2015-04-02 25 views


我的服务器(错): http://tile.miklcct.csproject.org:8989/?point=22.318106%2C114.162675&point=22.317262%2C114.156554&vehicle=bike&locale=en-GB&elevation=true&layer=MapQuest

演示服务器(右): https://graphhopper.com/maps/?point=22.318106%2C114.162675&point=22.317262%2C114.156554&vehicle=bike&locale=en-GB&elevation=true&layer=MapQuest


##### Vehicles ##### 
# Possible options: car,foot,bike,bike2,mtb,racingbike,motorcycle (comma separated) 
# bike2 takes elevation data into account (like up-hill is slower than down-hill) 
# and requires enabling graph.elevation.provider below 

# Enable turn restrictions for car or motorcycle. 
# Currently you need to additionally set prepare.chWeighting=no before using this (see below and #270) 
# graph.flagEncoders=car|turnCosts=true 

##### Elevation ##### 
# To populate your graph with elevation data use SRTM, default is noop 
# default location for cache is /tmp/srtm 
# graph.elevation.cachedir=./srtmprovider/ 
# If you have a slow disk or plenty of RAM change the default MMAP to: 

##### Storage ##### 
# configure the memory access, use RAM_STORE for well equipped servers, 
# MMAP_STORE_SYNC could be used otherwise but will be a lot slower 

# if you want to reduce storage size and you don't need instructions for the resulting path use: 
# osmreader.instructions=false 

#### Speed-up Mode vs. Flexibility Mode #### 
# By default the speed-up mode with the 'fastest' weighting is used. Internally a graph preparation via 
# contraction hierarchies is done to speed routing up. This requires more RAM/disc space for holding the 
# graph but less for every request. Also only the first vehicle of the flagEncoders list will be prepared. 
# prepare.chWeighting=fastest 
# Disable the speed-up mode (contraction hierarchies, CH) via enabling the flexibility mode: 

##### Web ##### 
# if you want to support jsonp response type you need to add it explicitely here. By default it is disabled for 
# stronger security. 
# web.jsonpAllowed=true 




我发现它不是graphhopper的问题。问题是我使用的来自香港的“metro extract”的数据源,我用geofabrik.de的中国地图代替了它。问题已得到解决。