2015-01-15 45 views



我觉得你应该自己通过小部件.widget的第二个参数()。不是一个字符串。这是我的测试。 http://jsfiddle.net/ho873kz4/


Base Widget 

     Requires jQuery 
     Requires jQuery UI 


(function($, undefined) { 

     * A widget. 
     $.widget('sb.baseApp', { 
       * Widget Option 
       options: {}, 

       * Constructor, called once when first created 
       _create: function() { 
        console.log('baseApp created'); 

       * Initialisation, called after _create and and on later widget calls. 
       _init: function() { 

       * Destructor, cleanup when no longer needed. 
       _destroy: function() { 
} (jQuery)); 


Textbox Widget 

     Requires jQuery 
     Requires jQuery UI 


(function($, undefined) { 

     * A widget 
     $.widget('sb.textboxesApp', $.sb.baseApp, { 
       * Widget Option 
       options: {}, 

       * Constructor, called once when first created 
       _create: function() { 
        console.log('textboxesApp create'); 
        return this._super(); 

       * Initialisation, called after _create and and on later widget calls. 
       _init: function() { 

       * Destructor, cleanup when no longer needed. 
       _destroy: function() { 
} (jQuery)); 


非常感谢!这解决了我的问题;) – 2015-01-16 09:18:22
