

In com.mymyapp.myapp2.beta.debug:2.1 
* com.myapp.enterprise.registration.steps.LoginFragment has leaked: 
* GC ROOT android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$ControlledInputConnectionWrapper.mParentInputMethodManager 
* references android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager.mNextServedView 
* references android.support.design.widget.TextInputEditText.mListeners 
* references java.util.ArrayList.elementData 
* references array java.lang.Object[].[1] 
* references com.myapp.enterprise.registration.steps.LoginFragment$1.this$0 (anonymous implementation of android.text.TextWatcher) 
* leaks com.myapp.enterprise.registration.steps.LoginFragment instance 

* Retaining: 447 B. 
* Reference Key: 4cc86cd2-758c-4888-9b57-67d28ff25cab 
* Device: motorola motorola Moto G (4) athene_f 
* Android Version: 7.0 API: 24 LeakCanary: 1.5.1 1be44b3 
* Durations: watch=5235ms, gc=152ms, heap dump=2299ms, analysis=80574ms 

* Details: 
* Instance of android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$ControlledInputConnectionWrapper 
|   static $classOverhead = byte[540]@1877175625 (0x6fe36d49) 
|   mParentInputMethodManager = [email protected] (0x12cdfaf0) 
|   mFinished = false 
|   mH = [email protected]08480 (0x12c08b60) 
|   mInputConnection = [email protected] (0x12c08a40) 
|   mInputMethodId = null 
|   mLock = [email protected] (0x12c06f58) 
|   mMainLooper = [email protected] (0x12c8c500) 
|   mDescriptor = [email protected] (0x6f8d4bf0) 
|   mObject = -1520699784 
|   mOwner = android.view.[email protected]315227656 (0x12c9fe08) 
|   shadow$_klass_ = android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$ControlledInputConnectionWrapper 
|   shadow$_monitor_ = 0 
* Instance of android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager 
|   static SHOW_IMPLICIT = 1 
|   static DISPATCH_NOT_HANDLED = 0 
|   static $classOverhead = byte[725]@1877047225 (0x6fe177b9) 
|   static RESULT_SHOWN = 2 
|   static sInstance = [email protected] (0x12cdfaf0) 
|   static RESULT_HIDDEN = 3 
|   static MSG_UNBIND = 3 
|   static MSG_SET_ACTIVE = 4 
|   static CONTROL_WINDOW_FIRST = 4 
|   static DISPATCH_IN_PROGRESS = -1 
|   static HIDE_NOT_ALWAYS = 2 
|   static TAG = [email protected] (0x6faa5b78) 
|   static SHOW_FORCED = 2 
|   static MSG_BIND = 2 
|   static DEBUG = false 
|   static HIDE_IMPLICIT_ONLY = 1 
|   static PENDING_EVENT_COUNTER = [email protected] (0x6fa9b308) 
|   static CONTROL_START_INITIAL = 256 
|   static MSG_FLUSH_INPUT_EVENT = 7 
|   static DISPATCH_HANDLED = 1 
|   static MSG_SEND_INPUT_EVENT = 5 
|   static SHOW_IM_PICKER_MODE_AUTO = 0 
|   static MSG_DUMP = 1 
|   mActive = true 
|   mBindSequence = 9 
|   mClient = [email protected] (0x12c088c0) 
|   mCompletions = null 
|   mCurChannel = [email protected] (0x131cadd0) 
|   mCurId = [email protected] (0x131df240) 
|   mCurMethod = [email protected]92 (0x131cadc0) 
|   mCurRootView = [email protected] (0x13061800) 
|   mCurSender = null 
|   mCurrentTextBoxAttribute = [email protected] (0x12d1b310) 
|   mCursorAnchorInfo = null 
|   mCursorCandEnd = -1 
|   mCursorCandStart = -1 
|   mCursorRect = [email protected] (0x12c6f100) 
|   mCursorSelEnd = 0 
|   mCursorSelStart = 0 
|   mDummyInputConnection = [email protected] (0x12c08a40) 
|   mFullscreenMode = false 
|   mH = [email protected] (0x12c08b40) 
|   mHasBeenInactive = false 
|   mIInputContext = android.view.[email protected]315227656 (0x12c9fe08) 
|   mLastBindFailed = false 
|   mLastSentUserActionNotificationSequenceNumber = -1 
|   mMainLooper = [email protected] (0x12c8c500) 
|   mNextServedView = [email protected] (0x131b9400) 
|   mNextUserActionNotificationSequenceNumber = 2 
|   mPendingEventPool = [email protected] (0x12c04860) 
