2014-02-15 60 views

我使用带stellaris启动板的eclipse IDE。它运行良好,但更新来了,我从那以后收到错误消息。我使用manjaro linux.arm-none-eabi-gdb 7.7-2进行安装。更新后的GDB错误

Error in final launch sequence 
Failed to execute MI command: 
target extended-remote :3333 
Error message from debugger back end: 
:3333: Connection timed out. ,Failed to execute MI command: 
monitor reset halt 
Error message from debugger back end: 
"monitor" command not supported by this target. 
Failed to execute MI command: 
target extended-remote :3333 
Error message from debugger back end: 
:3333: Connection timed out. 
:3333: Connection timed out. 
Failed to execute MI command: 
monitor reset halt 
Error message from debugger back end: 
"monitor" command not supported by this target. 
"monitor" command not supported by this target. 


Python Exception <class 'ImportError'> No module named 'gdb': 

Could not load the Python gdb module from `/usr/share/gdb/python'. 
Limited Python support is available from the _gdb module. 
Suggest passing --data-directory=/path/to/gdb/data-directory. 



