2015-06-12 65 views



import java.awt.EventQueue; 

import javax.swing.JFrame; 
import javax.swing.JSlider; 
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; 
import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener; 
import java.awt.GridBagLayout; 
import java.awt.GridBagConstraints; 
import java.awt.Insets; 
import javax.swing.JLabel; 
import javax.swing.JPanel; 
import java.awt.Color; 

public class MainWND { 
    int i_R, i_G, i_B; 
    float i_C, i_M, i_Y, i_K; 
    boolean changedRGB, changedCMYK = false; 

    private JFrame frame; 
    private JSlider sliderR; 
    private JSlider sliderG; 
    private JSlider sliderB; 
    private JSlider sliderC; 
    private JSlider sliderM; 
    private JSlider sliderY; 
    private JSlider sliderK; 
    private JLabel lblNewLabel; 
    private JLabel lblNewLabel_1; 
    private JLabel lbR; 
    private JLabel lbG; 
    private JLabel lbB; 
    private JLabel lbC; 
    private JLabel lbM; 
    private JLabel lbY; 
    private JLabel lbK; 
    private JLabel lblNewLabel_9; 
    private JLabel lblNewLabel_10; 
    private JLabel lblNewLabel_11; 
    private JLabel lblNewLabel_12; 
    private JLabel lblNewLabel_13; 
    private JLabel lblNewLabel_14; 
    private JLabel lblNewLabel_15; 
    private JPanel panel; 

    public void rgb_to_cmyk() { 

     i_K = Math.min(Math.min(255 - i_R, 255 - i_G), 255 - i_B); 
     // System.out.println("! " + i_K + " !"); 
     // System.out.println("! " + (int)i_K + " !"); 
     if (i_K != 255) { 
      i_C = (255 - i_R - i_K)/(255 - i_K) * 255; 
      i_M = (255 - i_G - i_K)/(255 - i_K) * 255; 
      i_Y = (255 - i_B - i_K)/(255 - i_K) * 255; 
     } else { 
      i_C = 255 - i_R; 
      i_M = 255 - i_G; 
      i_Y = 255 - i_B; 
     // System.out.println(i_C+" "+i_M+" "+i_Y+" "+i_K); 


    public void cmyk_to_rgb() { 
     if (i_K != 255) { 
      i_R = (int) ((255 - i_C) * (255 - i_K))/255; 
      i_G = (int) ((255 - i_M) * (255 - i_K))/255; 
      i_B = (int) ((255 - i_Y) * (255 - i_K))/255; 
     } else { 
      i_R = (int) (255 - i_C); 
      i_G = (int) (255 - i_M); 
      i_B = (int) (255 - i_Y); 

    public void update() { 
     sliderC.setValue((int) i_C); 
     sliderM.setValue((int) (i_M)); 
     sliderY.setValue((int) (i_Y)); 
     sliderK.setValue((int) (i_K)); 
     panel.setBackground(new Color(i_R, i_G, i_B)); 

     System.out.println("RGB " + changedRGB + " CMYK " + changedCMYK); 


    public class rgbListener implements ChangeListener { 

     public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent arg0) { 

      i_R = sliderR.getValue(); 
      i_G = sliderG.getValue(); 
      i_B = sliderB.getValue(); 




    public class cmykListener implements ChangeListener { 

     public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent arg0) { 

      i_C = sliderC.getValue(); 
      i_M = sliderM.getValue(); 
      i_Y = sliderY.getValue(); 
      i_K = sliderK.getValue(); 



    * Launch the application. 
    public static void main(String[] args) { 
     EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { 
      public void run() { 
       try { 
        MainWND window = new MainWND(); 
       } catch (Exception e) { 

    * Create the application. 
    public MainWND() { 

    * Initialize the contents of the frame. 
    private void initialize() { 
     frame = new JFrame(); 
     frame.setBounds(100, 100, 620, 300); 
     GridBagLayout gridBagLayout = new GridBagLayout(); 
     gridBagLayout.columnWidths = new int[] { 0, 150, 0, -48, 197, 33, 0 }; 
     gridBagLayout.rowHeights = new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 83, 0, 0 }; 
     gridBagLayout.columnWeights = new double[] { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 
       0.0, Double.MIN_VALUE }; 
     gridBagLayout.rowWeights = new double[] { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 
       0.0, Double.MIN_VALUE }; 

