2014-01-22 79 views

HI i have created ipa file with distributed provisioning profile. i have installed in my iPad it was installed but my client location they tried to install the ipa file but iTunes show always installing and in iPad displayed error. error is **iTunes Sync 'app name' failed to install.** i have added all the device UDID's in developer account and generated distributed provisioning profile.from the last 3days onwards i am working on same issue please help me.无法将ipa安装到iPad上

HI我已经创建了带有分布式配置文件的ipa文件。我已经在我的iPad中安装了它已安装,但我的客户端位置,他们试图安装IPA文件,但iTunes显示总是安装,并在iPad中显示错误。错误是iTunes Sync'app name'无法安装。我已经在开发者账户中添加了所有设备UDID,并生成了分布式供应配置文件。从过去的3天起,我正在处理相同的问题,请帮助我分享屏幕快照请参考并提供解决方案。


  • 您是否已将ProvisioningProfile分别安装到iPad上? (第一)

  • 你是否用你的ProvisioningProfile编译你的应用程序?



感谢您的回复,我在生成ipa文件时没有选择精确配置。现在它工作正常 – Murali


太好了,我很高兴你明白了。如果我的回答有帮助,你能接受吗? – Prodikl


是的,你的回答帮了我 – Murali