2015-06-22 41 views



鉴于整数数组A1,A2,... AN,你必须在阵列中执行两种类型的 查询。

  • 1 x y。向Ax添加1×2,向Ax + 1添加2×3,向Ax + 2添加3×4,向Ax35添加4×5至 ,依次类推,直到Ay。

  • 2 x y。找到从 指数x到指数y模109 + 7的所有整数的总和,即find(Ax + Ax + 1 + ... + Ay)mod(109 + 7)。



第一行包含两个空间分开的整数,N 和Q. N表示数组的大小,Q表示查询的数量。

接下来的Q行中的每一行都将包含1 x y或2 x y的查询。



输出格式对于形式2的xy打印的每个查询要求的 的答案。

Sample Input 

10 5 
1 1 10 
2 2 7 
1 4 8 
1 5 6 
2 6 6 



After the first query, the array is [2,6,12,20,30,42,56,72,90,110]. 
The answer for the second query is 6+12+20+30+42=166. 
After the third query, the array is [2,6,12,22,36,54,76,102,90,110]. 
After the fourth query, the array is [2,6,12,22,38,60,76,102,90,110]. 
The answer for the fifth query is 60. 


#include <bits/stdc++.h> 
const int N = 2 * 100005; 
const long long MOD = 1000000007; 
const long long INV = 333333336; 

using namespace std; 

int n; 
int nQuery; 

struct BIT { 
    int bit[N]; 
    BIT() { 
     memset(bit, 0, sizeof(bit)); 

    void inc(int i, int v) { 
     for (; i < N; i += i & -i) { 
      bit[i] += v; 
      bit[i] %= MOD; 

    void incRange(int i, int j, int v) { 
     inc(i, v); inc(j + 1, MOD - v); 

    int get(int i) { 
     int res = 0; 
     for (; i > 0; i -= i & -i) 
      res = (res + bit[i]) % MOD; 
     return res; 
} First, Second, Third, Const; 

int sum(long long x, long long y) { 
    return ((x + y) % MOD + MOD) % MOD; 

void update(long long l, long long r) { 
    Third.incRange(l, r, 1); 
    Second.incRange(l, r, MOD - sum(l - 1, sum(l - 2, l - 3))); 
    First.incRange(l, r, sum((l - 1) * (l - 2) % MOD, sum((l - 2) * (l - 3) % MOD, (l - 1) * (l - 3) % MOD))); 
    Const.incRange(l, r, sum(MOD - (l - 1) * (l - 2) % MOD * (l - 3) % MOD, MOD)); 
    Const.incRange(r + 1, n, (r - l + 1) * (r - l + 2) % MOD * (r - l + 3) % MOD); 

int getSum(long long x) { 
    return (x * x % MOD * x % MOD * Third.get(x) % MOD + x * x % MOD * Second.get(x) % MOD + x * First.get(x) % MOD + Const.get(x)) % MOD * INV % MOD; 

int main() { 
    ios::sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0); 
#ifdef _LAD_ 
    freopen("square-array.txt", "r", stdin); 
#endif // _LAD_ 
    cin >> n >> nQuery; 
    int x, y, type; 
    while (nQuery--) { 
     cin >> type >> x >> y; 
     if (type == 1) { 
      update(x, y); 
#ifdef _LAD_ 
      for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) 
       cout << ((getSum(i) - getSum(i - 1) + MOD) % MOD) << ' '; 
      cout << endl; 
#endif // _LAD_ 
      cout << (getSum(y) - getSum(x - 1) + MOD) % MOD << '\n'; 
    return 0; 

需要一些帮助..plzz – Nakshatra
