2016-03-19 18 views

我使用纯php上传来创建上传页面。但是,它只能上传以下图片扩展名。 GIF | JPG | PNG | BMP | JPEG更改REGEX JavaScript代码以接受pdf文件


re=new RegExp(".(gif|jpg|png|bmp|jpeg)$","i");

我相信这是我需要修改,以允许PDF的代码要上传的文件。 对于JavaScript专家,整个代码如下。 请帮助将不胜感激

    Pure PHP Upload 
    Copyright 2001-2010 (c) George Petrov, www.DMXzone.com 
    Version: 2.1.12 

function checkFileUpload(c, h, f, d, a, m, j, k, e, l) { 
    if (document.MM_returnValue === false) { 
    var b = true; 
    document.MM_returnValue = false; 
    for (var g = 0; g < c.elements.length; g++) { 
     field = c.elements[g]; 
     if (!field.type || field.type.toUpperCase() != "FILE") { 
     checkOneFileUpload(field, h, f, d, a, m, j, k, e, l); 
     if (!field.uploadOK) { 
      b = false; 
    if (b) { 
     document.MM_returnValue = true 

function checkOneFileUpload(g, f, d, b, a, k, h, i, c, j) { 
    var e = g.value.replace(/"/gi, ""); 
    g.uploadOK = false; 
    if (e == "") { 
     if (d) { 
      alert("File is required!"); 
     } else { 
      g.uploadOK = true 
    } else { 
     if (f != "") { 
      checkFileExtension(g, e, f) 
     } else { 
      g.uploadOK = true 
     if (!document.layers && g.uploadOK) { 
      document.PU_uploadForm = g.form; 
      re = new RegExp(".(gif|jpg|png|bmp|jpeg)$", "i"); 
      if (re.test(e) && (b != "" || a != "" || k != "" || h != "" || i != "" || c != "" || j != "")) { 
       checkImageDimensions(g, b, a, k, h, i, c, j) 

function checkFileExtension(j, e, h) { 
    var l = new RegExp("\\.(" + h.replace(/,/gi, "|").replace(/\s/gi, "") + ")$", "i"); 
    var d = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); 
    var b = (d.indexOf("mac") != -1); 
    var a = (d.indexOf("opera") != -1); 
    if (a) { 
     var c = e.substring(e.lastIndexOf(".") + 1, e.length); 
     var k = h.split(","); 
     var g = false; 
     for (var f = 0; f < k.length; f++) { 
      if (k[f].toLowerCase() == c.toLowerCase()) { 
       g = true; 
     if (g == false) { 
      alert("This file type is not allowed for uploading.\nOnly the following file extensions are allowed: " + h + ".\nPlease select another file and try again."); 
      j.uploadOK = false; 
    } else { 
     if (!l.test(e)) { 
      alert("This file type is not allowed for uploading.\nOnly the following file extensions are allowed: " + h + ".\nPlease select another file and try again."); 
      j.uploadOK = false; 
    j.uploadOK = true 

function checkImageDimensions(field, sizeL, minW, minH, maxW, maxH, saveW, saveH) { 
    var agt = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); 
    var is_mac = (agt.indexOf("mac") != -1); 
    var is_ie = document.all; 
    var is_ns6 = (!document.all && document.getElementById ? true : false); 
    var fileURL = field.value; 
    if (is_ie && is_mac) { 
     begPos = fileURL.indexOf("/", 1); 
     if (begPos != -1) { 
      fileURL = fileURL.substring(begPos + 1, fileURL.length) 
    fileURL = "file:///" + fileURL.replace(/:\\/gi, "|/").replace(/\\/gi, "/").replace(/:([^|])/gi, "/$1").replace(/"/gi, "").replace(/^\//, ""); 
    if (!field.gp_img || (field.gp_img && field.gp_img.src != fileURL) || is_ns6) { 
     if (is_ie && is_mac) { 
      var dummyImage; 
      dummyImage = document.createElement("IMG"); 
      dummyImage.src = "dummy.gif"; 
      dummyImage.name = "PPP"; 
      field.gp_img = dummyImage 
     } else { 
      field.gp_img = new Image() 
     with(field) { 
      gp_img.field = field; 
      gp_img.sizeLimit = sizeL * 1024; 
      gp_img.minWidth = minW; 
      gp_img.minHeight = minH; 
      gp_img.maxWidth = maxW; 
      gp_img.maxHeight = maxH; 
      gp_img.saveWidth = saveW; 
      gp_img.saveHeight = saveH; 
      gp_img.onload = showImageDimensions; 
      gp_img.src = fileURL + "?a=123" 

function showImageDimensions(c) { 
    var b = (!document.all && document.getElementById ? true : false); 
    var a = (c && !b ? c : this); 
    if (a.width > 0 && a.height > 0) { 
     if ((a.minWidth != "" && a.minWidth > a.width) || (a.minHeight != "" && a.minHeight > a.height)) { 
      alert("Uploaded Image is too small!\nShould be at least " + a.minWidth + " x " + a.minHeight); 
      a.field.uploadOK = false; 
     if ((a.maxWidth != "" && a.width > a.maxWidth) || (a.maxHeight != "" && a.height > a.maxHeight)) { 
      alert("Uploaded Image is too big!\nShould be max " + a.maxWidth + " x " + a.maxHeight); 
      a.field.uploadOK = false; 
     if (a.sizeLimit != "" && a.fileSize > a.sizeLimit) { 
      alert("Uploaded Image File Size is too big!\nShould be max " + (a.sizeLimit/1024) + " KBytes"); 
      a.field.uploadOK = false; 
     if (a.saveWidth != "") { 
      document.PU_uploadForm[a.saveWidth].value = a.width 
     if (a.saveHeight != "") { 
      document.PU_uploadForm[a.saveHeight].value = a.height 
     if (document.PU_uploadForm[a.field.name + "_width"]) { 
      document.PU_uploadForm[a.field.name + "_width"].value = a.width 
     if (document.PU_uploadForm[a.field.name + "_height"]) { 
      document.PU_uploadForm[a.field.name + "_height"].value = a.height 
     a.field.uploadOK = true 

function showProgressWindow(m, d, c) { 
    var k = false, 
     a, n; 
    for (var l = 0; l < document.forms.length; l++) { 
     a = document.forms[l]; 
     for (var e = 0; e < a.elements.length; e++) { 
      n = a.elements[e]; 
      if (!n.type || n.type.toUpperCase() != "FILE") { 
      if (n.value != "") { 
       k = true; 
    if (k && document.MM_returnValue) { 
     var o = 480, 
      j = 340; 
     if (document.all || document.layers || document.getElementById) { 
      o = screen.availWidth; 
      j = screen.availHeight 
     var b = (o - d)/2, 
      g = (j - c)/2; 
     document.progressWindow = window.open(m, "ProgressWindow", "toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,width=" + d + ",height=" + c); 
     document.progressWindow.moveTo(b, g); 
     window.onunload = function() { 

请正确格式化。 –


你能格式化你的代码吗? – andrewsi




正则表达式:re=new RegExp("\.(gif|jpg|png|bmp|jpeg|pdf)$","i");


你可能也想逃避这个问题 –


@SebastianProske:我将正则表达式按原样复制,因为标题表明它是由一些作者借用php代码。他自己想念逃跑。 –


足够有趣,据我可以追溯代码“//版权2001-2003(c)乔治彼得罗夫,www.DMXzone.com”,在原来的正则表达式是正确的。似乎复制/粘贴受版权保护的代码并不总是有效。 – usr2564301