 
     relatedproductoptionrows: [] 
    }, { 
     id: "9", 
     producttitle: "3 Year", 
     relatedproductoptionrows: [] 
    }, { 
     id: "10", 
     producttitle: "1 Year", 
     relatedproductoptionrows: [] 
    }, { 
     id: "11", 
     producttitle: "2 Year", 
     relatedproductoptionrows: [] 
    }, { 
     id: "12", 
     producttitle: "3 Year", 
     relatedproductoptionrows: [] 


$(document).ready(function() { 
    var mappingOptions = { 
     'productoptionrows': { 
      create: function (options) { 
       return new productoptionrow(options.data); 
    var mappingOptionsPR = { 
     create: function (options) { 
      return new productoptionrow(options.data); 
    var productoptionrow = function (por) { 
     var self = ko.mapping.fromJS(por, {}, this); 
     self.relatedproductoptionrowscsv = ko.computed(function() { 
      return $(por.relatedproductoptionrows).map(function() { 
       return this.id; 
     }, self); 
     self.selectedrelatedproductoptionrows = ko.observableArray($(por.relatedproductoptionrows).map(function() { 
      return this.id; 
    var ProductOptionModel = function (data) { 
     var self = this; 
     self.productoptions = ko.mapping.fromJS(data, mappingOptions); 
     self.isOpen = ko.observable(false); 
     self.selectedrelatedproductoptionrows = ko.observableArray([]); 
     /*Control Events*/ 
     self.addProductOption = function() { 
      var newoption = ko.mapping.fromJS({ 
       grouptitle: "Please select the number of years license", 
       productoptionrows: ko.observableArray([{ 
        id: "15", 
        producttitle: "25-100", 
        relatedproductoptionrows: [] 
       }, { 
        id: "16", 
        producttitle: "101-250", 
        relatedproductoptionrows: [] 
       }, { 
        id: "17", 
        producttitle: "251-500", 
        relatedproductoptionrows: [] 
      }, mappingOptions); 
     self.copyProductOption = function (productoption) { 
      var copy = ko.mapping.fromJS(ko.mapping.toJS(productoption), mappingOptions); 
     self.removeProductOption = function (productoption) { 
     self.addProductOptionRow = function (productoption) { 
      var newrow = ko.mapping.fromJS({ 
       id: "15", 
       producttitle: "25-100", 
       relatedproductoptionrows: [] 
      }, mappingOptionsPR); 
     self.removeProductOptionRow = function (productoption) { 
      $.each(self.productoptions(), function() { 
     self.open = function (productoption, event) { 
     self.close = function() { 
    ko.applyBindings(new ProductOptionModel(initialData), document.getElementById('page-wrapper')); 

<link href="https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.1/themes/ui-lightness/jquery-ui.css" rel="stylesheet" /> 
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.4.min.js"></script> 
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.1/jquery-ui.min.js"></script> 
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/knockout/3.4.2/knockout-min.js"></script> 
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/knockout.mapping/2.4.1/knockout.mapping.min.js"></script> 
<script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/gvas/knockout-jqueryui/075b303a/dist/knockout-jqueryui.min.js"></script> 

<div id="page-wrapper"> 
      <button title="Add Group Option" type="button" data-bind='click: $root.addProductOption'>Add Group Option</button> 
     <div id="options" data-bind="foreach: productoptions"> 
      <div style="padding:10px;margin:20px;background-color:whitesmoke"> 
       <table class="option-header" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> 
          <th>Group Title <span class="required">*</span></th> 
           <button title="Copy" type="button" class="" style="" data-bind='click: $root.copyProductOption'>Copy Group</button> &nbsp;&nbsp; 
           <button title="Delete Option" type="button" data-bind='click: $root.removeProductOption'>Delete Group Option</button> 
         <tr style="height:36px;"> 
           <input type="text" data-bind='value: grouptitle'> 
        <table class="option-header-rows" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> 
          <tr class="headings"> 
           <th colspan="2" class="type-title">Product Title <span class="required">*</span></th> 
           <th>Related Ids</th> 
         <tbody data-bind="foreach: productoptionrows"> 
           <td align="center"> 
            <input required type="text" style="width:40px" data-bind='value: id'> 
           <td colspan="2"> 
            <input type="text" value="25-100" data-bind='value: producttitle'> 
            <input type="text" data-bind='value: relatedproductoptionrowscsv' name="isdefault"><a href="#" data-bind="click: $root.open, disable: $root.isOpen">Lookup</a> 
            <button title="Delete Row" type="button" data-bind='click: $root.removeProductOptionRow'>Delete Row</button> 
           <td align="right"> 
            <button title="Add New Row" type="button" data-bind='click: $root.addProductOptionRow'>Add New Row</button> 
     <!-- popup --> 
     <div data-bind="dialog: { isOpen: isOpen,title:'Select relations', modal:true }"> 
      <div data-bind="foreach: $root.productoptions"> 
       <div data-bind='text: grouptitle'></div> 
       <div data-bind="foreach: productoptionrows"> 
         <input type="checkbox" data-bind="value:id, checkedValue: selectedrelatedproductoptionrows" style="width:auto" /> 
         ID <span data-bind='text: id'></span> - <span data-bind='text: producttitle'></span> 
     <pre data-bind="text: ko.toJSON($data, null, 2)"></pre> 

