2014-03-19 54 views


Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.InvalidCookieDomainException: You may only set cookies for the current domain 


//it is going to example.com and example redirect me to the "example.com" all cookie domains is "example.com" 

Set<Cookie> cookies = driver.manage().getCookies(); 
Iterator<Cookie> itr = cookies.iterator(); 

    while (itr.hasNext()){ 
    Cookie c = itr.next(); 
    System.out.println("Cookie Name: " + c.getName() + " --- " + "Cookie Domain: " + c.getDomain() + " --- " + "Cookie Value: " + c.getValue()); 




根据错误:'你只能为当前域设置Cookie'你不能那样做。 – sircapsalot




按照the answer by the team on this issue的项目跟踪,

The cookies methods only act on cookies that would be visible as this is the only thing that can be made to work consistently across all browsers. The behaviour that you see is the expected behaviour.


Thanks anotherdave –


你必须做一整页加载来设置一个cookie,这是相当荒谬的。如果您在多个域中都有Cookie,则必须为每个域进行页面加载。 – speedplane


@speedplane:对于写Selenium的人来说公平,我不会称之为荒谬的 - 假设有很多个人浏览器的特质,他们必须努力工作。如果您的需求涉及更多,您可以随时在您的测试套件之外进行设置 - 例如创建一个[预先配置了Cookie的Firefox配置文件](https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1096646)或将一个cookie文件传递给PhantomJS等。 – anotherdave






The webdriver spec https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/webdriver-spec.html#add-cookie forces the current browser session to be on the domain where you are adding the cookie to.

This makes tons of sense and I agree with it.

This unfortunately prevents 2 key use cases:

You want to re-use cookies from another webdriver session in a new session to avoid repeating the work it took to get the cookies. Such as having to repeat a login. Allow a webdriver pool to be shared amongst unrelated threads where each thread might have their own cookies. The only current work around is to attempt to force the webdriver to go to a 404 error page with something like: webdriver.get(" http://the-cookie-domain.com/404adsfasdf "). This would cause the page to go to domain and would allow you to add cookies with addCookie. But this hardly ever works. Because the page is very often protected by SSO, any attempt to go to http://the-cookie-domain.com/ * sends you to an SSO login page e.g. http://login.ssodomain.com and now you have the same problem.

We should add a new method to the spec webdriver.goTo404Page(domain) to allow this use-case. This method should simulate a 404 HTTP status code response from domain in the browser.

Alternatively maybe be a new overload to addCookie could allow this, for example: void addCookie(Cookie var1, String goTo404PageOfDomain);

By allowing users to go to a fake 404 page of any given domain, this guarantees the 404-page workaround works for any page and these 2 use cases are now possible.


diff --git a/testing/marionette/cookie.js b/testing/marionette/cookie.js 
--- a/testing/marionette/cookie.js 
+++ b/testing/marionette/cookie.js 
@@ -144,14 +144,14 @@ cookie.add = function(newCookie, {restri 
    newCookie.domain = "." + newCookie.domain; 

- if (restrictToHost) { 
- if (!restrictToHost.endsWith(newCookie.domain) && 
-  ("." + restrictToHost) !== newCookie.domain && 
-  restrictToHost !== newCookie.domain) { 
-  throw new InvalidCookieDomainError(`Cookies may only be set ` + 
-   `for the current domain (${restrictToHost})`); 
- } 
- } 
+// if (restrictToHost) { 
+// if (!restrictToHost.endsWith(newCookie.domain) && 
+//  ("." + restrictToHost) !== newCookie.domain && 
+//  restrictToHost !== newCookie.domain) { 
+//  throw new InvalidCookieDomainError(`Cookies may only be set ` + 
+//   `for the current domain (${restrictToHost})`); 
+// } 
+// } 

    // remove port from domain, if present. 
    // unfortunately this catches IPv6 addresses by mistake 
diff --git a/testing/marionette/driver.js b/testing/marionette/driver.js 
--- a/testing/marionette/driver.js 
+++ b/testing/marionette/driver.js 
@@ -2638,9 +2638,9 @@ GeckoDriver.prototype.addCookie = functi 
    let {protocol, hostname} = this.currentURL; 

    const networkSchemes = ["ftp:", "http:", "https:"]; 
- if (!networkSchemes.includes(protocol)) { 
- throw new InvalidCookieDomainError("Document is cookie-averse"); 
- } 
+// if (!networkSchemes.includes(protocol)) { 
+// throw new InvalidCookieDomainError("Document is cookie-averse"); 
+// } 

    let newCookie = cookie.fromJSON(cmd.parameters.cookie); 

diff --git a/testing/marionette/test_cookie.js b/testing/marionette/test_cookie.js 
--- a/testing/marionette/test_cookie.js 
+++ b/testing/marionette/test_cookie.js 
@@ -190,10 +190,10 @@ add_test(function test_add() { 
    equal(2, cookie.manager.cookies.length); 

- Assert.throws(() => { 
- let biscuit = {name: "name3", value: "value3", domain: "domain3"}; 
- cookie.add(biscuit, {restrictToHost: "other domain"}); 
- }, /Cookies may only be set for the current domain/); 
+// Assert.throws(() => { 
+// let biscuit = {name: "name3", value: "value3", domain: "domain3"}; 
+// cookie.add(biscuit, {restrictToHost: "other domain"}); 
+// }, /Cookies may only be set for the current domain/); 

    name: "name4",