2017-03-03 28 views

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<meta name="Description" content="Three fun-filled days in Portsmouth NH as the magic of Greece comes to town. The Glendi or party will begin on Friday, July 15th, July 16th and July 17th with authentic Greek food. We will offer live Greek music from the band orfeas and continual music by DJ Meleti. In addition to the food, there will be booths that will offer imported jewelry, arts and crafts from Greece. A children's play area will ensure the entire family enjoys their virtual visit to this ancient land."> 
<meta name="Keywords" content=" st. nicholas greek orthodox church, nicholas in greek, greek cuisine, st. nicholas greek orthodox cathedral, charleston food and wine, greek orthodox archdiocese, goarch.org, greek food festivals, st nicholas greek festival, greek food festival, wine events, orthodox christianity, food and wine events, wine tasting events, greek orthodox calendar, dallas greek festival, greek festival st. louis, st nick gift ideas, st nicholas greek orthodox, what to do in portsmouth nh, wine and food events, greek for church, greek orthodox religion, food and wine festival 2016, nicholas greek, st nicholas greek, st louis greek, festival seacoast online calendar, portsmouth events, orthodox music, greek orthodox christian, greek orthodox churches, greek orthodox music, greek orthodox christianity, greek festival st louis mo, greek dates, seacoast nh events, st nick gifts, greek orthodox icon, annunciation ,greek orthodox wine event, orthodox greek food and wine festivals, 2016 food and wine event, church in greek, greek orthodox church ann arbor, famous greek foods, portsmouth high, charleston wine festival, live music in portsmouth nh, activities in portsmouth nh, greek orthodox faith, greek orthodox festival st nicholas, orthodox greek nicholas, food and wine tasting, food and wine shows, food and wine events 2016, moving to portsmouth nh, portsmouth nh food music festival july, portsmouth nh classifieds, greek food items, live music in nh, festival this weekend, festival of food, eastern orthodox music, greek orthodox religious items, glendi festival, music festival, vendors, where is portsmouth nh, portsmouth activities, saint nicholas orthodox, becoming greek orthodox, greek church, music, music festival dates, greek orthodox bishop, orthodox children festival in july, greek orthodox food events in portsmouth, greek orthodox festivals, dates in greek, eastern orthodox new year, greek orthodox schools, food in portsmouth, music festival in july, beer, weekend wine activities, the greek orthodox, on line events, greek orthodox community, orthodox music "> 

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非常感谢你 – mlegg


很高兴我能帮上忙,先生。 – zer00ne


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