2015-05-04 82 views


public Node<T> Parent { get; private set; } 
public T Value { get; set; } 
private readonly List<Node<T>> _children = new List<Node<T>>(); 

public Node(T value) 
    Value = value; 

public Node<T> this[int index] 
     return _children[index]; 

public Node<T> Add(T value, int index = -1) 
    var childNode = new Node<T>(value); 
    Add(childNode, index); 
    return childNode; 

public void Add(Node<T> childNode, int index = -1) 
    if (index < -1) 
     throw new ArgumentException("The index can not be lower then -1"); 
    if (index > Children.Count() - 1) 
     throw new ArgumentException("The index ({0}) can not be higher then index of the last iten. Use the AddChild() method without an index to add at the end".FormatInvariant(index)); 
    if (!childNode.IsRoot) 
     throw new ArgumentException("The child node with value [{0}] can not be added because it is not a root node.".FormatInvariant(childNode.Value)); 

    if (Root == childNode) 
     throw new ArgumentException("The child node with value [{0}] is the rootnode of the parent.".FormatInvariant(childNode.Value)); 

    if (childNode.SelfAndDescendants.Any(n => this == n)) 
     throw new ArgumentException("The childnode with value [{0}] can not be added to itself or its descendants.".FormatInvariant(childNode.Value)); 
    childNode.Parent = this; 
    if (index == -1) 
     _children.Insert(index, childNode); 

public Node<T> AddFirstChild(T value) 
     var childNode = new Node<T>(value); 
     return childNode; 

    public void AddFirstChild(Node<T> childNode) 
     Add(childNode, 0); 

    public Node<T> AddFirstSibling(T value) 
     var childNode = new Node<T>(value); 
     return childNode; 

    public void AddFirstSibling(Node<T> childNode) 
    public Node<T> AddLastSibling(T value) 
     var childNode = new Node<T>(value); 
     return childNode; 

    public void AddLastSibling(Node<T> childNode) 

    public Node<T> AddParent(T value) 
     var newNode = new Node<T>(value); 
     return newNode; 

    public void AddParent(Node<T> parentNode) 
     if (!IsRoot) 
      throw new ArgumentException("This node [{0}] already has a parent".FormatInvariant(Value), "parentNode"); 

    public IEnumerable<Node<T>> Ancestors 
      if (IsRoot) 
       return Enumerable.Empty<Node<T>>(); 
      return Parent.ToIEnumarable().Concat(Parent.Ancestors); 

    public IEnumerable<Node<T>> Descendants 
      return SelfAndDescendants.Skip(1); 

    public IEnumerable<Node<T>> Children 
      return _children; 

    public IEnumerable<Node<T>> Siblings 
      return SelfAndSiblings.Where(Other); 


    private bool Other(Node<T> node) 
     return !ReferenceEquals(node, this); 

    public IEnumerable<Node<T>> SelfAndChildren 
      return this.ToIEnumarable().Concat(Children); 

    public IEnumerable<Node<T>> SelfAndAncestors 
      return this.ToIEnumarable().Concat(Ancestors); 

    public IEnumerable<Node<T>> SelfAndDescendants 
      return this.ToIEnumarable().Concat(Children.SelectMany(c => c.SelfAndDescendants)); 

    public IEnumerable<Node<T>> SelfAndSiblings 
      if (IsRoot) 
       return this.ToIEnumarable(); 
      return Parent.Children; 


    public IEnumerable<Node<T>> All 
      return Root.SelfAndDescendants; 

    public IEnumerable<Node<T>> SameLevel 
      return SelfAndSameLevel.Where(Other); 


    public int Level 
      return Ancestors.Count(); 

    public IEnumerable<Node<T>> SelfAndSameLevel 
      return GetNodesAtLevel(Level); 

    public IEnumerable<Node<T>> GetNodesAtLevel(int level) 
     return Root.GetNodesAtLevelInternal(level); 

    private IEnumerable<Node<T>> GetNodesAtLevelInternal(int level) 
     if (level == Level) 
      return this.ToIEnumarable(); 
     return Children.SelectMany(c => c.GetNodesAtLevelInternal(level)); 

    public Node<T> Root 
      return SelfAndAncestors.Last(); 

    public void Disconnect() 
     if (IsRoot) 
      throw new InvalidOperationException("The root node [{0}] can not get disconnected from a parent.".FormatInvariant(Value)); 
     Parent = null; 

    public bool IsRoot 
     get { return Parent == null; } 

    IEnumerator<T> IEnumerable<T>.GetEnumerator() 
     return _children.Values().GetEnumerator(); 

    IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() 
     return _children.GetEnumerator(); 

    public IEnumerator<Node<T>> GetEnumerator() 
     return _children.GetEnumerator(); 

    public override string ToString() 
     return Value.ToString(); 

    public static IEnumerable<Node<T>> CreateTree<TId>(IEnumerable<T> values, Func<T, TId> idSelector, Func<T, TId?> parentIdSelector) 
     where TId : struct 
     var valuesCache = values.ToList(); 
     if (!valuesCache.Any()) 
      return Enumerable.Empty<Node<T>>(); 
     T itemWithIdAndParentIdIsTheSame = valuesCache.FirstOrDefault(v => IsSameId(idSelector(v), parentIdSelector(v))); 
     if (itemWithIdAndParentIdIsTheSame != null) // Hier verwacht je ook een null terug te kunnen komen 
      throw new ArgumentException("At least one value has the samen Id and parentId [{0}]".FormatInvariant(itemWithIdAndParentIdIsTheSame)); 

