2013-11-24 23 views

为了避免X &Ÿ问题,一点背景:生成ScalaCheck测试与黄瓜JVM - 通用功能



鉴于报表选择添加发电机。 当语句指定函数按顺序对这些值进行操作时。 然后语句将输入数据和最终结果数据并运行属性。



class CucumberSteps extends ScalaDsl with EN 
        with ShouldMatchers with QuickCheckCucumberSteps { 
    Given("""^an list of integer between 0 and 100$""") { 
    addGenerator(Gen.containerOf[List, Int](Gen.choose(0,100))) 
    Given("""^an list of random string int 500 and 700$""") { 
    addGenerator(Gen.containerOf[List, Int](Gen.choose(500,700))) 

    When("""^we concatenate the two lists$""") { 
    addAction {(l1: List[Int], l2: List[Int]) => l1 ::: l2 } 

    Then("""^then the size of the result should equal the sum of the input sizes$""") { 
    runProperty { (inputs: (List[Int], List[Int]), result: (List[Int])) => 
     inputs._1.size + inputs._2.size == result._1.size 



trait QuickCheckCucumberSteps extends ShouldMatchers { 

    private var generators = ArrayBuffer[Gen[Any]]() 
    private var actions = ArrayBuffer[""AnyFunction""]() 

    def addGenerator(newGen: Gen[Any]): Unit = 
    generators += newGen 

    def addAction(newFun: => ""AnyFunction""): Unit = 
    actions += newFun 

    def buildPartialProp = { 
    val li = generators 
    generators.length match { 
     case 1 => forAll(li(0))_ 
     case 2 => forAll(li(0), li(1))_ 
     case 3 => forAll(li(0), li(1), li(2))_ 
     case 4 => forAll(li(0), li(1), li(2), li(3))_ 
     case _ => forAll(li(0), li(1), li(2), li(3), li(4))_ 

    def runProperty(propertyFunc: => Any): Prop = { 
    val partial = buildPartialProp 
    val property = partial { 

     ??? // Need a function that takes x number of generator inputs, 
      // applies each action in sequence 
      // and then applies the `propertyFunc` to the 
      // inputs and results. 

    val result = Test.check(new Test.Parameters.Default {}, 

    result.status match { 
     case Passed => println("passed all tests") 
     case Failed(a, l) => fail(format(pretty(result), "", "", 75)) 
     case _ => println("other cases") 




如果我是你,我不会把ScalaCheck生成器代码放在你的黄瓜Given/When/Then语句中:)。 ScalaCheck API调用是“测试平台”的一部分 - 所以不在测试中。试试这个(不编译/测试):

class CucumberSteps extends ScalaDsl with EN with ShouldMatchers { 
    forAll(Gen.containerOf[List, Int](Gen.choose(0,100)), 
     Gen.containerOf[List, Int](Gen.choose(500,700))) 
     ((l1: List[Int], l2: List[Int]) => { 
      var result: Int = 0 
      Given(s"""^a list of integer between 0 and 100: $l1 $""") { } 
      Given(s"""^a list of integer between 0 and 100: $l2 $""") { } 
      When("""^we concatenate the two lists$""") { result = l1 ::: l2 } 
      Then("""^the size of the result should equal the sum of the input sizes$""") { 
      l1.size + l2.size == result.size } 

如果我这样做,似乎没有任何目的,我甚至不打算用黄瓜作为发电机首先打扰。我不妨在这一点上用手写下它,而不用为抽象而烦恼。我已经通过硬编码测试了这种方法,并且黄瓜的属性断言也很好。缺少的链接是我想通过允许将一堆函数组合到一个属性中创建的抽象。 – MalucoMarinero


Cuc是一个框架,而不是一个生成器。 (+使用案例/需求/测试代码库,状态仪表板)。 BDD流程:概念 - >规格 - >测试定义 - >代码 - >验证 - >验证。 Cuc管理第2步到(大部分)5.规范仍然可以用纯文本编写,可能由BA/PM(不需要考虑ScalaCheck)。测试定义向代码添加代码,但预先放置ScalaCheck数据。提供BDD和测试数据生成的全部好处。至于抽象堆栈的测试函数 - 不在Q中?任何工具都需要代码/配置定义 - 简单的解决方案:调用实用程序测试fns(带有级联的位置)。 –