2011-10-09 51 views

我想使用python脚本将zip文件上传到网站。该网站完全为此提供了一个API。但是,当我尝试使用它时,在加入所有要发送httplib连接请求的字符串时出现编码错误。我追查到的字符串是filedata(我的zip文件)。Python HttpConnection请求编码错误

Traceback (most recent call last): 
File "/Library/Application Junk/ProjectManager/Main.py", line 146, in OnUpload CurseUploader.upload_file('77353ba57bdeb5346d1b3830ed36171279763e35', 'wow', slug, version, VersionID, 'r', logText or '', 'creole', '', 'plain', zipPath) 
File "/Library/Application Junk/ProjectManager/CurseUploader.py", line 83, in upload_file 
content_type, body = encode_multipart_formdata(params, [('file', filepath)]) 
File "/Library/Application Junk/ProjectManager/CurseUploader.py", line 153, in encode_multipart_formdata 
body = '\r\n'.join(L) 
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xcb in position 10: ordinal not in range(128) 


EDIT2:按照建议,尝试将所有非ascii字符串编码为ascii。它会抛出相同的错误,但现在在L[i] = value.encode("ascii")

from httplib import HTTPConnection 
from os.path import basename, exists 
from mimetools import choose_boundary 

    import simplejson as json 
except ImportError: 
    import json 

def get_game_versions(game): 
    Return the JSON response as given from /game-versions.json from curseforge.com of the given game 

    The shortened version of the game, e.g. "wow", "war", or "rom" 
conn = HTTPConnection('%(game)s.curseforge.com' % { 'game': game }) 
conn.request("GET", '/game-versions.json') 
response = conn.getresponse() 
assert response.status == 200, "%(status)d %(reason)s from /game-versions.json" % { 'status': response.status, 'reason': response.reason } 

assert response.content_type == 'application/json' 
data = json.loads(response.read()) 

return data 

def upload_file(api_key, game, project_slug, name, game_version_ids, file_type, change_log, change_markup_type, known_caveats, caveats_markup_type, filepath): 
Upload a file to CurseForge.com on your project 

    The api-key from http://www.curseforge.com/home/api-key/ 

    The shortened version of the game, e.g. "wow", "war", or "rom" 

    The slug of your project, e.g. "my-project" 

    The name of the file you're uploading, this should be the version's name, do not include your project's name. 

    A set of game version ids. 

    Specify 'a' for Alpha, 'b' for Beta, and 'r' for Release. 

    The change log of the file. Up to 50k characters is acceptable. 

    Markup type for your change log. creole or plain is recommended. 

    The known caveats of the file. Up to 50k characters is acceptable. 

    Markup type for your known caveats. creole or plain is recommended. 

    The path to the file to upload. 

assert len(api_key) == 40 
assert 1 <= len(game_version_ids) <= 3 
assert file_type in ('r', 'b', 'a') 
assert exists(filepath) 

params = [] 

params.append(('name', name)) 

for game_version_id in game_version_ids: 
    params.append(('game_version', game_version_id)) 

params.append(('file_type', file_type)) 
params.append(('change_log', change_log)) 
params.append(('change_markup_type', change_markup_type)) 
params.append(('known_caveats', known_caveats)) 
params.append(('caveats_markup_type', caveats_markup_type)) 

content_type, body = encode_multipart_formdata(params, [('file', filepath)]) 
print('Got here?') 

headers = { 
    "User-Agent": "CurseForge Uploader Script/1.0", 
    "Content-type": content_type, 
    "X-API-Key": api_key} 

conn = HTTPConnection('%(game)s.curseforge.com' % { 'game': game }) 
conn.request("POST", '/projects/%(slug)s/upload-file.json' % {'slug': project_slug}, body, headers) 
response = conn.getresponse() 
if response.status == 201: 
    print "Successfully uploaded %(name)s" % { 'name': name } 
elif response.status == 422: 
    assert response.content_type == 'application/json' 
    errors = json.loads(response.read()) 
    print "Form error with uploading %(name)s:" % { 'name': name } 
    for k, items in errors.iteritems(): 
     for item in items: 
      print " %(k)s: %(item)s" % { 'k': k, 'name': name } 
    print "Error with uploading %(name)s: %(status)d %(reason)s" % { 'name': name, 'status': response.status, 'reason': response.reason } 

def is_ascii(s): 
return all(ord(c) < 128 for c in s) 

def encode_multipart_formdata(fields, files): 
Encode data in multipart/form-data format. 

    A sequence of (name, value) elements for regular form fields. 

