2012-01-02 18 views

我想替换另一个txt文件中与单词匹配的单词的格式。 我尝试了几件事,但终于找到了我认为最有效的解决方案。MS Word 2003 VBA - 只使用自定义字典替换(非)拼写错误中的格式


Sub format_dict_words() 

Dim rngWord As Range 


For Each rngWord In ActiveDocument.Range.Words 
If Application.CheckSpelling(_ 
    Word:=rngWord.Text, _ 
    customdictionary:="I:\NATUR\Kay\DIC\test.DIC", _ 
    MainDictionary:="I:\NATUR\Kay\DIC\test.DIC", _ 
    IgnoreUppercase:=False) = True Then 
    rngWord.Bold = True 
End If 
Next rngWord 

End Sub 

我需要禁用主词典,则非拼写错误实际上仅与我的test.DIC匹配。 而且,由于拼写检查程序似乎排除了所有不是单词字符的内容,因此这些符号也被视为非错误且粗体显示。也许我需要插入一个正则表达式来处理这个问题。



我会自己回答这个问题:恐怕这确实没有解决方案 - 据我可以从我发现的网主字典不能排除..


'macro name: ReformatListMatches 
'purpose: compares words from document with words from file 
'author: kay cichini 
'date: 2012-01-04 
'licence: cc by-nc-sa 

'before running the macro, add a commandbar called "mycombar" and assign the macro "ReformatListMatches" to it, 
'run line 8 one time, then disable it, then save file to a template (.dot) and store it at your templates' folder. 
'if you don't want a command bar, just skip the above part and don't run line 8! 

Sub ReformatListMatches() 

'CommandBars("mycombar").Controls(1).TooltipText = "calls procedure that re-formats words that match word list" 
'this sets tooltip info, run this only once (!!), otherwise you will be asked to save changes to the dot file 
'everytime you close a word doc. 

time_start = Timer() 

If MsgBox("Re-format matches?" & vbLf & " " & vbLf & "..may take some time" & vbLf & "..be patient! (the active window will be temporarily invisible to speed up process)", vbOKCancel + vbQuestion, "SpKursiv") = vbOK Then 

Dim vntArrWords As Variant 
Dim lngI As Long 
Dim strText As String 
Dim strPathFile As String 
Dim lngFN As Long 

strPathFile = "C:\LogoXP\SP_words_tab.txt" 
'the database with names to compare 

lngFN = FreeFile 
Open strPathFile For Binary As lngFN 
strText = Space(LOF(lngFN)) 
Get lngFN, 1, strText 
Close lngFN 

System.Cursor = wdCursorWait 

vntArrWords = Split(strText, vbCrLf, -1, 1) 

ActiveWindow.Visible = False 

With ActiveDocument.Content.Find 
    .Forward = True 
    .Wrap = wdFindContinue 
    .Format = True 
    .MatchCase = False 
    .MatchWholeWord = True 
    .MatchWildcards = False 
    .MatchSoundsLike = False 
    .MatchAllWordForms = False 
    .Replacement.Text = "^&"    'replaces match with the original string (but with new format!) 
    .Replacement.Font.Italic = True  'here i determine the new format 
    For lngI = 0 To UBound(vntArrWords) 
    .Text = Trim(vntArrWords(lngI)) 
    .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll 
End With 

ActiveWindow.Visible = True 

time_end = Timer() 

MsgBox "finished!" & vbLf & "(calculation time (mm:ss) = " & time_end - time_start & ")" 

Else: Exit Sub 
End If 

End Sub 


因此,将自定义词典复制到其他位置,例如“我的文档”。 Office 2010中的自定义词典位于C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\UProof。接下来,从Word的词典列表中删除自定义词典。在Office 2010中,此列表位于文件>选项>校对>自定义字典中。从列表中选择自定义词典,然后单击“删除”。


Option Explicit 

Sub CustomDictStyle() 

    Dim rngWord As Range 


    For Each rngWord In ActiveDocument.Range.Words 


     'Include words in custom dictionary 

     If Application.CheckSpelling(_ 
     Word:=rngWord.Text, _ 
     CustomDictionary:="C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\CUSTOM.dic", _ 
     IgnoreUppercase:=False) = True Then 

      'Now exclude words in the main dictionary 

      If Application.CheckSpelling(_ 
       Word:=rngWord.Text, _ 
       IgnoreUppercase:=False) = False Then 

        'Apply style as desired 
        rngWord.Style = "CustomDict" 

      End If 

     End If 

    Next rngWord 

End Sub 

这愚蠢的论坛不会让我上传图像,但这是一个link to what it should look like。请注意,红色的“CustomDict”风格已应用于我添加到自定义词典中的“fleurghy”一词。


您好,非常感谢您的答复 - 但我想手动删除自定义字典从名单是没有选择。没有一种方法可以通过编程来实现 – Kay 2012-10-29 15:50:57



Option Explicit 

Sub CustomDictStyle() 

    Dim StartTime As Double, EndTime As Double 
    Dim rngWord As Range 

    'Stores start time in variable "StartTime" 
    StartTime = Timer 

    'remove custom dictionaries 


    For Each rngWord In ActiveDocument.Range.Words 


     'Include words in custom dictionary 

     If Application.CheckSpelling(_ 
     Word:=rngWord.Text, _ 
     CustomDictionary:="C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\kcichini\Eigene Dateien\Stuff\mydict.txt", _ 
     IgnoreUppercase:=False) = True Then 

      'Now exclude words in the main dictionary 

      If Application.CheckSpelling(_ 
       Word:=rngWord.Text, _ 
       IgnoreUppercase:=False) = False Then 

        'Apply style as desired 
        rngWord.Bold = True 

      End If 

     End If 

    Next rngWord 

    'restore custom dictionary 
    CustomDictionaries.Add FileName:="BENUTZER.DIC" 

    'Stores end time in variable "EndTime" 
    EndTime = Timer 

    'Prints execution time in the debug window 
    MsgBox ("Execution time in seconds: " & EndTime - StartTime) 

End Sub 