2017-10-04 44 views


Sub IdentifyGaps() 

Dim startdate As Date 'first date in column 
Dim enddate As Date 'last date in column 
Dim ust As Date 'first date of unemployment 
Dim i As Long 
ust = ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Value 

With Sheet6 
    startdate = [A1] 
    enddate = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Value 

    For i = startdate To enddate 
     If ust <> DateAdd("d", 1, i) Then 
      Sheet6.[C1].Value = DateDiff("d", i, ust) 
     End If 
    Next i 
End With 

End Sub 



enter image description here


尝试使用'结束日期= .Cells(.Rows.Count, “A”)结束(xlUp).Value'而不是行 – xthestreams


你有一个可变 - 'B' - 未在规定你提供了什么,这会引发错误(至少在我这边)。你能否提供你的工作表数据的视觉,以便我们可以更好地了解它的结构? – TotsieMae


@xthestreams谢谢你 - 这确实使宏工作;但是,给出的值是“-43074”,这意味着它尚未正常工作。 – Kim


Sub IdentifyGaps() 

Dim ws As Worksheet 
Dim Date1 As Long, Date2 As Long, Gap As Long, lRow As Long 

Set ws = Sheet6 
lRow = ws.Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 

For x = 1 To ws.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 
    Date1 = ws.Cells(x, 1).Value 
    Date2 = ws.Cells(x + 1, 1).Value 
    Gap = DateDiff("d", Date1, Date2) 
    If Gap > 1 Then 
     ws.Range("C" & lRow).Value = Gap 
     lRow = lRow + 1 
    End If 
Next x 


'Reads a column of dates and returns the length of the first gap found 
Function IdentifyGaps() As Long 
    Dim StartDate As Date 
    Dim EndDate As Date 

    'This Variable is not needed for this solution, it is instead replaced by Gap 
    'Dim ust As Date 
    Dim Gap As Long 

    'Read cell values into an array for more efficient operation 
    Dim ReadArray() As Variant 
    ReadArray = Sheet6.Range("A1").CurrentRegion 

    Dim LastRow As Long 
    LastRow = UBound(ReadArray, 1) 

    StartDate = ReadArray(1, 1) 
    EndDate = ReadArray(LastRow, 1) 

    'ThisDate and PreviousDate are declared explicitly to highlight program flow 
    Dim Row As Long 
    Dim ThisDate As Date 
    Dim PreviousDate As Date 
    For Row = 2 To UBound(ReadArray, 1) 
     ThisDate = ReadArray(Row, 1) 
     PreviousDate = ReadArray(Row - 1, 1) 
     Gap = ThisDate - PreviousDate 
     If Gap > 1 Then Exit For 
     Gap = 0 
    Next Row 

    IdentifyGaps = Gap 
End Function 
Sub ProveIt() 
    Debug.Print IdentifyGaps 
End Sub 

谢谢瑞恩!我刚刚尝试过,它似乎第一次工作,但第二次在'ReadArray = Sheet6.Range(“A1”)。CurrentRegion'时出现类型不匹配错误,唯一的区别是当我在Sheet1上时运行它,这是使用此工作簿时会发生的情况。我不知道这是否是问题所在,但如果是这样,我需要更改哪些脚本才能有效地运行,而不管活动工作表是什么? – Kim


@khelm'ActiveSheet'是表示当前活动的工作表的对象。它具有与任何其他'Worksheet'对象相同的属性和方法(虽然根据我的经验,IntelliSense不能识别它,所以不会自动完成)。 –