    A sequence of (name, filename) elements for data to be uploaded as files 
Return (content_type, body) ready for httplib.HTTP instance 
boundary = choose_boundary() 
L = [] 

for key, value in fields: 
    if value is None: 
     value = '' 
    elif value is False: 

    L.append('--%(boundary)s' % {'boundary': boundary}) 
    L.append('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%(name)s"' % {'name': key}) 

for key, filename in files: 
    f = file(filename, 'rb') 
    filedata = f.read() 
    L.append('--%(boundary)s' % {'boundary': boundary}) 
    L.append('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%(name)s"; filename="%(filename)s"' % { 'name': key, 'filename': basename(filename) }) 
    L.append('Content-Type: application/zip') 

L.append('--%(boundary)s--' % {'boundary': boundary}) 

for i in range(len(L)): 
    value = L[i] 
    if not is_ascii(value): 
     L[i] = value.encode("ascii") 

body = '\r\n'.join(L) 
content_type = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=%(boundary)s' % { 'boundary': boundary } 
return content_type, body 



fields: [('name', u'2.0.3'), ('game_version', u'1'), ('game_version', u'4'), ('game_version', u'9'), ('file_type', 'r'), ('change_log', u'====== 2.0.3\n* Jaliborc: Fixed a bug causing wrong items to be shown for leather, mail and plate slots\n* Jaliborc: Items are now organized by level as well\n\n====== 2.0.2\n* Jaliborc: Completly rewritten the categories dropdown to fix a bug\n\n====== 2.0.1\n* Jaliborc: Updated for patch 4.2\n* Jaliborc: Included all Firelands items\n\n===== 2.0.0\n* Jaliborc: Now works with 4.1\n* Jaliborc: Completely redesigned and improved\n* Jaliborc: Includes **all** items in-game right from the start\n* Jaliborc: Searches trough thousands of items in a blaze\n* Jaliborc: Mostly //Load on Demand//\n* Jaliborc: Only works on English clients. Versions for other clients should be released in a close future.\n\n====== 1.8.7\n* Added linkerator support for multiple chat frames\n\n====== 1.8.6\n* Fixed a bug when linking an item from the chat frame. \n\n====== 1.8.5\n* Added compatibility with WoW 3.3.5\n\n====== 1.8.3\n* Bumped TOC for 3.3\n\n====== 1.8.2\n* Bumped TOC for 3.2\n\n====== 1.8.1\n* TOC Bump + Potential WIM bugfix\n\n===== 1.8.0\n* Added "Heirloom" option to quality selector\n* Fixed a bug causing the DB to be reloaded on item scroll\n* Cleaned up the code a bit. Still need to work on the GUI/localization\n* Altered slash commands. See addon description for details.\n\n====== 1.7.2\n* Bumped the max item ID to check from 40k to 60k. Glyphs, etc, should now appear.\n\n====== 1.7.1\n* Fixed a crash issue when linking tradeskills\n\n===== 1.7.0\n* Made Wrath compatible\n* Seems to be causing a lot more CPU usage now, will investigate later.'), ('change_markup_type', 'creole'), ('known_caveats', ''), ('caveats_markup_type', 'plain')] 

files: [('file', u'/Users/Jaliborc/Desktop/Ludwig 2.0.3.zip')] 




ISO-8859-1很可能不是解决您的第一个问题的方法。你需要知道,any_random_gibberish.decode('ISO-8859-1')根本不能失败。其次,我不确定为什么上传文件时需要编码 - 当然,练习的目的是在服务器上准确地重现文件;将一个zip文件解码为unicode对象似乎很奇怪。


更新你说你有一个“ascii错误”的行body = '\r\n'.join(L)。一个合理的猜测,根据您的有限信息,是你有这样的问题:

>>> "".join([u"foo", "\xff"]) 
Traceback (most recent call last): 
    File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> 
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xff in position 0: ordinal not in range(128) 

u"foo" + "\xff"产生相同的结果。




for key, filename in files: 
    f = file(filename, 'r') 
    filedata = f.read().decode("ISO-8859-1") 


for key, filename in files: 
    f = file(filename, 'rb') # Specify binary mode in case this gets run on Windows 
    filedata = f.read() # don't decode it 


print "fields:", repr(fields) 
print "files:", repr(files) 



new = [(k, v.encode('ascii') if isinstance(v, unicode) else v) for k, v in original] 

好吧,我加了完整的代码错误以前使用'.decode(“ISO-8859-1”)'的一个解释。并感谢您的快速回答! – Jaliborc


@Jibiborc:您没有显示(1)您获得的实际错误消息(2)错误(3)的完整回溯信息,您提到的API的URL。 “调用'\ r \ n'.join(L)时出现ascii错误不是一种解释,并且也不会解释 - 如果您可以解释错误,则不需要提出问题。只需使用复制/粘贴来显示错误消息和回溯。 –


好的,我已经在问题中包含了错误的完整追溯。我也尝试了你的建议,但也没有奏效。 API基本上由获取游戏版本的json请求(第一个函数)和用给定变量上传文件的请求组成(如'upload_file'中所述)。这并不重要:这是一个编码问题。 – Jaliborc