2017-07-19 51 views


我通过位置列表将其转换为绝对值,然后减去用户的位置值以获得距离。如果X oy Y小于先前记录的X或Y,则距离变量将被新值更新。



locations = [(-71.43994800000002,41.6919549), 

userlocation = (-71.28254930000003,41.7303793) 

distance = [999,999] #initial value holder for distance 
for location in locations: 
    x = abs(location[0]) # absolute value of latitude 
    y = abs(location[1]) #absolute value of longitude 
    xu = abs(userlocation[0]) #absolute value of user's latitude 
    yu = abs(userlocation[1]) #absolute value of user's longitude 
    dx = x-xu #Subtract user from location X 
    dy = y-yu #subtract user from location Y 
    if dx < distance[0]: #if distance X is less than the current distance value 
     distance[0] = dx #update with new values 
     distance[1] = dy 
     continue #go to the next one 
    if dy < distance[1]: #if distance Y is less than the current distance value 
     distance[0] = dx #update with new values 
     distance[1] = dy 
     continue #go to the next one 
print(distance) #print the end smallest result 

经度和纬度都没有X/Y。您不能简单地计算两个此类坐标之间的欧几里德距离或曼哈顿距离等。 Furterhermore还有一个wraparond。 –


你需要多精确?因为欧几里得距离可能不够精确 - 例如,两极的纬度需要〜111.7公里,而在赤道它只覆盖〜110.6公里。 – zwer


我知道,当我扩大到整个地球时,我们无法将这些坐标表示为网格,但是我正在美国的一个小地区工作,所以我认为在我的限制区内它可能适用于相对距离。我的假设是否不正确? – Reizvoller



我会尝试得到真正的距离,然后比较的距离在哈克的方式Calculate distance between two latitude-longitude points? (Haversine formula)然后

def calculate_distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2): 
    # go to the link to use the implementation 
locations = [] 
user_loc = (-71.28254930000003,41.7303793) 
ulat, ulon = user_loc 
res = map(lambda x: (calculate_distance(ulat, ulon, x[0], x[1]), x), locations) 
print min(res, key=lambda x: x[0])