|   mPendingEvents = [email protected] (0x12c6f118) 
|   mRequestUpdateCursorAnchorInfoMonitorMode = 0 
|   mServedConnecting = false 
|   mServedInputConnectionWrapper = android.view.[email protected]320700984 (0x131d8238) 
|   mServedView = [email protected] (0x131b9400) 
|   mService = [email protected]12 (0x12c04850) 
|   mTmpCursorRect = [email protected] (0x12c6f0e8) 
|   shadow$_klass_ = android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager 
|   shadow$_monitor_ = 0 
* Instance of android.support.design.widget.TextInputEditText 
|   static $classOverhead = byte[4196]@318885889 (0x1301d001) 
|   mBackgroundTintHelper = [email protected] (0x13183540) 
|   mTextHelper = [email protected] (0x131bc150) 
|   mAllowTransformationLengthChange = false 
|   mAutoLinkMask = 0 
|   mBoring = null 
|   mBreakStrategy = 0 
|   mBufferType = [email protected] (0x6fe07d58) 
|   mChangeWatcher = [email protected] (0x131ba270) 
|   mCharWrapper = null 
|   mCurHintTextColor = -2130706433 
|   mCurTextColor = -1 
|   mCurrentSpellCheckerLocaleCache = [email protected] (0x131da0d0) 
|   mCursorDrawableRes = 17303398 
|   mDeferScroll = -1 
|   mDesiredHeightAtMeasure = 136 
|   mDeviceProvisionedState = 0 
|   mDrawables = [email protected] (0x12ea0400) 
|   mEditableFactory = [email protected] (0x6fe059e0) 
|   mEditor = [email protected] (0x13185ac0) 
|   mEllipsize = null 
|   mFilters = android.text.InputFilter[1]@320581488 (0x131baf70) 
|   mFreezesText = false 
|   mGravity = 8388627 
|   mHighlightColor = 1727238656 
|   mHighlightPaint = [email protected] (0x131b7500) 
|   mHighlightPath = [email protected] (0x131dba00) 
|   mHighlightPathBogus = false 
|   mHint = null 
|   mHintBoring = null 
|   mHintLayout = null 
|   mHintTextColor = [email protected] (0x12d17150) 
|   mHorizontallyScrolling = true 
|   mHyphenationFrequency = 1 
|   mIncludePad = true 
|   mLastLayoutDirection = 0 
|   mLastScroll = 0 
|   mLayout = [email protected] (0x12e47778) 
|   mLinkTextColor = [email protected] (0x12c8f808) 
|   mLinksClickable = true 
|   mListeners = [email protected] (0x131bd1a8) 
|   mLocalesChanged = false 
|   mMarquee = null 
|   mMarqueeFadeMode = 0 
|   mMarqueeRepeatLimit = 3 
|   mMaxMode = 1 
|   mMaxWidth = 2147483647 
|   mMaxWidthMode = 2 
|   mMaximum = 1 
|   mMinMode = 1 
|   mMinWidth = 0 
|   mMinWidthMode = 2 
|   mMinimum = 1 
|   mMovement = [email protected] (0x12c06ed8) 
|   mOldMaxMode = 1 
|   mOldMaximum = 1 
|   mPreDrawListenerDetached = false 
|   mPreDrawRegistered = false 
|   mPreventDefaultMovement = false 
|   mRestartMarquee = false 
|   mSavedHintLayout = null 
|   mSavedLayout = null 
|   mSavedMarqueeModeLayout = null 
|   mScroller = null 
|   mShadowColor = 0 
|   mShadowDx = 0.0 
|   mShadowDy = 0.0 
|   mShadowRadius = 0.0 
|   mSingleLine = true 
|   mSpacingAdd = 0.0 
|   mSpacingMult = 1.0 
|   mSpannableFactory = [email protected] (0x6fe059f8) 
|   mTempRect = [email protected] (0x131d0f58) 
|   mText = [email protected] (0x12df5100) 
|   mTextColor = [email protected] (0x7404f5e8) 
|   mTextDir = andr[email protected]1876982208 (0x6fe079c0) 
|   mTextEditSuggestionContainerLayout = 17367286 
|   mTextEditSuggestionHighlightStyle = 16974923 
|   mTextEditSuggestionItemLayout = 17367288 
|   mTextPaint = [email protected] (0x12f14510) 
|   mTextSelectHandleLeftRes = 17303402 
|   mTextSelectHandleRes = 17303404 
|   mTextSelectHandleRightRes = 17303406 
|   mTransformation = [email protected] (0x12c06fb0) 
|   mTransformed = android.text.method[email protected]320632600 (0x131c7718) 
|   mUserSetTextScaleX = false 
|   mAccessibilityCursorPosition = -1 
|   mAccessibilityDelegate = null 
|   mAccessibilityTraversalAfterId = -1 