     var nodes = valuesCache.Select(v => new Node<T>(v)); 
     return CreateTree(nodes, idSelector, parentIdSelector); 


    public static IEnumerable<Node<T>> CreateTree<TId>(IEnumerable<Node<T>> rootNodes, Func<T, TId> idSelector, Func<T, TId?> parentIdSelector) 
     where TId : struct 
     var rootNodesCache = rootNodes.ToList(); 
     var duplicates = rootNodesCache.Duplicates(n => n).ToList(); 
     if (duplicates.Any()) 
      throw new ArgumentException("One or more values contains {0} duplicate keys. The first duplicate is: [{1}]".FormatInvariant(duplicates.Count, duplicates[0])); 

     foreach (var rootNode in rootNodesCache) 
      var parentId = parentIdSelector(rootNode.Value); 
      var parent = rootNodesCache.FirstOrDefault(n => IsSameId(idSelector(n.Value), parentId)); 

      if (parent != null) 
      else if (parentId != null) 
       throw new ArgumentException("A value has the parent ID [{0}] but no other nodes has this ID".FormatInvariant(parentId.Value)); 
     var result = rootNodesCache.Where(n => n.IsRoot); 
     return result; 

    protected static bool IsSameId<TId>(TId id, TId? parentId) 
     where TId : struct 
     return parentId != null && id.Equals(parentId.Value); 

    #region Equals en == 

    public static bool operator ==(Node<T> value1, Node<T> value2) 
     if ((object)(value1) == null && (object)value2 == null) 
      return true; 
     return ReferenceEquals(value1, value2); 

    public static bool operator !=(Node<T> value1, Node<T> value2) 
     return !(value1 == value2); 

    public override bool Equals(Object anderePeriode) 
     var valueThisType = anderePeriode as Node<T>; 
     return this == valueThisType; 

    public bool Equals(Node<T> value) 
     return this == value; 

    public bool Equals(Node<T> value1, Node<T> value2) 
     return value1 == value2; 

    bool IEqualityComparer.Equals(object value1, object value2) 
     var valueThisType1 = value1 as Node<T>; 
     var valueThisType2 = value2 as Node<T>; 

     return Equals(valueThisType1, valueThisType2); 

    public int GetHashCode(object obj) 
     return GetHashCode(obj as Node<T>); 

    public override int GetHashCode() 
     return GetHashCode(this); 

    public int GetHashCode(Node<T> value) 
     return base.GetHashCode(); 


var treeView = Node<ControlType>.CreateTree(_controlTypeBll.GetAll(), c => c.Id, c => c.ParrentId); 

var res = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(treeView); 

和所有我在res变量得到的是这种“[ [],[],[[] []] ......“。我已使用DataContract和DataMember属性来防止序列化一些属性,但结果相同


你有序列化它充满了你的'Node'与任何数据之前? –


是的,我已经填充了它 –


如果您的问题包含您的问题的[最小,完整和可验证示例](http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve),那本来会更好。它缺乏1)你的班级的声明'节点'; 2)你的值类型ControlType的定义; 3)各种扩展方法,包括'FormatInvariant','ToIEnumarable','Duplicates'和'IEnumerable'(此IEnumerable >节点)''。 – dbc




public class Node<T> : IEqualityComparer, IEnumerable<T> 


  1. 全班学生,一些T实现IEnumerable<T>
  2. Json.NET serializes any IEnumerable as a JSON array
  3. JSON数组(根据the standard)不支持命名属性。
  4. 因此你的Value属性没有被序列化。


public static class TypeExtensions 
    public static IEnumerable<Type> BaseTypesAndSelf(this Type type) 
     while (type != null) 
      yield return type; 
      type = type.BaseType; 

public class NodeConverter : JsonConverter 
    class NodeWrapper<T> 
     public T value { get; set; } 
     [JsonProperty(NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore)] 
     public IEnumerable<Node<T>> children { get; set; } 

    static Type GetNodeValueType(Type type) 
     return type.BaseTypesAndSelf().Where(t => t.IsGenericType && t.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Node<>)).Select(t => t.GetGenericArguments()[0]).FirstOrDefault(); 

    public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType) 
     return GetNodeValueType(objectType) != null; 

    object ReadJsonGeneric<T>(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer) 
     var wrapper = serializer.Deserialize<NodeWrapper<T>>(reader); 
     if (wrapper == null) 
      return existingValue; 
     var node = existingValue as Node<T> ?? new Node<T>(wrapper.value); 
     node.Value = wrapper.value; 
     if (wrapper.children != null) 
      foreach (var child in wrapper.children) 
     return node; 

    public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer) 
     var method = GetType().GetMethod("ReadJsonGeneric", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public); 
     var genericMethod = method.MakeGenericMethod(new[] { GetNodeValueType(objectType) }); 
     return genericMethod.Invoke(this, new object[] { reader, objectType, existingValue, serializer }); 

    void WriteJsonGeneric<T>(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer) 
     var node = (Node<T>)value; 
     serializer.Serialize(writer, new NodeWrapper<T> { value = node.Value, children = (node.Children.Any() ? node.Children : null)}); 

    public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer) 
     var method = GetType().GetMethod("WriteJsonGeneric", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public); 
     var genericMethod = method.MakeGenericMethod(new[] { GetNodeValueType(value.GetType()) }); 
     genericMethod.Invoke(this, new object[] { writer, value, serializer }); 

致电Add(Node<T> child)方法,转换器也确保了家长反向引用被设置。


public class Node<T> : IEqualityComparer, IEnumerable<T> 