2010-09-29 85 views

我正在编写CodeIgniter之上的应用程序,以更好地组织我的电子书收藏。我差不多完成了,但是我意识到我的'浏览'页面正在运行太多的查询 - 每本书两个 - 来获取他们的信息。显然不是理想的,特别是因为我有大约1000本书投入这个系统。如何减少获得此结果所需的查询数

我目前有一个模型函数可以获取所有书籍(最终将被修改为接受参数 - 这是下一步),另一个获取每个返回书籍的元信息。第二个功能是对每本书进行两次查询 - 一个用于获取书本表中的信息,另一个用于获取与该书籍相关的标签。下面是这两个型号的功能:


function get_books() { 
    $query = $this->db->get('books'); 
    $result = $query->result(); 
    return $result; 


function get_book_info($isbn) { 
    // Grab the book from Amazon 
    $amazon = $this->amazon->get_amazon_item($isbn); 

    // Get the book info 
    $this->db->select('title, publisher, date, thumb, filename, pages'); 
    $query = $this->db->get_where('books', array('isbn' => $isbn)); 
    $bookResult = $query->row(); 

    // Get the book's tags 
    $this->db->from('tags AS t'); 
    $this->db->join('books_tags AS bt', 'bt.tag_id = t.id', 'left'); 
    $this->db->where('bt.book_id', $isbn); 
    $tagQuery = $this->db->get(); 
    foreach ($tagQuery->result() as $row) { 
     $tagResult[] = $row->tag; 
    $tagResult = implode(', ', $tagResult); 

    // Send data 
    $data = array(
     'isbn' => $isbn, 
     'thumb' => $bookResult->thumb, 
     'title' => strip_slashes($bookResult->title), 
     'file' => $bookResult->filename, 
     'publisher' => strip_slashes($bookResult->publisher), 
     'date' => date('F j, Y', strtotime($bookResult->date)), 
     'pages' => $bookResult->pages, 
     'tags' => $tagResult, 
     'rating' => $amazon->Items->Item->CustomerReviews->AverageRating, 
     'raters' => $amazon->Items->Item->CustomerReviews->TotalReviews 
    return $data; 


谢谢了, 马库斯




function get_book_info() { 

    * SELECT b.isbn, b.title, b.publisher, b.date, b.thumb, b.filename, b.pages, t.tag 
    * FROM books AS b 
    * INNER JOIN books_tags AS bt ON b.isbn = bt.book_id 
    * INNER JOIN tags AS t ON bt.tag_id = t.id 
    * ORDER BY b.title, t.tag 

    $this->db->select('b.isbn, b.title, b.publisher, b.date, b.thumb, b.filename, b.pages, t.tag'); 
    $this->db->from('books AS b'); 
    $this->db->join('books_tags AS bt', 'b.isbn = bt.book_id', 'inner'); 
    $this->db->join('tags AS t', 'bt.tag_id = t.id', 'inner'); 
    $this->db->order_by('b.title, t.tag'); 
    $query = $this->db->get(); 
    $result = $query->result(); 

    $counter = ''; 
    $record = $meta = $tags = array(); 
    $count = count($result); 
    $i = 1; 

    foreach ($result as $book) { 
     // If this is not the last row 
     if ($i < $count) { 
      // If this is the first appearance of this book 
      if ($counter != $book->isbn) { 
       // If the meta array already exists 
       if ($meta) { 
        // Add the combined tag string to the meta array 
        $meta['tags'] = implode(', ', $tags); 
        // Add the meta array 
        $record[] = $meta; 
        // Empty the tags array 
        $tags = array(); 
       // Reset the counter 
       $counter = $book->isbn; 
       // Grab the book from Amazon 
       $amazon = $this->amazon->get_amazon_item($book->isbn); 
       // Collect the book information 
       $meta = array(
        'isbn' => $book->isbn, 
        'title' => strip_slashes($book->title), 
        'publisher' => strip_slashes($book->publisher), 
        'date' => date('F j, Y', strtotime($book->date)), 
        'thumb' => $book->thumb, 
        'file' => $book->filename, 
        'pages' => $book->pages, 
        'rating' => $amazon->Items->Item->CustomerReviews->AverageRating, 
        'raters' => $amazon->Items->Item->CustomerReviews->TotalReviews 
       // Add the tag to the tags array 
       $tags[] = $book->tag; 
      } else { 
       // All we need is the tag 
       $tags[] = $book->tag; 
     // If this is the last row 
     } else { 
      // If this is the first appearance of this book 
      if ($counter != $book->isbn) { 
       // Grab the book from Amazon 
       $amazon = $this->amazon->get_amazon_item($book->isbn); 
       // Collect the book information 
       $meta = array(
        'isbn' => $book->isbn, 
        'title' => strip_slashes($book->title), 
        'publisher' => strip_slashes($book->publisher), 
        'date' => date('F j, Y', strtotime($book->date)), 
        'thumb' => $book->thumb, 
        'file' => $book->filename, 
        'pages' => $book->pages, 
        'rating' => $amazon->Items->Item->CustomerReviews->AverageRating, 
        'raters' => $amazon->Items->Item->CustomerReviews->TotalReviews 
       // Add the tag to the tags array 
       $tags[] = $book->tag; 
       // Add the combined tag string to the meta array 
       $meta['tags'] = implode(', ', $tags); 
       // Add the meta array 
       $record[] = $meta; 
      } else { 
       // All we need is the tag 
       $tags[] = $book->tag; 
       // Add the combined tag string to the meta array 
       $meta['tags'] = implode(', ', $tags); 
       // Add the meta array 
       $record[] = $meta; 

    return $record; 



