2016-03-06 71 views


#include <iostream> 
#include <iomanip> 
#include <string> 
#include <cstdlib> 

using namespace std; 

struct Account //Structure to be used throughout 
    string CustomerName; 
    string CustomerAddress; 
    string City; 
    string State; 
    int ZIPCode; 
    string Telephone; 
    int AccountBalance; 
    string DateOfLastPayment; 


//function prototypes 
void valueChangeFunc(string, Account[], int);//This function will be used in option 2 for editing a certain customer information 

int main() 
    Account array[20]; //Array to hold up to 20 customers 
    int choice; //this will hold which option the user decides to make 1-4 
    bool flagZip = false; //This will be used later on as a flag for a do-while loop 
    bool flag = false; //This will be used as a flag for the do-while loop right now 
    int index = 0; //Index for our customers. This tells how many customers have been entered 
    do //This do while loop will continue to ask the user what option to do until array fills up with 20 people and 4 is not entered 
    cout << "1. Enter new account information \n" <<endl 
    << "2. Change account information \n" << endl 
    << "3. Display all account information\n" <<endl 
    << "4. Exit the program \n" <<endl; 
    cin >> choice; 
if (choice > 4 || choice <= 0)//If user enters a number bigger than 4 or less then or equal to 0. Error! 
cout << "Please enter a number between 1 and 4" << endl; 

else if(choice == 1) 
cout << "CustomerName: "; 
    getline(cin, array[index].CustomerName); 
    cout << "CustomerAddress "; 
    getline(cin, array[index].CustomerAddress); 
    cout << "City: "; 
    getline(cin, array[index].City); 
    cout << "State: "; 
    getline(cin, array[index].State); 

    cout << "Zip Code: "; 
    cin >> array[index].ZIPCode; 
    if (!isdigit(array[index].ZIPCode) && array[index].ZIPCode <= 0) 
    cout << "Please enter a valid entry " << endl; 

    flagZip = true; 

    }while(flagZip == false); 

    cout << "Telephone: "; 
    getline(cin, array[index].Telephone); 

    flagZip = false; 

    cout << "AccountBalance: "; 
    cin >> array[index].AccountBalance; 
    if (array[index].AccountBalance <= 0) 
    cout << "Please enter a valid entry " << endl; 

    flagZip = true; 
    }while(flagZip == false); 

    cout << "DateOfLastPayment: "; 
    getline(cin, array[index].DateOfLastPayment); 

    cout << "\n\nCustomerName: " << array[index].CustomerName << endl; 
    cout << "CustomerAddress " << array[index].CustomerAddress <<endl; 
    cout << "City: " << array[index].City << endl; 
    cout << "State: " << array[index].State << endl; 
    cout << "Zip Code: " << array[index].ZIPCode << endl; 
    cout << "Telephone: " << array[index].Telephone <<endl; 
    cout << "AccountBalance: " << array[index].AccountBalance << endl; 
    cout << "DateOfLastPayment: " << array[index].DateOfLastPayment << endl; 
    cout << "You have entered information for customer number " << index << endl << endl; 

else if(choice == 2 && index != 0) 
int num; 
string valueChange; 
cout << " Customer number: "; 
cin >> num; 

if (num > (index-1) || num < 0) 
cout << " There is no customer with that number " << endl; 

}while (num > (index-1)); 
    cout << "\n\nCustomer Name: " << array[num].CustomerName << endl; 
    cout << "Customer Address " << array[num].CustomerAddress <<endl; 
    cout << "City: " << array[num].City << endl; 
    cout << "State: " << array[num].State << endl; 
    cout << "ZIPCode: " << array[num].ZIPCode << endl; 
    cout << "Telephone: " << array[num].Telephone <<endl; 
    cout << "Account Balance: " << array[num].AccountBalance << endl; 
    cout << "Date of last payment: " << array[num].DateOfLastPayment << endl; 
    cout << "You have requested information for customer number " << num << endl << endl; 

    cout << "What value do you want to change? (press 4 to change 'Date of last payment') \n"; 

    valueChangeFunc(valueChange, array, num); 

    cout << "\nHere is the new value you entered for " << valueChange << endl; 

