2017-01-20 29 views






为什么不直接使用状态栏而不是试图自己创建?另外就我所知,调整MSAccess中元素的大小需要设计/独占模式。您是否尝试过调整文本字段以查看这是否有效? – SunKnight0


@ SunKnight0,否,创建/删除控件所需的设计模式,更改其属性不需要设计模式。我在一个单独的模式窗口中使用了进程指示器和长进程的当前状态,它可以很好地与DoEvents一起工作,它可以在同一个窗口中工作,这里有其他的错误。我建议在单独的数据库中创建一个简单的测试应用程序,确保它能正常工作,然后找出应用程序为什么不刷新表单。 –



现在我终于能够找到一种方法来显示可从任何地方调用并不会冻结的通用进度对话框。 非常感谢SunKnight0为您发表了正确的道路上的评论,并感谢Adams提示他回答了“ms-access中的进度条”问题。



该解决方案由一个称为FrmProgress的窗体和一个ModProgress模块​​组成。您可以根据需要从模块中调用方法,就像为班级所做的那样,它会处理表单并确保它已更新并且不会冻结。对于进度条本身,我使用了Adam的class clsLblProg,这里改名为CProgressLabel。这不是强制性的,但我喜欢结果。这是针对Access制作的,但可以轻松导出到Excel。



'this starts the progress popup as modal, so we are pass this line only when the progress is completed and the popup closed 
ModProgress.ProgressStart nbIteration, "Importing Dcp...", "Starting import...", "DcpImportUnit", "DcpImportStop", True, True 

这将启动进度对话框nbIteration环,标题为“导入DCP ......”,最初的消息“开始导入”。在每次迭代时,对话框将调用公共过程“DcpImportUnit”,最后它将调用公共过程“DcpImportStop”。所用时间将在每次迭代中显示和更新。剩余时间将在每次迭代中显示并更新更新。





Option Compare Database 
Option Explicit 

Private Sub CmdStop_Click() 
End Sub 

Private Sub Form_Load() 
    Me.TimerInterval = 200 
    Me.LblBack.Caption = " " 
    ModProgress.ProgressInitiate LblBack, LblFront, LblCaption, LblTitle, LblMessage, LblElapsed, LblRemaining 
End Sub 

Private Sub Form_Timer() 
    Me.TimerInterval = 0 
End Sub 


Option Compare Database 
Option Explicit 

' By Adam Waller 
' Last Modified: 12/16/05 

'Private Const sngOffset As Single = 1.5 ' For Excel 
Private Const sngOffset As Single = 15  ' For Access 

Private mdblMax As Double ' max value of progress bar 
Private mdblVal As Double ' current value of progress bar 
Private mdblFullWidth As Double ' width of front label at 100% 
Private mdblIncSize As Double 
Private mblnHideCap As Boolean ' display percent complete 
Private mobjParent As Object ' parent of back label 
Private mlblBack As Access.Label  ' existing label for back 
Private mlblFront As Access.Label ' label created for front 
Private mlblCaption As Access.Label ' progress bar caption 
Private mdteLastUpdate As Date  ' Time last updated 
Private mblnNotSmooth As Boolean ' Display smooth bar by doevents after every update. 

' This class displays a progress bar created 
' from 3 labels. 
' to use, just add a label to your form, 
' and use this back label to position the 
' progress bar. 

Public Sub Initialize(BackLabel As Access.Label, FrontLabel As Access.Label, CaptionLabel As Access.Label) 

    On Error GoTo 0 ' Debug Mode 

    Dim objParent As Object ' could be a form or tab control 
    Dim frm As Form 

    Set mobjParent = BackLabel.Parent 
    ' set private variables 
    Set mlblBack = BackLabel 
    Set mlblFront = FrontLabel 
    Set mlblCaption = CaptionLabel 

    ' set properties for back label 
    With mlblBack 
    .Visible = True 
    .SpecialEffect = 2 ' sunken. Seems to lose when not visible. 
    End With 