|   mAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId = -1 
|   mAccessibilityViewId = -1 
|   mAnimator = null 
|   mAttachInfo = [email protected] (0x13007a00) 
|   mAttributes = null 
|   mBackground = [email protected] (0x13071b68) 
|   mBackgroundRenderNode = [email protected] (0x131de0a0) 
|   mBackgroundResource = 0 
|   mBackgroundSizeChanged = false 
|   mBackgroundTint = null 
|   mBottom = 136 
|   mCachingFailed = false 
|   mClipBounds = null 
|   mContentDescription = null 
|   mContext = [email protected] (0x12dfc4c0) 
|   mCurrentAnimation = null 
|   mDrawableState = int[4]@1870821352 (0x6f8277e8) 
|   mDrawingCache = null 
|   mDrawingCacheBackgroundColor = 0 
|   mFloatingTreeObserver = null 
|   mForegroundInfo = null 
|   mFrameMetricsObservers = null 
|   mGhostView = null 
|   mHasPerformedLongPress = false 
|   mID = 2131755351 
|   mIgnoreNextUpEvent = false 
|   mInContextButtonPress = false 
|   mInputEventConsistencyVerifier = null 
|   mKeyedTags = null 
|   mLabelForId = -1 
|   mLastIsOpaque = false 
|   mLayerPaint = null 
|   mLayerType = 0 
|   mLayoutInsets = null 
|   mLayoutParams = [email protected] (0x13071e40) 
|   mLeft = 0 
|   mLeftPaddingDefined = false 
|   mListenerInfo = null 
|   mLongClickX = NaN 
|   mLongClickY = NaN 
|   mMatchIdPredicate = null 
|   mMatchLabelForPredicate = null 
|   mMeasureCache = [email protected] (0x131d0ac0) 
|   mMeasuredHeight = 136 
|   mMeasuredWidth = 984 
|   mMinHeight = 0 
|   mMinWidth = 0 
|   mNestedScrollingParent = null 
|   mNextFocusDownId = -1 
|   mNextFocusForwardId = -1 
|   mNextFocusLeftId = -1 
|   mNextFocusRightId = -1 
|   mNextFocusUpId = -1 
|   mOldHeightMeasureSpec = 455 
|   mOldWidthMeasureSpec = 1073742808 
|   mOutlineProvider = [email protected] (0x6fe05ad8) 
|   mOverScrollMode = 1 
|   mOverlay = null 
|   mPaddingBottom = 33 
|   mPaddingLeft = 12 
|   mPaddingRight = 12 
|   mPaddingTop = 30 
|   mParent = [email protected] (0x131b9000) 
|   mPendingCheckForLongPress = null 
|   mPendingCheckForTap = null 
|   mPerformClick = null 
|   mPointerIcon = null 
|   mPrivateFlags = 16943154 
|   mPrivateFlags2 = 1611867688 
|   mPrivateFlags3 = 4 
|   mRecreateDisplayList = false 
|   mRenderNode = [email protected] (0x1311aaa8) 
|   mResources = [email protected] (0x12c09ec0) 
|   mRight = 984 
|   mRightPaddingDefined = false 
|   mRunQueue = [email protected] (0x131ca690) 
|   mScrollCache = null 
|   mScrollIndicatorDrawable = null 
|   mScrollX = 0 
|   mScrollY = 0 
|   mSendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent = null 
|   mSendViewStateChangedAccessibilityEvent = null 
|   mSendingHoverAccessibilityEvents = false 
|   mStartActivityRequestWho = null 
|   mStateListAnimator = null 
|   mSystemUiVisibility = 0 
|   mTag = null 
|   mTempNestedScrollConsumed = null 
|   mTop = 0 
|   mTouchDelegate = null 
|   mTouchSlop = 48 
|   mTransformationInfo = [email protected] (0x131d0eb0) 
|   mTransientStateCount = 0 
|   mTransitionName = null 
|   mUnscaledDrawingCache = null 
|   mUnsetPressedState = null 
|   mUserPaddingBottom = 33 
|   mUserPaddingEnd = -2147483648 
|   mUserPaddingLeft = 12 
|   mUserPaddingLeftInitial = 12 
|   mUserPaddingRight = 12 
|   mUserPaddingRightInitial = 12 
|   mUserPaddingStart = -2147483648 
|   mVerticalScrollFactor = 0.0 
|   mVerticalScrollbarPosition = 0 
|   mViewFlags = 405028865 
|   mWindowAttachCount = 1 
|   shadow$_klass_ = android.support.design.widget.TextInputEditText 
|   shadow$_monitor_ = 0 
* Instance of java.util.ArrayList 
|   static $classOverhead = byte[460]@1870958273 (0x6f848ec1) 
|   static EMPTY_ELEMENTDATA = java.lang.Object[0]@1870221960 (0x6f795288) 
|   static DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 10 