     lblNewLabel = new JLabel("RGB"); 
     GridBagConstraints gbc_lblNewLabel = new GridBagConstraints(); 
     gbc_lblNewLabel.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); 
     gbc_lblNewLabel.gridx = 1; 
     gbc_lblNewLabel.gridy = 0; 
     frame.getContentPane().add(lblNewLabel, gbc_lblNewLabel); 

     lblNewLabel_1 = new JLabel("CMYK"); 
     GridBagConstraints gbc_lblNewLabel_1 = new GridBagConstraints(); 
     gbc_lblNewLabel_1.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); 
     gbc_lblNewLabel_1.gridx = 4; 
     gbc_lblNewLabel_1.gridy = 0; 
     frame.getContentPane().add(lblNewLabel_1, gbc_lblNewLabel_1); 

     lblNewLabel_9 = new JLabel("R"); 
     GridBagConstraints gbc_lblNewLabel_9 = new GridBagConstraints(); 
     gbc_lblNewLabel_9.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); 
     gbc_lblNewLabel_9.gridx = 0; 
     gbc_lblNewLabel_9.gridy = 1; 
     frame.getContentPane().add(lblNewLabel_9, gbc_lblNewLabel_9); 

     sliderR = new JSlider(); 
     GridBagConstraints gbc_sliderR = new GridBagConstraints(); 
     gbc_sliderR.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); 
     gbc_sliderR.gridx = 1; 
     gbc_sliderR.gridy = 1; 
     sliderR.addChangeListener(new rgbListener()); 
     frame.getContentPane().add(sliderR, gbc_sliderR); 

     lbR = new JLabel("New label"); 
     GridBagConstraints gbc_lbR = new GridBagConstraints(); 
     gbc_lbR.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); 
     gbc_lbR.gridx = 2; 
     gbc_lbR.gridy = 1; 
     frame.getContentPane().add(lbR, gbc_lbR); 

     lblNewLabel_12 = new JLabel("C"); 
     GridBagConstraints gbc_lblNewLabel_12 = new GridBagConstraints(); 
     gbc_lblNewLabel_12.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); 
     gbc_lblNewLabel_12.gridx = 3; 
     gbc_lblNewLabel_12.gridy = 1; 
     frame.getContentPane().add(lblNewLabel_12, gbc_lblNewLabel_12); 

     sliderC = new JSlider(); 
     GridBagConstraints gbc_sliderC = new GridBagConstraints(); 
     gbc_sliderC.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); 
     gbc_sliderC.gridx = 4; 
     gbc_sliderC.gridy = 1; 
     sliderC.addChangeListener(new cmykListener()); 
     frame.getContentPane().add(sliderC, gbc_sliderC); 

     lbC = new JLabel("New label"); 
     GridBagConstraints gbc_lbC = new GridBagConstraints(); 
     gbc_lbC.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 0); 
     gbc_lbC.gridx = 5; 
     gbc_lbC.gridy = 1; 
     frame.getContentPane().add(lbC, gbc_lbC); 

     lblNewLabel_10 = new JLabel("G"); 
     GridBagConstraints gbc_lblNewLabel_10 = new GridBagConstraints(); 
     gbc_lblNewLabel_10.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); 
     gbc_lblNewLabel_10.gridx = 0; 
     gbc_lblNewLabel_10.gridy = 2; 
     frame.getContentPane().add(lblNewLabel_10, gbc_lblNewLabel_10); 

     sliderG = new JSlider(); 
     GridBagConstraints gbc_sliderG = new GridBagConstraints(); 
     gbc_sliderG.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); 
     gbc_sliderG.gridx = 1; 
     gbc_sliderG.gridy = 2; 
     sliderG.addChangeListener(new rgbListener()); 
     frame.getContentPane().add(sliderG, gbc_sliderG); 

     lbG = new JLabel("New label"); 
     GridBagConstraints gbc_lbG = new GridBagConstraints(); 
     gbc_lbG.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); 
     gbc_lbG.gridx = 2; 
     gbc_lbG.gridy = 2; 
     frame.getContentPane().add(lbG, gbc_lbG); 

     lblNewLabel_13 = new JLabel("M"); 
     GridBagConstraints gbc_lblNewLabel_13 = new GridBagConstraints(); 
     gbc_lblNewLabel_13.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); 
     gbc_lblNewLabel_13.gridx = 3; 
     gbc_lblNewLabel_13.gridy = 2; 
     frame.getContentPane().add(lblNewLabel_13, gbc_lblNewLabel_13); 

