2012-10-23 143 views


class CharacterStats 
    public int CharacterHitPoints() 
     int Health = 0;    
     Random rnd = new Random(); 
     Health = rnd.Next(30,70); 
     return (Health); 

    public int CharacterStrength() 
     int Strength = 0; 
     Random rnd = new Random(); 
     Strength = rnd.Next(1,20); 
     return (Strength); 

class ApplicationObject 
    static void Main() 
     string CharName; 
     string KeepStats; 

     MonsterAttackRolls GoblinAttack = new MonsterAttackRolls(); 
     MonsterAttackRolls OrcAttack = new MonsterAttackRolls(); 
     MonsterAttackRolls OgreAttack = new MonsterAttackRolls(); 
     MonsterAttackRolls DragonAttack = new MonsterAttackRolls(); 

     MonsterHitPoints GoblinHealth = new MonsterHitPoints(); 
     MonsterHitPoints OrcHealth = new MonsterHitPoints(); 
     MonsterHitPoints OgreHealth = new MonsterHitPoints(); 
     MonsterHitPoints DragonHealth = new MonsterHitPoints(); 

     CharacterStats PlayerHealth = new CharacterStats(); 
     CharacterStats PlayerStrength = new CharacterStats(); 

     Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Realm, the top adventure game in the world! Please enter the name of your character if you wish to continue:"); 
     CharName = Console.ReadLine(); 

     Console.WriteLine("Welcome {0} to Realm! You will be given stats. They may be good or they may be bad.\nYou only get 2 rolls for your stats though, so pick wisely! From there you must fight 4 fearsome beasts.\n If you survive, you will win the game. If you die, well, you die. Press any key to continue.", CharName); 

     Console.WriteLine("You will be given a strength number which augments your damage. Your strength can range from 1 - 20.\n A strength of 15 or over gives you a bonus to damage. A strength of 5 or less gives you a penalty. You will be start with a hit point number between 30-70. Good luck!"); 

     Console.WriteLine("Your first set of stats is:\n Health = {0}.\nYour strength is {1}.\nIf you would like to roll again press 1. If you want to keep your stats press any other key.", PlayerHealth.CharacterHitPoints(), PlayerStrength.CharacterStrength()); 
     KeepStats = Console.ReadLine(); 

     if (KeepStats == "1") 
      Console.WriteLine("So you want a second set of stats. Okay.\n Your health is now: {0}.\n Your strength is now: {1}.", PlayerHealth.CharacterHitPoints(), PlayerStrength.CharacterStrength()); 

     Console.WriteLine("Okay {0} you are ready to go. Good luck!\n. Once again, your stats are: Health: {1}\n Strength: {2}", CharName, //How do I access the return value? x 2?; 




'VAR MYVARIABLE =到Console.ReadLine();'??请遵循网络上的任何C#教程 –


'var myVar = MyMethod();' – Leri


我没有阅读网络教程。我被卡在教科书中第5章的方法上。我的搜索史蒂夫在C,Python中找到了例子,但不是在C#中。 –


CharacterStats charObj = new CharacterStats(); 
int CharacterStrengthInt = charObj.CharacterStrength(); 
int CharacterHitPointsInt = charObj.CharacterHitPoints(); 




int CharacterStrengthInt = PlayerStrength.CharacterStrength(); 
int CharacterHitPointsInt = PlayerHealth.CharacterHitPoints(); 
if (KeepStats == "1") 
     Console.WriteLine("So you want a second set of stats. Okay.\n Your health is now: {0}.\n Your strength is now: {1}." 
     , CharacterHitPointsInt, CharacterStrengthInt); 

这没有奏效。这又称为函数。它没有将前一个方法的返回值赋给Main()中的一个变量。 –


@MatthewOttewell,我不知道你是如何尝试。但是在你自己的代码中,你将一个方法的值赋给一个变量。看到“Health = rnd.Next”(30,70);' – Habib


'我编辑了我的帖子以显示程序的完整代码(除了两个与此问题无关的其他类)。 –



int strength = characterStatsObject.CharacterStrength() 



我会试试这个。 –


好的,我需要在函数或主代码中创建对象吗? –


当你真的想要使用这个对象时,在你的主代码中。 – mboldt

CharacterStats objCS = new CharacterStats(); 
int CHP = objCS.CharacterHitPoints(); 
int CRS = objCS.CharacterStrength(); 



不幸的是,这并没有奏效。 –