2016-06-17 126 views


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() 

Dim wkb As Workbook 
Dim lastRow As Integer 
Dim lastColumn As Integer 
Dim i, t, j, z, r, k, w, f, u, e, d, v, n, p, b, aa As Integer 
Dim yesCount As Integer 
Dim finalArrayCount As Integer 
Dim lastDBRow As Integer 
Dim lastMacroRow As Long 
Dim verylastDBRow As Integer 
Dim bookName As String 
Dim bookDate As String 
Dim dateString As String 
Dim activePaste As String 
Dim matchDate As String 
Dim startColumn As Long 
startColumn = (Application.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Database(CU's)").Cells(3, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column) + 1 
Dim bookCount As Integer 
bookCount = Application.Workbooks.Count - 2 
Dim wkbArray() As String 
Dim duplicateArray() As Variant 
Dim finalArray() As Variant 
ReDim wkbArray((bookCount - 1), 1) As String 

'Loop through each workbook, store book name and date from X2 in a 2d array' 

Application.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("macroPaste").Visible = True 

i = 0 
For Each wkb In Workbooks 
    If Left(wkb.Name, 15) = "CP_Inventory_By" Then 

     dateString = wkb.ActiveSheet.Range("X2").Value 
     bookName = wkb.Name 
     bookDate = Left(dateString, 5) 

     'Add book name and date to array' 

     wkbArray(i, 0) = bookName 
     wkbArray(i, 1) = bookDate 
     i = i + 1 
    End If 
Next wkb 

'create loop to specify number of times to run paste operation' 

For t = 1 To bookCount 
    matchDate = Workbooks("CP Inventory Metrics with Pallets new.xlsm").Sheets("Database(CU's)").Cells(1, startColumn).Value 

     'Find book name based on match date' 
     d = 0 
     n = 0 
     For j = 0 To (bookCount - 1) 
      If wkbArray(d, 1) = matchDate Then 
      n = n + d 
      End If 
      d = d + 1 
     Next j 

     activePaste = wkbArray(n, 0) 
     With Workbooks(activePaste).Sheets("CP_Inventory_By_Run_Date_Email") 
      lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row 
     End With 

     'Set macroPaste Range equal to activePaste range, filter criteria.' 

     Workbooks("CP Inventory Metrics with Pallets new.xlsm").Sheets("macroPaste").Range(Workbooks("CP Inventory Metrics with Pallets new.xlsm").Sheets("macroPaste").Cells(1, 1), Workbooks("CP Inventory Metrics with Pallets new.xlsm").Sheets("macroPaste").Cells(lastRow, 24)).Value = Workbooks(activePaste).Sheets("CP_Inventory_By_Run_Date_Email").Range(Workbooks(activePaste).Sheets("CP_Inventory_By_Run_Date_Email").Cells(1, 1), Workbooks(activePaste).Sheets("CP_Inventory_By_Run_Date_Email").Cells(lastRow, 24)).Value 

     With Workbooks("CP Inventory Metrics with Pallets new.xlsm").Sheets("macroPaste") 
      lastMacroRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row 
      .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(lastMacroRow, 24)).AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterInPlace, CriteriaRange:=.Range("AA1:AA12"), Unique:=False 
     End With 

     'Paste in daily paste sheet, 

     With Workbooks("CP Inventory Metrics with Pallets new.xlsm").Sheets("Paste Daily Data") 
      .Range("E1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False 
      currentLastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "E").End(xlUp).Row 
      yesCount = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(.Range(.Cells(2, 3), .Cells(currentLastRow, 3)), "Yes") 
     End With 

     'Create Array of "YES Database Items' 
     If yesCount > 0 Then 
      With Workbooks("CP Inventory Metrics with Pallets new.xlsm").Sheets("Paste Daily Data") 

       ReDim duplicateArray(yesCount, 2) As Variant 
       r = 0 

       For z = 2 To currentLastRow 
        If .Cells(z, 3).Value = "Yes" Then 
         duplicateArray(r, 0) = .Cells(z, 5).Value 
         duplicateArray(r, 1) = .Cells(z, 6).Value 
         duplicateArray(r, 2) = .Cells(z, 9).Value 
         r = r + 1 
        End If 
       Next z 
      End With 