    cout << "\n\nCustomer Name: " << array[num].CustomerName << endl; 
    cout << "Customer Address " << array[num].CustomerAddress <<endl; 
    cout << "City: " << array[num].City << endl; 
    cout << "State: " << array[num].State << endl; 
    cout << "ZIPCode: " << array[num].ZIPCode << endl; 
    cout << "Telephone: " << array[num].Telephone <<endl; 
    cout << "Account Balance: " << array[num].AccountBalance << endl; 
    cout << "Date of last payment: " << array[num].DateOfLastPayment << endl << endl; 


else if(choice == 3 && index != 0) 
    int num2; 
    cout << "Enter the Customer Number to display information regarding that customer" << endl; 
    cin >> num2; 
if (num2 > (index-1) || num2 < 0) 
cout << "That Customer does not exist " <<endl; 
while(num2 > (index-1)); 

    cout << "\n\nCustomerName: " << array[num2].CustomerName << endl; 
    cout << "CustomerAddress " << array[num2].CustomerAddress <<endl; 
    cout << "City: " << array[num2].City << endl; 
    cout << "State: " << array[num2].State << endl; 
    cout << "Zip Code: " << array[num2].ZIPCode << endl; 
    cout << "Telephone: " << array[num2].Telephone <<endl; 
    cout << "AccountBalance: " << array[num2].AccountBalance << endl; 
    cout << "DateOfLastPayment: " << array[num2].DateOfLastPayment << endl; 
    cout << "You have entered information for customer number " << index << endl << endl; 


flag = true; 

}while (flag == false); 

    return 0; 

void valueChangeFunc(string valueChange2, Account array[], int num) 
    if (valueChange2 == "Customer Name" || valueChange2 == "Customer name" || valueChange2 == "customer Name" || valueChange2 == "customer name") 
    cout << "\nEnter new value for Customer Name: " <<endl; 
    getline(cin, array[num].CustomerName); 


    if (valueChange2 == "Customer Address" || valueChange2 == "Customer address" || valueChange2 == "customer Address" || valueChange2 == "customer address") 
    cout << "\nEnter new value for Customer Address: " <<endl; 
    getline(cin, array[num].CustomerAddress); 

    else if(valueChange2 == "city" || valueChange2 == "City") 
     cout << "\nEnter new value for City: " << endl; 
     getline(cin, array[num].City); 

    else if(valueChange2 == "state" || valueChange2 == "State") 
     cout << "Enter a value for State: " << endl; 


    else if(valueChange2 == "Zip Code" || valueChange2 == "zip Code" || valueChange2 == "Zip code" || valueChange2 == "zip code") 
     cout << "\nEnter a value for Zip Code: " << endl; 
     cin >> array[num].ZIPCode; 


    else if(valueChange2 == "telephone" || valueChange2 == "Telephone") 
     cout << "\nEnter a value for Telephone: " << endl; 
     getline(cin, array[num].Telephone); 


    else if(valueChange2 == "Account Balance" || valueChange2 == "Account balance" || valueChange2 == "account Balance" || valueChange2 == "account balance") 
     cout << "\nEnter a value for account balance: " << endl; 
     cin >> array[num].AccountBalance; 

    else if(valueChange2 == "4") 
     cout << "\nEnter the value for Date of last payment: " << endl; 
     getline(cin, array[num].DateOfLastPayment); 


    cout << "Not entered correctly. Please enter a valid entry to edit " << endl; 




调试器可以在几秒钟内为您找到它。值得学习使用它的时间。 – user4581301


gcc 5.3编译这段代码时没有任何错误。如果您不理解编译器的错误消息,除了发布代码之外,还应该包含来自编译器的实际错误。 –


编译器没有错误。当我在ZipCode部分输入一个字母时,只是一个无限循环。 –



简短的回答,可以发现in cplusplus.com(读第三段)






另外,尝试使用函数将程序拆分为多个部分。例如,您正在打印存储在屏幕上的信息的块可以变成一个函数。你正在使用相同的cout结构(它会缩短你的代码4 * 9行)。

最后,如果你使用一个整数作为分离算法的密钥值,尝试使用switch...case而不是if-else块。 (再次,只是我的意见)。


谢谢!很多伟大的建议!我是一名Java程序员,所以我刚刚启动C++。由于使用Java,我不熟悉'cin'输入错误。所以谢谢!我明白你的意见是要使某个功能失效。我没有这样做的原因是因为我的老师做了限制。但是,我再次看到你的观点。谢谢你的建议! –