2012-02-07 28 views



这是一篇关于使用event aggregator的好文章。


您可能会拥有某种App Controller对象,它将控制应用程序的流程,创建视图,模型等。这也是事件聚合器的好地方。






define(['backbone', 'underscore', 'eventDispatcher'], 
    function(Backbone, _, dispatcher){ 

     new (Backbone.View.extend(_.extend({ 
      el: $('#anyViewOrWhatever'), 
      initialize: function() { 
       window.addEventListener('resize', function() { 
        // trigger event 

       // create listener 
       dispatcher.server.connect(this, this.doSomething); 

       // listen only once 
       dispatcher.server.connect.once(this, this.doSomething); 

       // remove listener: 
       dispatcher.server.connect.off(this, this.doSomething); 
       // remove all listener dispatcher.server.connect from this: 
       dispatcher.server.connect.off(null, this); 
       // remove all listener dispatcher.server.connect with this method: 
       // remove all listener dispatcher.server.connect no matter what and where: 

       // do the same with a whole category 
       dispatcher.server.off(/* ... */); 

       // listen to all server events 
       dispatcher.server.all(this, this.eventWatcher); 

      doSomething: function(){ 

      eventWatcher: function(eventName){ 





// module eventDispatcher 
define(['backbone', 'underscore'], function (Backbone, _) { 

    var instance; 
    function getInstance() { 
     if (!instance) { 
      instance = createInstance(); 
     return instance; 
    return getInstance(); 

    function createInstance() { 
     // dummy function for your ide, will be overwritten 
     function e (eventContext, callback) {} 
     var eventHandler = {}, 

      // feel free to put the template in another module 
      // or even more split them in one for each area 
      template = { 
       server: { 
        connect: e, 
        disconnect: e, 
        login: e, 
        logout: e 
       global: { 
        windowResize: e, 
        gameStart: e 
       someOtherArea: { 
        hideAll: e 

     // Create Events 
     _.each(template, function (events, category) { 
      var handler = eventHandler[category] = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events); 
      var categoryEvents = { 
       // turn off listener from <category>.<**all events**> with given _this or callback or both: 
       // off() complete purge of category and all its events. 
       // off(callback) turn off all with given callback, no matter what this is 
       // off(null, this) turn off all with given this, no matter what callback is 
       // off(callback, this) turn off all with given callback and this 
       off: function (callback, _this) { 
        if(!callback && _this){ 
         _.each(template[category], function(v, k){ 
          k != 'off' && template[category][k].off(callback, _this); 
      events.all = e; 
      _.each(events, function (value, event) { 
       // create new Listener <event> in <category> 
       // e.g.: template.global.onSomething(this, fn); 
       categoryEvents[event] = function (_this, callback) { 
        _this.listenTo(handler, event, callback); 
       // create new Listener <event> in <category> for only one trigger 
       // e.g.: template.global.onSomething(this, fn); 
       categoryEvents[event].once = function (_this, callback) { 
        _this.listenToOnce(handler, event, callback); 
       // trigger listener 
       // e.g.: template.global.onSomething.trigger(); 
       categoryEvents[event].trigger = function (debugData) { 
        console.log('**Event** ' + category + '.' + event, debugData ? debugData : ''); 
       // turn off listener from <category>.<event> with given _this or callback or both: 
       // off() complete purge of category.event 
       // off(callback) turn off all with given callback, no matter what this is 
       // off(null, this) turn off all with given this, no matter what callback is 
       // off(callback, this) turn off all with given callback and this 
       // e.g.: template.global.onSomething.off(fn, this); 
       categoryEvents[event].off = function (callback, _this) { 
        handler.off(event, callback, _this); 

      template[category] = categoryEvents; 

     return template; 

