2011-09-29 53 views

我有一个扎根三星Galaxy S(史诗)与辛迪加罗姆冰冻1.2 ROM。Android应用程序不会从eclipse/adb推送到手机





[2011-09-29 12:39:55 - Drag Racing Workbench] Automatic Target Mode: using device 'D7005af7xxxx' 
[2011-09-29 12:39:55 - Drag Racing Workbench] Uploading Drag Racing Workbench.apk onto device 'D7005af7xxxx' 
[2011-09-29 12:39:56 - Drag Racing Workbench] Installing Drag Racing Workbench.apk... 
[2011-09-29 12:39:56 - Drag Racing Workbench] Success! 
[2011-09-29 12:39:56 - Drag Racing Workbench] Starting activity com.motorcitysoftware.dragracingworkbench.startPage on device D7005af7xxxx 
[2011-09-29 12:39:56 - Drag Racing Workbench] New package not yet registered with the system. Waiting 3 seconds before next attempt. 
[2011-09-29 12:39:59 - Drag Racing Workbench] Starting activity com.motorcitysoftware.dragracingworkbench.startPage on device D7005af7xxxx 
[2011-09-29 12:40:00 - Drag Racing Workbench] New package not yet registered with the system. Waiting 3 seconds before next attempt. 
[2011-09-29 12:40:03 - Drag Racing Workbench] Starting activity com.motorcitysoftware.dragracingworkbench.startPage on device D7005af7xxxx 
[2011-09-29 12:40:03 - Drag Racing Workbench] New package not yet registered with the system. Waiting 3 seconds before next attempt. 
[2011-09-29 12:40:06 - Drag Racing Workbench] Starting activity com.motorcitysoftware.dragracingworkbench.startPage on device D7005af7xxxx 
[2011-09-29 12:40:07 - Drag Racing Workbench] New package not yet registered with the system. Waiting 3 seconds before next attempt. 
[2011-09-29 12:40:10 - Drag Racing Workbench] Starting activity com.motorcitysoftware.dragracingworkbench.startPage on device D7005af7xxxx 
[2011-09-29 12:40:10 - Drag Racing Workbench] ActivityManager: Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] cmp=com.motorcitysoftware.dragracingworkbench/.startPage } 
[2011-09-29 12:40:10 - Drag Racing Workbench] ActivityManager: Error type 3 
[2011-09-29 12:40:10 - Drag Racing Workbench] ActivityManager: Error: Activity class {com.motorcitysoftware.dragracingworkbench/com.motorcitysoftware.dragracingworkbench.startPage} does not exist. 



/system/bin/pm和/ system/bin/am已损坏。他们都需要#/系统/ bin/sh的


运行:亚行外壳 现在你炮轰的设备。

运行busybox vi/system/bin/pm 并插入该行。为我做同样的事情。
