2011-11-14 55 views

我已经从http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html安装了Android SDK。在Mac上的SDK Manager中没有显示Android平台

我已经创建了.bash_profile,并将其更新为具有“android-sdk-macosx”文件夹的路径。 但是,当我打开SDK管理器来安装平台时,它找不到它。我使用已在“首选项”中输入的代理进行连接。

请帮忙。 我应该安装其他一些SDK版本吗?有没有兼容性问题?尽管提及代理设置,它为什么不连接到互联网。




Configuring the ADT Plugin 

After you've successfully downloaded the ADT as described above, 
the next step is to modify your ADT preferences in Eclipse to point to the 
Android SDK directory: 

Select Window > Preferences... to open the Preferences panel (Mac OS X: 
Eclipse > Preferences). 
Select Android from the left panel. 
You may see a dialog asking whether you want to send usage statistics to Google. 
If so,  make your choice and click Proceed. You cannot continue with this 
until you click Proceed. 

For the SDK Location in the main panel, click Browse... and locate your 
downloaded SDK directory. Click Apply, then OK. 

Done! If you haven't encountered any problems, then the installation is complete. 
If you're installing the Android SDK for the first time, return to Installing 
the SDK to 
complete your setup.*emphasized text*