    ' set properties for front label 
    With mlblFront 
    mdblFullWidth = mlblBack.Width - (sngOffset * 2) 
    .Left = mlblBack.Left + sngOffset 
    .Top = mlblBack.Top + sngOffset 
    .Width = 0 
    .Height = mlblBack.Height - (sngOffset * 2) 
    .Caption = "" 
    .BackColor = 8388608 
    .BackStyle = 1 
    .Visible = True 
    End With 

    ' set properties for caption label 
    With mlblCaption 
    .Left = mlblBack.Left + 2 
    .Top = mlblBack.Top + 2 
    .Width = mlblBack.Width - 4 
    .Height = mlblBack.Height - 4 
    .TextAlign = 2 'fmTextAlignCenter 
    .BackStyle = 0 'fmBackStyleTransparent 
    .Caption = "0%" 
    .Visible = Not Me.HideCaption 
    .ForeColor = 16777215 ' white 
    End With 

    Exit Sub 


    Select Case Err.Number 
    Case Else 
     LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "Initialize", Erl 
     Resume Next ' Resume at next line. 
    End Select 

End Sub 

Private Sub Class_Terminate() 

    On Error GoTo 0 ' Debug Mode 

    On Error Resume Next 
    mlblFront.Visible = False 
    mlblCaption.Visible = False 
    On Error GoTo 0 ' Debug Mode 

    Exit Sub 


    Select Case Err.Number 
    Case Else 
     LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "Class_Terminate", Erl 
     Resume Next ' Resume at next line. 
    End Select 

End Sub 

Public Property Get Max() As Double 

    On Error GoTo 0 ' Debug Mode 

    Max = mdblMax 

    Exit Property 


    Select Case Err.Number 
    Case Else 
     LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "Max", Erl 
     Resume Next ' Resume at next line. 
    End Select 

End Property 

Public Property Let Max(ByVal dblMax As Double) 

    On Error GoTo 0 ' Debug Mode 

    mdblMax = dblMax 

    Exit Property 


    Select Case Err.Number 
    Case Else 
     LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "Max", Erl 
     Resume Next ' Resume at next line. 
    End Select 

End Property 

Public Property Get Value() As Double 

    On Error GoTo 0 ' Debug Mode 

    Value = mdblVal 

    Exit Property 


    Select Case Err.Number 
    Case Else 
     LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "Value", Erl 
     Resume Next ' Resume at next line. 
    End Select 

End Property 

Public Property Let Value(ByVal dblVal As Double) 

    On Error GoTo 0 ' Debug Mode 

    'update only if change is => 1% 
    If (CInt(dblVal * (100/mdblMax))) > (CInt(mdblVal * (100/mdblMax))) Then 
    mdblVal = dblVal 
    mdblVal = dblVal 
    End If 

    Exit Property 


    Select Case Err.Number 
    Case Else 
     LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "Value", Erl 
     Resume Next ' Resume at next line. 
    End Select 

End Property 

Public Property Get IncrementSize() As Double 

    On Error GoTo 0 ' Debug Mode 

    IncrementSize = mdblIncSize 

    Exit Property 


    Select Case Err.Number 
    Case Else 
     LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "IncrementSize", Erl 
     Resume Next ' Resume at next line. 
    End Select 

End Property 

Public Property Let IncrementSize(ByVal dblSize As Double) 

On Error GoTo 0 ' Debug Mode 

mdblIncSize = dblSize 

Exit Property 


    Select Case Err.Number 
    Case Else 
     LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "IncrementSize", Erl 
     Resume Next ' Resume at next line. 
    End Select 

End Property 

Public Property Get HideCaption() As Boolean 

    On Error GoTo 0 ' Debug Mode 

    HideCaption = mblnHideCap 

    Exit Property 


    Select Case Err.Number 
    Case Else 
     LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "HideCaption", Erl 
     Resume Next ' Resume at next line. 
    End Select 

End Property 

Public Property Let HideCaption(ByVal blnHide As Boolean) 

    On Error GoTo 0 ' Debug Mode 

    mblnHideCap = blnHide 

    Exit Property 


    Select Case Err.Number 
    Case Else 
     LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "HideCaption", Erl 
     Resume Next ' Resume at next line. 
    End Select 