我真的希望有人能明白我尝试实现我怎样得到这个工作现在已经有好几天了。 在此先感谢





所以你有两个列表:ProductsOptions。每个产品可以有一个或多个选项。因此每个选项可以有0个或更多的链接产品。 (这就是你说的多对多关系,对吧?)


function Product(data) { 
    this.title = data.producttitle; 
    this.id = data.id; 

    this.options = data.relatedproductoptionrows; 
    this.selectedOptions = ko.observableArray([]); 


<div data-bind="foreach: options"> 
    <input type="checkbox" 
      data-bind="checked: $parent.selectedOptions, checkedValue: $data"> 

    <span data-bind="text: producttitle"></span> 




// Every product that has an option with my `id` is a related product 
relatedProducts = products.filter(
    p => p.options.some(o => o.id === this.id) 


checked: ko.computed({ 
    // When the current `option` is in the linked product's 
    // selected options, it must be checked 
    read:() => p.selectedOptions().includes(linkedObj), 

    // When forcing the checked to true/false, 
    // we need to either add or remove the option to the 
    // linked product's selection 
    write: val => val 
    ? p.selectedOptions.push(linkedObj) 
    : p.selectedOptions.remove(linkedObj) 


const products = getProducts(); 
const options = getOptions(); 
function Product(data) { 
    this.title = data.producttitle; 
    this.id = data.id; 
    this.options = data.relatedproductoptionrows; 
    this.selectedOptions = ko.observableArray([]); 

Product.fromData = data => new Product(data); 

function Option(data, products) { 
    this.title = data.producttitle; 
    this.id = data.id; 
    this.products = products 
    // Only include products that allow this option 
     p => p.options.some(o => o.id === this.id) 
    // Create a computed checked property for each product- 
    // option relation 
    .map(p => { 
     // The `option` objects in our product are different 
     // from this instance. So we find our representation 
     // via our id first. 
     const linkedObj = p.options.find(o => o.id === this.id); 
     return { 
     checked: ko.computed({ 
      // Checked when this option is in the selectedOptions 
      read:() => p.selectedOptions().includes(linkedObj), 
      // When set to true, add our representation to the selection, 
      // when set to false, remove it. 
      write: val => val 
      ? p.selectedOptions.push(linkedObj) 
      : p.selectedOptions.remove(linkedObj) 
     title: p.title 

var App = function(products, options) { 
    this.products = products.map(Product.fromData); 
    this.options = options.map(o => new Option(o, this.products)); 

ko.applyBindings(new App(products, options)); 


// Test data 
function getProducts() { 
    return [{ 
    id: "1", 
    producttitle: "25-100", 
    relatedproductoptionrows: [{ 
     id: "4", 
     producttitle: '1 Year' 
    }, { 
     id: "5", 
     producttitle: '2 Year' 
    }, { 
     id: "6", 
     producttitle: '3 Year' 
    }, { 
    id: "2", 
    producttitle: "101-250", 
    relatedproductoptionrows: [{ 
     id: "7", 
     producttitle: '1 Year' 
    }, { 
     id: "8", 
     producttitle: '2 Year' 
    }, { 
     id: "9", 
     producttitle: '3 Year' 
    }, { 
    id: "3", 
    producttitle: "251-500", 
    relatedproductoptionrows: [{ 
     id: "10", 
     producttitle: '1 Year' 
    }, { 
     id: "11", 
     producttitle: '2 Year' 
    }, { 
     id: "12", 
     producttitle: '3 Year' 

function getOptions() { 
    return [{ 
     id: "4", 
     producttitle: "1 Year", 
     relatedproductoptionrows: [] 
    }, { 
     id: "5", 
     producttitle: "2 Year", 
     relatedproductoptionrows: [] 
    }, { 
     id: "6", 
     producttitle: "3 Year", 
     relatedproductoptionrows: [] 
    }, { 
     id: "7", 
     producttitle: "1 Year", 
     relatedproductoptionrows: [] 
    }, { 
     id: "8", 
     producttitle: "2 Year", 
     relatedproductoptionrows: [] 
    }, { 
     id: "9", 
     producttitle: "3 Year", 
     relatedproductoptionrows: [] 
    }, { 
     id: "10", 
     producttitle: "1 Year", 
     relatedproductoptionrows: [] 
    }, { 
     id: "11", 
     producttitle: "2 Year", 
     relatedproductoptionrows: [] 
    }, { 
     id: "12", 
     producttitle: "3 Year", 
     relatedproductoptionrows: [] 
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/knockout/3.4.2/knockout-min.js"></script> 
<div style="display: flex"> 
    <ul data-bind="foreach: products"> 
     <p data-bind="text: title"></p> 
     <div data-bind="foreach: options"> 
      <input type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: $parent.selectedOptions, checkedValue: $data"> 
      <span data-bind="text: producttitle"></span> 


    <ul data-bind="foreach: options"> 
     <p data-bind="text: title"></p> 
     <div data-bind="foreach: products"> 
      <input type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: checked"> 
      <span data-bind="text: title"></span> 