2017-10-12 53 views




编辑:我不写一个链表。我试图做的一个确切的例子可以在这里找到:TutorialsPoint.com | C - Pointer arithmetic10然而,虽然我可以运行该示例代码,并使其工作完美,我的代码每次都失败。



#include "TableOfContents.h" 
void main() 
FILE *fp;  //file reader 
char board[100] = " mHk nH l B He Flq p H hByHlho H B jr HFB ir j H F ku gd H pjB mH x BF i H m oB HlHFBhoH BB "; 
char *p1, *p2; // player 1 and player 2 
int turn = 1; 
srand(time(NULL)); // should only be called once 

       // int z[10]; // example of how to make an array 
fp = fopen("C:\\Users\\ritol\\Documents\\cities1.txt", "r"); 
inputLine = ""; 
inputP = &inputLine; // set inputP to the address for inputLine 
p1 = &board[0]; 
p2 = &board[0]; 

fp = fopen("C:\\Users\\ritol\\Documents\\outputGameBoard.txt", "w"); 

while (turn <= 45) // 
    //output the current turn 

    //call the function move for p1 
    move(*p1, *p2, turn, board); 

    turn++;//TODO: only put this in it's correct place 

    //call the function move for p2 
    move(*p1, *p2, turn, board); 
    //increment turn 

    //call output function to output current board to disk file 
    output(board, p1, p2, fp); 

//determine and output the winner 

scanf("%d", &turn); 



#pragma once 
#ifndef TOC 
#define TOC 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <time.h> 
Outputs the current game board to file 
void output(char *board, char *p1, char *p2, FILE *myfile); 

*p1 - player 1 pointer 
*p2 - player 2 pointer 
turn - the argument to determine which player to move 
*board - the size of the board 
Outputs the player number, randomly generates a move from 1-6 for the player, 
determines if the player has landed on an event, and moves accordingly, 
checks and handles player collison, 
outputs the amount the player moved and where they are now 
void move(char **p1, char **p2, int turn, int boardSize); 



#include "TableOfContents.h" 

void output(char *board, char *p1, char *p2, FILE *myfile) 
//the loop will exist once you have reached \0 
fprintf(myfile, "%s\n", board); 
//TODO: show the player locations 

Moves a player and outputs the result of each players move 
void move(char **p1, char **p2, int turn, int boardSize) 
//roll the dice 

int r = (int) (1 + (rand() % 5));  // returns a pseudo-random integer  from 1 to 6 

//REMOVE: tracer code 
if (r > 6 || r == 0) printf("The dice have sinned.\n"); 

//Apply the dice roll based on whose turn it is 
if (turn % 2 == 1)//Odd turn; Player 1's turn 
    printf("%p ", p1 + r); 
else if (turn % 2 == 0) //Even turn; Player 2's turn 
    printf("%p\n", p2); 
    p2 += r; 

你为什么要为'p1'和'p2'做不同的事情? –


算术运行正常。你没有在任何地方分配结果。 –


'c'中的所有内容都是按值传递的。当你将'p1'和'p2'传递给'move'时,这些指针的本地拷贝将在函数中完成,并且一旦函数退出就会丢失。如果你想实际改变'move'中的指针值,你需要将'p1'和'p2'的地址传递给'move',并将其定义改为'void move(char ** p1,char ** p2 ...)' – yano



这整个事情是从我误读我应该做的事情。 我本来应该返回一个char指针,而不是函数void。



首先,你P1并且p2变量在连续调用移动函数时不会改变,因为您正在按值传递指针。请参阅What's the difference between passing by reference vs. passing by value?


int r = 1 + (rand() % 5);  // returns a pseudo-random integer from 1 to 6 

接下来的一行是检查以确保r在该范围内,它完全符合我所评论的内容。 –


'rand()%5'的取值范围是0到4.加1表示取值范围为1到5。 – stark


啊,我明白了。我有一阵困惑,我并没有完全意识到我被告知这是一个比预期更小的范围。 –