End Property 

Private Sub Update() 

    On Error GoTo 0 ' Debug Mode 

    Dim intPercent As Integer 
    Dim dblWidth As Double 
    'On Error Resume Next 
    intPercent = mdblVal * (100/mdblMax) 
    dblWidth = mdblVal * (mdblFullWidth/mdblMax) 
    mlblFront.Width = dblWidth 
    mlblCaption.Caption = intPercent & "%" 
    'mlblFront.Parent.Repaint ' may not be needed 

    ' Use white or black, depending on progress 
    If Me.Value > (Me.Max/2) Then 
    mlblCaption.ForeColor = RGB(255, 255, 255) ' white 
    mlblCaption.ForeColor = RGB(0, 0, 0) ' black 
    End If 

    If mblnNotSmooth Then 
    If mdteLastUpdate <> Now Then 
     ' update every second. 
     mdteLastUpdate = Now 
    End If 
    End If 

    Exit Sub 


    Select Case Err.Number 
    Case Else 
     LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "Update", Erl 
     Resume Next ' Resume at next line. 
    End Select 

End Sub 

Public Sub Increment() 

    On Error GoTo 0 ' Debug Mode 

    Dim dblVal As Double 
    dblVal = Me.Value 
    If dblVal < Me.Max Then 
    Me.Value = dblVal + 1 
    'Call Update 
    End If 

    Exit Sub 


    Select Case Err.Number 
    Case Else 
     LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "Increment", Erl 
     Resume Next ' Resume at next line. 
    End Select 

End Sub 

Public Sub Clear() 

    On Error GoTo 0 ' Debug Mode 

    Call Class_Terminate 

    Exit Sub 


    Select Case Err.Number 
    Case Else 
     LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "Clear", Erl 
     Resume Next ' Resume at next line. 
    End Select 

End Sub 

Private Function ParentForm(ctlControl As Control) As String 

    ' returns the name of the parent form 
    Dim objParent As Object 

    Set objParent = ctlControl 

    Do While Not TypeOf objParent Is Form 
    Set objParent = objParent.Parent 

    ' Now we should have the parent form 
    ParentForm = objParent.Name 

End Function 

Public Property Get Smooth() As Boolean 
    ' Display the progress bar smoothly. 
    ' True by default, this property allows the call 
    ' to doevents after every increment. 
    ' If False, it will only update once per second. 
    ' (This may increase speed for fast progresses.) 
    ' negative to set default to true 
    Smooth = mblnNotSmooth 
End Property 

Public Property Let Smooth(ByVal IsSmooth As Boolean) 
    mblnNotSmooth = Not IsSmooth 
End Property 

Private Sub LogErr(objErr, strMod, strProc, intLine) 
    ' For future use. 
End Sub 


Option Compare Database 
Option Explicit 

Private mStop As Boolean 
Private mMax As Long 
Private mTitleString As String 
Private mMessageString As String 
Private mProcCall As String 
Private mProcStop As String 

Private mWithTimeElapsed As Boolean 
Private mWithTimeRemaining As Boolean 

Private mTitle As Access.Label 
Private mMessage As Access.Label 
Private mPgr As CProgressLabel 
Private mElapsed As Access.Label 
Private mRemaining As Access.Label 

Private mDateStart As Date 

Private mCount As Long 

Public Property Get Message() As String 
    If mMessage Is Nothing Then 
    Message = "" 
    Message = mMessage.Caption 
    End If 
End Property 

Public Property Let Message(msg As String) 
    If Not mMessage Is Nothing Then 
    mMessage.Caption = msg 
    End If 
End Property 