      'Create final array with unique YES items' 
      ReDim finalArray(yesCount, 2) As Variant 
      finalArrayCount = 0 
      k = 0 
      f = 0 
      'Figure our how many times to loop through duplicate array' 
      p = 0 
      For k = 0 To yesCount 
       'Figure out if the value is already in the final array' 
       v = 0 
       aa = 0 
       For f = 0 To yesCount 
        If finalArray(aa, 1) = duplicateArray(p, 1) Then 
        v = v + 1 
        End If 
        aa = aa + 1 
       Next f 
       'if the value isn't in the final array, then add it. Otherwise, next k 
       If v = 1 Then 
        finalArray(p, 1) = duplicateArray(p, 1) 
        finalArray(p, 0) = duplicateArray(p, 0) 
        finalArray(p, 2) = duplicateArray(p, 2) 
        finalArrayCount = finalArrayCount + 1 
        p = p + 1 
       End If 

      Next k 

      'Add new values from finalArray to bottom of DatabaseCU sheet' 
      e = 0 
      b = 0 
      With Workbooks("CP Inventory Metrics with Pallets new.xlsm").Sheets("Database(CU's)") 
       lastDBRow = (.Cells(.Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row) + 1 
        For e = 0 To finalArrayCount - 1 
         .Cells(lastDBRow, 2).Value = finalArray(b, 0) 
         .Cells(lastDBRow, 3).Value = finalArray(b, 1) 
         .Cells(lastDBRow, 4).Value = finalArray(b, 2) 
         lastDBRow = lastDBRow + 1 
         b = b + 1 
        Next e 
      End With 
     End If 

     'fill down formula and move to next sheet' 

     With Workbooks("CP Inventory Metrics with Pallets new.xlsm").Sheets("Database(CU's)") 
      verylastDBRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row 
      .Range(.Cells(2, startColumn), .Cells(2, startColumn)).AutoFill Destination:=.Range(.Cells(2, startColumn), .Cells(verylastDBRow, startColumn)), Type:=xlFillDefault 
      .Range(.Cells(2, startColumn), .Cells(verylastDBRow, startColumn)).Copy 
      .Range(.Cells(2, startColumn), .Cells(verylastDBRow, startColumn)).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False 
     End With 

     'Clear daily paste 
     With Workbooks("CP Inventory Metrics with Pallets new.xlsm").Sheets("Paste Daily Data") 
      .Range(Cells(2, 5), Cells(currentLastRow, 28)).Clear 
     End With 

     'clear macro paste 
     With Workbooks("CP Inventory Metrics with Pallets new.xlsm").Sheets("macroPaste") 
      .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(lastMacroRow, 24)).Clear 
      On Error Resume Next 
      On Error GoTo 0 
     End With 

     'Erase Arrays 
     Erase finalArray, duplicateArray 

     startColumn = startColumn + 1 
Next t 

Workbooks("CP Inventory Metrics with Pallets new.xlsm").Sheets("macroPaste").Visible = False 
End Sub 

如果工作那么这个问题会更适合于http://codereview.stackexchange.com如果是不工作,请说明哪一行是抛出错误。 –


我没有收到任何运行时错误,但由于某些原因,在数组调用中使用计数器变量不起作用,因为它每次都发现相同的记录,即使它应该更改。 –




'Find book name based on match date' 
d = 0 
n = 0 
For j = 0 To (bookCount - 1) 
    If wkbArray(d, 1) = matchDate Then 
     n = n + d 
     exit for 'here 
    End If 
    d = d + 1 
Next j 

'You will then pick up the nth workbook in 
activePaste = wkbArray(n, 0) 

感谢您的帮助。经过几个小时逐一逐行浏览每一行后,我意识到我有一个巨大的逻辑缺陷;其中一个字符串的格式不同,因此if语句从未评估为真,并且每次都将“n”重置为零,这就是为什么我每次都获得相同的记录。哦,我感觉到的胜利! –