     sliderM = new JSlider(); 
     GridBagConstraints gbc_sliderM = new GridBagConstraints(); 
     gbc_sliderM.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); 
     gbc_sliderM.gridx = 4; 
     gbc_sliderM.gridy = 2; 
     sliderM.addChangeListener(new cmykListener()); 
     frame.getContentPane().add(sliderM, gbc_sliderM); 

     lbM = new JLabel("New label"); 
     GridBagConstraints gbc_lbM = new GridBagConstraints(); 
     gbc_lbM.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 0); 
     gbc_lbM.gridx = 5; 
     gbc_lbM.gridy = 2; 
     frame.getContentPane().add(lbM, gbc_lbM); 

     lblNewLabel_11 = new JLabel("B"); 
     GridBagConstraints gbc_lblNewLabel_11 = new GridBagConstraints(); 
     gbc_lblNewLabel_11.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); 
     gbc_lblNewLabel_11.gridx = 0; 
     gbc_lblNewLabel_11.gridy = 3; 
     frame.getContentPane().add(lblNewLabel_11, gbc_lblNewLabel_11); 

     sliderB = new JSlider(); 
     GridBagConstraints gbc_sliderB = new GridBagConstraints(); 
     gbc_sliderB.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); 
     gbc_sliderB.gridx = 1; 
     gbc_sliderB.gridy = 3; 
     sliderB.addChangeListener(new rgbListener()); 
     frame.getContentPane().add(sliderB, gbc_sliderB); 

     lbB = new JLabel("New label"); 
     GridBagConstraints gbc_lbB = new GridBagConstraints(); 
     gbc_lbB.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); 
     gbc_lbB.gridx = 2; 
     gbc_lbB.gridy = 3; 
     frame.getContentPane().add(lbB, gbc_lbB); 

     lblNewLabel_14 = new JLabel("Y"); 
     GridBagConstraints gbc_lblNewLabel_14 = new GridBagConstraints(); 
     gbc_lblNewLabel_14.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); 
     gbc_lblNewLabel_14.gridx = 3; 
     gbc_lblNewLabel_14.gridy = 3; 
     frame.getContentPane().add(lblNewLabel_14, gbc_lblNewLabel_14); 

     sliderY = new JSlider(); 
     GridBagConstraints gbc_sliderY = new GridBagConstraints(); 
     gbc_sliderY.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); 
     gbc_sliderY.gridx = 4; 
     gbc_sliderY.gridy = 3; 
     sliderY.addChangeListener(new cmykListener()); 
     frame.getContentPane().add(sliderY, gbc_sliderY); 

     lbY = new JLabel("New label"); 
     GridBagConstraints gbc_lbY = new GridBagConstraints(); 
     gbc_lbY.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 0); 
     gbc_lbY.gridx = 5; 
     gbc_lbY.gridy = 3; 
     frame.getContentPane().add(lbY, gbc_lbY); 

     lblNewLabel_15 = new JLabel("K"); 
     GridBagConstraints gbc_lblNewLabel_15 = new GridBagConstraints(); 
     gbc_lblNewLabel_15.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); 
     gbc_lblNewLabel_15.gridx = 3; 
     gbc_lblNewLabel_15.gridy = 4; 
     frame.getContentPane().add(lblNewLabel_15, gbc_lblNewLabel_15); 

     sliderK = new JSlider(); 
     GridBagConstraints gbc_sliderK = new GridBagConstraints(); 
     gbc_sliderK.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); 
     gbc_sliderK.gridx = 4; 
     gbc_sliderK.gridy = 4; 
     sliderK.addChangeListener(new cmykListener()); 
     frame.getContentPane().add(sliderK, gbc_sliderK); 

     lbK = new JLabel("New label"); 
     GridBagConstraints gbc_lbK = new GridBagConstraints(); 
     gbc_lbK.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 0); 
     gbc_lbK.gridx = 5; 
     gbc_lbK.gridy = 4; 
     frame.getContentPane().add(lbK, gbc_lbK); 

     panel = new JPanel(); 

     GridBagConstraints gbc_panel = new GridBagConstraints(); 
     gbc_panel.gridheight = 2; 
     gbc_panel.gridwidth = 6; 
     gbc_panel.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 5); 
     gbc_panel.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; 
     gbc_panel.gridx = 0; 
     gbc_panel.gridy = 5; 
     frame.getContentPane().add(panel, gbc_panel); 







或者设置一个标志让他们忽略任何新的更新,但基本上是相同的想法 – MadProgrammer


@MadProgrammer:谢谢,这正是我如何使它们失效。 –


谢谢,通过添加两个布尔值和一堆IF语句来解决它。 – Justin