Public Sub ProgressInitiate(BackLabel As Access.Label, FrontLabel As Access.Label, CaptionLabel As Access.Label, TitleLabel As Access.Label, MessageLabel As Access.Label, ElapsedLabel As Access.Label, RemainingLabel As Access.Label) 
    Set mTitle = TitleLabel 
    Set mMessage = MessageLabel 
    Set mPgr = New CProgressLabel 
    Set mElapsed = ElapsedLabel 
    Set mRemaining = RemainingLabel 

    mTitle.Caption = mTitleString 
    Message = mMessageString 
    With mPgr 
    .Initialize BackLabel, FrontLabel, CaptionLabel 
    .Max = mMax 
    End With 
    mElapsed.Visible = mWithTimeElapsed 
    mRemaining.Visible = mWithTimeRemaining 


End Sub 

Private Sub ProcRun(callProc As String) 
    If callProc <> "" Then Application.Run callProc 
End Sub 

Private Sub ProcWait(Optional waitingTime As Single = 0.1) 

    Dim sgTimer As Single 

    sgTimer = Timer 
    Do While Timer < sgTimer + waitingTime 

End Sub 

Public Function ProgressCount() As Long 
    ProgressCount = mCount 
End Function 

Public Function ProgressStop() As Long 
    mStop = True 
    ProgressStop = mCount 
End Function 

Public Sub ProgressRun() 

For mCount = 0 To mPgr.Max 

    'this allow to either interrupt the loop before the end or 
    'or just runthe next iteration by calling the procedure given by the caller in ProgressStart 
    If mStop Then 
    ProcRun mProcStop 
    Exit For 
    If mWithTimeElapsed Then mElapsed.Caption = "Time elapsed: " & TimeElapsed 
    If mWithTimeRemaining Then mRemaining.Caption = "Estimated time remaining: " & TimeRemaining 
    If True Then 
     ProcRun mProcCall 
     Message = "Loop nr " & CStr(mCount) 
    End If 
    End If 


    'leave the time for the application to manage the display of the popup after each update 

    Next mCount 

    If mCount > mPgr.Max Then ProcRun mProcStop 'runs the possible stop procedure if we reach the limit set for the loop execution 

    DoCmd.Close acForm, "FrmProgress", acSaveNo 'this is the only place where we close the form 

End Sub 

Public Sub ProgressStart(vMax As Long, sTitle As String, sMessage As String, callProc As String, Optional callStop As String = "", Optional withTimeElapsed As Boolean = False, Optional withTimeRemaining As Boolean = True) 

    mMax = vMax 
    mStop = False 
    mTitleString = sTitle 'this only store the title in a variable so far, it will be set on the label in ProgressRun 
    mMessageString = sMessage 'this only store the title in a variable so far, it will be set on the label in ProgressRun 
    mProcCall = callProc 
    mProcStop = callStop 
    mWithTimeRemaining = withTimeRemaining 
    mWithTimeElapsed = withTimeElapsed 

    mDateStart = Now 

    'the next line opens the form, and its Load event will call this 
    'module's ProgressRun procedure to start the whole shenanigan 
    'it also only in ProgressRun that the form is closed 
    DoCmd.OpenForm "FrmProgress" 

End Sub 

Public Sub ProgressUpdate(newMessage As String) 
    mMessage.Caption = newMessage 
End Sub 

Public Property Get TimeElapsed() As String 
    TimeElapsed = TimeToString(Now - mDateStart) 
End Property 

Public Property Get TimeRemaining() As String 

    Dim iCount As Integer 
    Dim dt As Date 

    'we wait a few cycles to have a significant time reference 
    If mCount < 5 Then 
    TimeRemaining = "" 
    dt = Now - mDateStart 
    TimeRemaining = TimeToString(dt * ((mPgr.Max/mCount) - 1)) 
    End If 

End Property 

Private Function TimeToString(dt As Date) As String 

    Dim intHours As Long 
    Dim intMinutes As Long 

    ' Calculate the time interval 
    intHours = Int(CSng(dt * 24)) 
    intMinutes = Int(CSng(dt * 24 * 60)) - intHours * 60 

    ' Format and print the time interval in hours, minutes and seconds. 
    If intHours > 0 Then TimeToString = intHours & "h" 
    If intMinutes > 0 Then TimeToString = TimeToString & intMinutes & "min" 
    TimeToString = TimeToString & Format(dt, "ss") & "s" 

End Function 

