2015-10-16 26 views

我注意到类型检查器分阶段工作。有时候,scalac只会返回一些错误,这使得你几乎认为它已经存在,但是一旦你修复了它们所有的 - 繁荣 - 下一个阶段,你突然间会发现很多错误,而这些错误之前并不存在。类型检查器阶段




我相信, Odersky从这个[talk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxyyJyB_Ssc)的幻灯片中可以看到所有阶段。 –


我一定会注意到这一点,但请注意,我(仅)对编译器停止报告错误的阶段感兴趣。 – OlivierBlanvillain


这可能是一个重复的http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4527902/what-is-the-order-of-the-scala-compiler-phases – Felix




重构报告期间支持它的代码在2.11中被删除,但该选项仍然有效。 (我在某个时候恢复了它,因为事实上,它是查看发生错误的最快方法;但显然PR在藤上死了并且消失了,可能是push -f的受害者。)



class C { def f: Int ; def g: Int = "" ; def h = "\000" } 


为了澄清这个问题,各个阶段除了“打字员”,可以创建和类型检测,树木,还可以强制树被输入后也很好typedness。 (也有其他类型的错误,例如“不能写入输出文件中。”)



package myrep 

import scala.tools.nsc.Settings 
import scala.tools.nsc.reporters.ConsoleReporter 

import scala.reflect.internal.util._ 

class DebugReporter(ss: Settings) extends ConsoleReporter(ss) { 
    override def warning(pos: Position, msg: String) = debug { 
    super.warning(pos, msg) 
    override def error(pos: Position, msg: String) = debug { 
    super.error(pos, msg) 
    // let it ride 
    override def hasErrors = false 

    private def debug(body: => Unit): Unit = { 
    val pkgs = Set("nsc.ast.parser", "nsc.typechecker", "nsc.transform") 
    def compilerPackages(e: StackTraceElement): Boolean = pkgs exists (e.getClassName contains _) 
    def classname(e: StackTraceElement): String = (e.getClassName split """\.""").last 
    if (ss.Yissuedebug) echo { 
     ((new Throwable).getStackTrace filter compilerPackages map classname).distinct mkString ("Issued from: ", ",", "\n") 


它会在 “工具类路径” 上调用这种方式,与记者类:

scalacm -toolcp repdir -Xreporter myrep.DebugReporter -Yissue-debug -deprecation errs.scala 


$ scalacm -version 
Scala compiler version 2.12.0-M2 -- Copyright 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL 


Issued from: Scanners$UnitScanner,Scanners$Scanner,Parsers$Parser,Parsers$Parser$$anonfun$templateStat$1,Parsers$Parser$$anonfun$topStat$1,Parsers$SourceFileParser,Parsers$UnitParser,SyntaxAnalyzer,SyntaxAnalyzer$ParserPhase 
errs.scala:4: warning: Octal escape literals are deprecated, use \u0000 instead. 
class C { def f: Int ; def g: Int = "" ; def h = "\000" } 
Issued from: Contexts$ImmediateReporter,Contexts$ContextReporter,Contexts$Context,ContextErrors$ErrorUtils$,ContextErrors$TyperContextErrors$TyperErrorGen$,Typers$Typer,Analyzer$typerFactory$$anon$3 
errs.scala:4: error: type mismatch; 
found : String("") 
required: Int 
class C { def f: Int ; def g: Int = "" ; def h = "\000" } 
Issued from: RefChecks$RefCheckTransformer,Transform$Phase 
errs.scala:4: error: class C needs to be abstract, since method f is not defined 
class C { def f: Int ; def g: Int = "" ; def h = "\000" } 
one warning found 
two errors found 

我意识到没有人在意,但这是你添加回来的地方。仍然在PR队列中。你为什么不添加更多的上下文? https://github.com/som-snytt/scala/blob/issue/2991-2.12/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Contexts.scala#L577 –


由于@Felix指出,this answer列出编译阶段:

$ scalac -version 
Scala compiler version 2.11.6 -- Copyright 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL 
$ scalac -Xshow-phases 
    phase name id description 
    ---------- -- ----------- 
     parser 1 parse source into ASTs, perform simple desugaring 
     namer 2 resolve names, attach symbols to named trees 
packageobjects 3 load package objects 
     typer 4 the meat and potatoes: type the trees 
     patmat 5 translate match expressions 
superaccessors 6 add super accessors in traits and nested classes 
    extmethods 7 add extension methods for inline classes 
     pickler 8 serialize symbol tables 
    refchecks 9 reference/override checking, translate nested objects 
     uncurry 10 uncurry, translate function values to anonymous classes 
    tailcalls 11 replace tail calls by jumps 
    specialize 12 @specialized-driven class and method specialization 
explicitouter 13 this refs to outer pointers 
     erasure 14 erase types, add interfaces for traits 
    posterasure 15 clean up erased inline classes 
     lazyvals 16 allocate bitmaps, translate lazy vals into lazified defs 
    lambdalift 17 move nested functions to top level 
    constructors 18 move field definitions into constructors 
     flatten 19 eliminate inner classes 
     mixin 20 mixin composition 
     cleanup 21 platform-specific cleanups, generate reflective calls 
    delambdafy 22 remove lambdas 
     icode 23 generate portable intermediate code 
      jvm 24 generate JVM bytecode 
     terminal 25 the last phase during a compilation run 



我不认为scalac暴露不同阶段的打字,只有编译阶段。 typer被列为单个编译阶段。