我在项目中使用Visual Web Developer Express 2010,Windows XP和使用ASP.NET MVC4 RC。我已经安装了NuGet v2.0.30619.9119。安装MvcScaffolding包时NuGet执行策略错误


PM> Install-Package MvcScaffolding 
Attempting to resolve dependency 'T4Scaffolding'. 
Attempting to resolve dependency 'EntityFramework (≥ 4.1.10311.0)'. 
You are downloading EntityFramework from Microsoft, the license agreement to which is available at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=224682. Check the package for additional dependencies, which may come with their own license agreement(s). Your use of the package and dependencies constitutes your acceptance of their license agreements. If you do not accept the license agreement(s), then delete the relevant components from your device. 
Successfully installed 'EntityFramework 4.1.10715.0'. 
Successfully installed 'T4Scaffolding 1.0.6'. 
File Y:\asp\packages\T4Scaffolding.1.0.6\tools\init.ps1 cannot be loaded. The file Y:\asp\packages\T4Scaffolding.1.0.6\tools\init.ps 
1 is not digitally signed. The script will not execute on the system. Please see "get-help about_signing" for more details.. 
At line:1 char:2 
+ & <<<< 'Y:\asp\packages\T4Scaffolding.1.0.6\tools\init.ps1' $__rootPath $__toolsPath $__package $__project 
    + CategoryInfo   : NotSpecified: (:) [], PSSecurityException 
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : RuntimeException 

Successfully installed 'MvcScaffolding 1.0.7'. 
File Y:\asp\packages\MvcScaffolding.1.0.7\tools\init.ps1 cannot be loaded. The file Y:\asp\packages\MvcScaffolding.1.0.7\tools\init. 
ps1 is not digitally signed. The script will not execute on the system. Please see "get-help about_signing" for more details.. 
At line:1 char:2 
+ & <<<< 'Y:\asp\packages\MvcScaffolding.1.0.7\tools\init.ps1' $__rootPath $__toolsPath $__package $__project 
    + CategoryInfo   : NotSpecified: (:) [], PSSecurityException 
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : RuntimeException 

Successfully added 'EntityFramework 4.1.10715.0' to MyProject.Web. 
Successfully added 'T4Scaffolding 1.0.6' to MyProject.Web. 
File Y:\asp\packages\T4Scaffolding.1.0.6\tools\install.ps1 cannot be loaded. The file Y:\asp\packages\T4Scaffolding.1.0.6\tools\inst 
all.ps1 is not digitally signed. The script will not execute on the system. Please see "get-help about_signing" for more details.. 
At line:1 char:2 
+ & <<<< 'Y:\asp\packages\T4Scaffolding.1.0.6\tools\install.ps1' $__rootPath $__toolsPath $__package $__project 
    + CategoryInfo   : NotSpecified: (:) [], PSSecurityException 
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : RuntimeException 

'InstallationDummyFile.txt' already exists. Skipping... 
Successfully added 'MvcScaffolding 1.0.7' to MyProject.Web. 
File Y:\asp\packages\MvcScaffolding.1.0.7\tools\install.ps1 cannot be loaded. The file Y:\asp\packages\MvcScaffolding.1.0.7\tools\in 
stall.ps1 is not digitally signed. The script will not execute on the system. Please see "get-help about_signing" for more details.. 
At line:1 char:2 
+ & <<<< 'Y:\asp\packages\MvcScaffolding.1.0.7\tools\install.ps1' $__rootPath $__toolsPath $__package $__project 
    + CategoryInfo   : NotSpecified: (:) [], PSSecurityException 
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : RuntimeException 



PM> Get-ExecutionPolicy -List 
Scope   ExecutionPolicy 
-----   --------------- 
MachinePolicy Undefined 
UserPolicy  Undefined 
Process   RemoteSigned 
CurrentUser  Undefined 
LocalMachine Unrestricted 


PM> Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted 
Execution Policy Change 
The execution policy helps protect you from scripts that you do not trust. Changing the execution policy might expose you to the security risks described in the about_Execution_Policies help topic. Do you want to change the execution policy? 
[Y] Yes [N] No [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "Y"):Y 
Set-ExecutionPolicy : Windows PowerShell updated your execution policy successfully, but the setting is overridden by a policy defined at a more specific scope. Due to the override, your shell will 
retain its current effective execution policy of "RemoteSigned". Type "Get-ExecutionPolicy -List" to view your execution policy settings. For more information, please see "Get-Help Set-ExecutionPol 
At line:1 char:20 
+ Set-ExecutionPolicy <<<< Unrestricted 
    + CategoryInfo   : PermissionDenied: (:) [Set-ExecutionPolicy], SecurityException 
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ExecutionPolicyOverride,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetExecutionPolicyCommand 





Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope Process 

但是,当我重新启动Visual Web Developer中,设置被遗忘,我仍然得到一个错误,因为它一直试图执行init.psl文件






Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process 

但是,当我重新启动Visual Web Developer中我仍然得到同样的那些错误的PowerShell用的NuGet上启动时运行init.pls待办事项。



CAS not working for VS2010 mapped drive




Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy AllSigned -Scope CurrentUser 

要求所有脚本和配置文件由可信发布者签名,包括您在当地写剧本电脑。 在您尚未将其分类为受信任或不受信任的发布者运行脚本之前提示您。


Executing script file 'c:\users\user\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\zzz\packages\EntityFramework.6.1.3\tools\install.ps1' 
Do you want to run software from this untrusted publisher? 
File C:\users\user\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\zzz\packages\EntityFramework.6.1.3\tools\install.ps1 is published by CN=Microsoft Corporation, OU=MOPR, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US and is not trusted on your system. Only run scripts from trusted publishers. 
[V] Never run [D] Do not run [R] Run once [A] Always run [?] Help (default is "D"):R