|   static MAX_ARRAY_SIZE = 2147483639 
|   static serialVersionUID = 8683452581122892189 
|   elementData = java.lang.Object[10]@319233656 (0x13071e78) 
|   size = 2 
|   modCount = 2 
|   shadow$_klass_ = java.util.ArrayList 
|   shadow$_monitor_ = 0 
* Array of java.lang.Object[] 
|   [0] = [email protected] (0x131ba2c0) 
|   [1] = [email protected]4 (0x130664e0) 
|   [2] = null 
|   [3] = null 
|   [4] = null 
|   [5] = null 
|   [6] = null 
|   [7] = null 
|   [8] = null 
|   [9] = null 
* Instance of com.myapp.enterprise.registration.steps.LoginFragment$1 
|   static $change = null 
|   static $classOverhead = byte[328]@317118193 (0x12e6d6f1) 
|   static serialVersionUID = 0 
|   this$0 = [email protected] (0x12f253a0) 
|   shadow$_klass_ = com.myapp.enterprise.registration.steps.LoginFragment$1 
|   shadow$_monitor_ = 0 
* Instance of com.myapp.enterprise.registration.steps.LoginFragment 
|   static $classOverhead = byte[964]@316739585 (0x12e11001) 
|   static MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH = 8 
|   static $change = null 
|   static MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH = 26 
|   static serialVersionUID = 0 
|   emailOK = false 
|   errorTextView = [email protected] (0x131bf800) 
|   forgotPasswordButton = [email protected] (0x131c0400) 
|   loginRegisterButton = [email protected]20601088 (0x131bfc00) 
|   mPasswordWatcher = [email protected]0 (0x130664f0) 
|   mUsernameWatcher = [email protected]4 (0x130664e0) 
|   passwordEditText = [email protected] (0x131bf400) 
|   passwordOK = false 
|   usernameEditText = [email protected] (0x131b9400) 
|   usernameLayout = [email protected] (0x131b8c00) 
|   registrationInterface = [email protected] (0x12dfc4c0) 
|   mAdded = true 
|   mAnimationInfo = null 
|   mArguments = null 
|   mBackStackNesting = 0 
|   mCalled = true 
|   mCheckedForLoaderManager = true 
|   mChildFragmentManager = [email protected] (0x12f14e40) 
|   mChildNonConfig = null 
|   mContainer = [email protected] (0x1306ec00) 
|   mContainerId = 16908290 
|   mDeferStart = false 
|   mDetached = false 
|   mFragmentId = 16908290 
|   mFragmentManager = [email protected] (0x12e9e200) 
|   mFromLayout = false 
|   mHasMenu = false 
|   mHidden = false 
|   mHiddenChanged = false 
|   mHost = [email protected] (0x13069250) 
|   mInLayout = false 
|   mIndex = 0 
|   mInnerView = [email protected] (0x131b5800) 
|   mIsNewlyAdded = false 
|   mLoaderManager = null 
|   mLoadersStarted = true 
|   mMenuVisible = true 
|   mParentFragment = null 
|   mPostponedAlpha = 0.0 
|   mRemoving = false 
|   mRestored = true 
|   mRetainInstance = false 
|   mRetaining = false 
|   mSavedFragmentState = null 
|   mSavedViewState = null 
|   mState = 5 
|   mTag = [email protected] (0x12e815c0) 
|   mTarget = null 
|   mTargetIndex = -1 
|   mTargetRequestCode = 0 
|   mUserVisibleHint = true 
|   mView = [email protected] (0x131b5800) 
|   mWho = [email protected] (0x13064580) 
|   shadow$_klass_ = com.myapp.enterprise.registration.steps.LoginFragment 
|   shadow$_monitor_ = 0 
* Excluded Refs: 
| Field: android.view.textservice.SpellCheckerSession$1.this$0 
| Field: android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.mMessageQueue (always) 
| Thread:FinalizerWatchdogDaemon (always) 
| Thread:main (always) 
| Thread:LeakCanary-Heap-Dump (always) 
| Class:java.lang.ref.WeakReference (always) 
| Class:java.lang.ref.SoftReference (always) 
| Class:java.lang.ref.PhantomReference (always) 
| Class:java.lang.ref.Finalizer (always) 
| Class:java.lang.ref.FinalizerReference (always) 



这可能在Android源代码中的错误。看到这篇文章:https://medium.com/@amitshekhar/android-memory-leaks-inputmethodmanager-solved-a6f2fe1d1348 –


我收到了很多这些错误 –
