2013-05-25 15 views

一起标头,我与结构像这样的Crystal Report 10做了汇报:水晶报表重复以前的组,目前头


PAGE 1: 
Group Header Value A 
(Sub)Group Header with some headings for Group Header Value A 
Detail section with values for Group Header Value A 

PAGE 2: 
Group Header Value B 
(Sub)Group Header with some headings for Group Header Value B 
Detail section with values for Group Header Value B 

PAGE 3: 
Group Header Value B 
(Sub)Group Header with some headings for Group Header Value B 
Detail section with values for Group Header Value B 



PAGE 1: 
Group Header Value A 
(Sub)Group Header with some headings for Group Header Value A 
Detail section with values for Group Header Value A 

PAGE 2: 
Group Header Value A 
Group Header Value B 
(Sub)Group Header with some headings for Group Header Value B 
Detail section with values for Group Header Value B 

PAGE 3: 
Group Header Value B 
(Sub)Group Header with some headings for Group Header Value B 
Detail section with values for Group Header Value B 

页面2应该只显示Group Header Value B

如何阻止Group Header Value A在第2页上显示?



我的解决方法是做如下:组头 1.右键单击,然后选择“节专家”。 2.在“Section Expert”中,勾选复选框“Underlay Following Sections”。这会将任何后续标题放置在顶部(在z轴上)第一个组标题。 3.确保用于显示组页眉数据的字段具有黑色背景(例如白色文本)。这样新的后续组名将完全覆盖第一组名称。



你必须采取的GroupHeaderSection为子标题中。并通过公式DRILLDOWNGROUPLEVEL = 0来抑制GroupHeaderSection。 在GroupHeaderSection中,您可以放置​​子报表的标题详细信息。 因此,你可以得到不同的标题


谢谢Chetan。 – user100487

You have to move GroupHeader into the page header section. 
but be sure group must be there. only group header moves to the page header section. 
then right click on object and edit formula for display string property. 
then put this condition on formula editor. 

if ({GroupFiledName} = next ({GroupFiledName})) 
// if you required group header on each page 
// if you not required group header on each page 

try it.. it worked for me.