看起来不错,从我可以告诉。做得好! – 2010-09-30 10:33:56


如果我给你的权利:在表有所有关于书的数据: 这样做的:

$query = $this->db->get('books'); 
$result = $query->result(); 
return $result; 



我很好,第一个查询。我宁愿有一个额外的查询,而不是每次有人想要查看特定集时都要将我的书籍表的全部内容保存在内存中。我的问题是关于第二个模型函数。第一个供参考。 – Marcus 2010-09-29 19:42:30



  • 如果这是一个浏览页面 - 是不是有分页?对结果进行分页应大幅度减少每页加载运行的查询数量。
  • 有一个函数(比如说,get_books_info()),您可以调用该函数检索get_books()函数返回的所有书籍的所有标记&元信息。然后从你的get_book_info()引用该数组。你甚至可以从get_book_info()触发get_books_info() - 所以你只需要做这项工作,如果你需要的数据。我认为这种懒惰的加载。

最终会分页,但我需要首先获得优化的查询,然后将限制和偏移量应用于它们。 – Marcus 2010-09-29 20:16:48



  1. 抓住所有的书,他们的标签排序列表,
  2. 风格出来为HTML,用标签和评级。


Book | Tag 
------ | ---------------- 
Book A | Fiction 
Book A | Fantasy 
Book B | Mystery 
Book C | Science Fiction 


如果你的亚马逊信息来自亚马逊,你可能会没有选择重复调用他们的API(除非他们有一个“批量”模式或其他你可以提交一系列的ISBN)? 。


同意。我对与亚马逊的多次通话没问题 - 这就是“很高兴有”数据。我已将核心书籍元数据保存到数据库。 我喜欢你展示的样本结果集,但我没有线索如何编写这种查询。任何提示让我开始? – Marcus 2010-09-29 19:44:22


受到你方法的启发,我问了另一个问题,关于如何生成上述结果并基于它实现我的解决方案。代码如下。 – Marcus 2010-09-30 01:13:04


对不起,当你自己解决它时已经睡着了......但很高兴你明白了! – 2010-09-30 10:34:43

function get_book_info() { 

    * SELECT b.isbn, b.title, b.publisher, b.date, b.thumb, b.filename, b.pages, t.tag 
    * FROM books AS b 
    * INNER JOIN books_tags AS bt ON b.isbn = bt.book_id 
    * INNER JOIN tags AS t ON bt.tag_id = t.id 
    * ORDER BY b.title, t.tag 

    $this->db->select('b.isbn, b.title, b.publisher, b.date, b.thumb, b.filename, b.pages, t.tag'); 
    $this->db->from('books AS b'); 
    $this->db->join('books_tags AS bt', 'b.isbn = bt.book_id', 'inner'); 
    $this->db->join('tags AS t', 'bt.tag_id = t.id', 'inner'); 
    $this->db->order_by('b.title, t.tag'); 
    $query = $this->db->get(); 
    $result = $query->result(); 

    $counter = ''; 
    $record = $meta = $tags = array(); 
    $count = count($result); 
    $i = 1; 

    foreach ($result as $book) { 
     // If this is not the last row 
     if ($i < $count) { 
      // If this is the first appearance of this book 
      if ($counter != $book->isbn) { 
       // If the meta array already exists 
       if ($meta) { 
        // Add the combined tag string to the meta array 
        $meta['tags'] = implode(', ', $tags); 
        // Add the meta array 
        $record[] = $meta; 
        // Empty the tags array 
        $tags = array(); 
       // Reset the counter 
       $counter = $book->isbn; 
       // Grab the book from Amazon 
       $amazon = $this->amazon->get_amazon_item($book->isbn); 
       // Collect the book information 
       $meta = array(
        'isbn' => $book->isbn, 
        'title' => strip_slashes($book->title), 
        'publisher' => strip_slashes($book->publisher), 
        'date' => date('F j, Y', strtotime($book->date)), 
        'thumb' => $book->thumb, 
        'file' => $book->filename, 
        'pages' => $book->pages, 
        'rating' => $amazon->Items->Item->CustomerReviews->AverageRating, 
        'raters' => $amazon->Items->Item->CustomerReviews->TotalReviews 
       // Add the tag to the tags array 
       $tags[] = $book->tag; 
      } else { 
       // All we need is the tag 
       $tags[] = $book->tag; 
     // If this is the last row 
     } else { 
      // If this is the first appearance of this book 
      if ($counter != $book->isbn) { 
       // Grab the book from Amazon 
       $amazon = $this->amazon->get_amazon_item($book->isbn); 
       // Collect the book information 
       $meta = array(
        'isbn' => $book->isbn, 
        'title' => strip_slashes($book->title), 
        'publisher' => strip_slashes($book->publisher), 
        'date' => date('F j, Y', strtotime($book->date)), 
        'thumb' => $book->thumb, 
        'file' => $book->filename, 
        'pages' => $book->pages, 
        'rating' => $amazon->Items->Item->CustomerReviews->AverageRating, 
        'raters' => $amazon->Items->Item->CustomerReviews->TotalReviews 
       // Add the tag to the tags array 
       $tags[] = $book->tag; 
       // Add the combined tag string to the meta array 
       $meta['tags'] = implode(', ', $tags); 
       // Add the meta array 
       $record[] = $meta; 
      } else { 
       // All we need is the tag 
       $tags[] = $book->tag; 
       // Add the combined tag string to the meta array 
       $meta['tags'] = implode(', ', $tags); 
       // Add the meta array 
       $record[] = $meta; 

    return $record; 

代码只有答案不是很好的答案 - 请修改您的答案,添加一些评论,只是描述相关的位。 – slugster 2012-10-14 10:16:25