2012-11-15 182 views

Facebook有一天改变了PHP-SDK,现在我有一个问题。 当我尝试登录我得到这个错误:Facebook的PHP-SDK错误

An error occurred. Please try again later. 

API Error Code: 100 
API Error Description: Invalid parameter 
Error Message: Please migrate to OAuth2 and use new /dialog/oauth endpoint. return_session is no longer available. 



class JO_Api_Facebook_Connect { 

    * Version. 
    const VERSION = '2.1.2'; 

    * Default options for curl. 
    public static $CURL_OPTS = array(
    CURLOPT_TIMEOUT  => 60, 
    CURLOPT_USERAGENT  => 'facebook-php-2.0', 

    * List of query parameters that get automatically dropped when rebuilding 
    * the current URL. 
    protected static $DROP_QUERY_PARAMS = array(

    * Maps aliases to Facebook domains. 
    public static $DOMAIN_MAP = array(
    'api'  => 'https://api.facebook.com/', 
    'api_read' => 'https://api-read.facebook.com/', 
    'graph' => 'https://graph.facebook.com/', 
    'www'  => 'https://www.facebook.com/', 

    * The Application ID. 
    protected $appId; 

    * The Application API Secret. 
    protected $apiSecret; 

    * The active user session, if one is available. 
    protected $session; 

    * The data from the signed_request token. 
    protected $signedRequest; 

    * Indicates that we already loaded the session as best as we could. 
    protected $sessionLoaded = false; 

    * Indicates if Cookie support should be enabled. 
    protected $cookieSupport = false; 

    * Base domain for the Cookie. 
    protected $baseDomain = ''; 

    * Indicates if the CURL based @ syntax for file uploads is enabled. 
    protected $fileUploadSupport = false; 

    * Initialize a Facebook Application. 
    * The configuration: 
    * - appId: the application ID 
    * - secret: the application secret 
    * - cookie: (optional) boolean true to enable cookie support 
    * - domain: (optional) domain for the cookie 
    * - fileUpload: (optional) boolean indicating if file uploads are enabled 
    * @param Array $config the application configuration 
    public function __construct($config) { 
    if (isset($config['cookie'])) { 
    if (isset($config['domain'])) { 
    if (isset($config['fileUpload'])) { 

    * Set the Application ID. 
    * @param String $appId the Application ID 
    public function setAppId($appId) { 
    $this->appId = $appId; 
    return $this; 

    * Get the Application ID. 
    * @return String the Application ID 
    public function getAppId() { 
    return $this->appId; 

    * Set the API Secret. 
    * @param String $appId the API Secret 
    public function setApiSecret($apiSecret) { 
    $this->apiSecret = $apiSecret; 
    return $this; 

    * Get the API Secret. 
    * @return String the API Secret 
    public function getApiSecret() { 
    return $this->apiSecret; 

    * Set the Cookie Support status. 
    * @param Boolean $cookieSupport the Cookie Support status 
    public function setCookieSupport($cookieSupport) { 
    $this->cookieSupport = $cookieSupport; 
    return $this; 

    * Get the Cookie Support status. 
    * @return Boolean the Cookie Support status 
    public function useCookieSupport() { 
    return $this->cookieSupport; 

    * Set the base domain for the Cookie. 
    * @param String $domain the base domain 
    public function setBaseDomain($domain) { 
    $this->baseDomain = $domain; 
    return $this; 

    * Get the base domain for the Cookie. 
    * @return String the base domain 
    public function getBaseDomain() { 
    return $this->baseDomain; 

    * Set the file upload support status. 
    * @param String $domain the base domain 
    public function setFileUploadSupport($fileUploadSupport) { 
    $this->fileUploadSupport = $fileUploadSupport; 
    return $this; 

    * Get the file upload support status. 
    * @return String the base domain 
    public function useFileUploadSupport() { 
    return $this->fileUploadSupport; 

    * Get the data from a signed_request token 
    * @return String the base domain 
    public function getSignedRequest() { 
    if (!$this->signedRequest) { 
     if (isset($_REQUEST['signed_request'])) { 
     $this->signedRequest = $this->parseSignedRequest(
    return $this->signedRequest; 

    * Set the Session. 
    * @param Array $session the session 
    * @param Boolean $write_cookie indicate if a cookie should be written. this 
    * value is ignored if cookie support has been disabled. 
    public function setSession($session=null, $write_cookie=true) { 
    $session = $this->validateSessionObject($session); 
    $this->sessionLoaded = true; 
    $this->session = $session; 
    if ($write_cookie) { 
    return $this; 

    * Get the session object. This will automatically look for a signed session 
    * sent via the signed_request, Cookie or Query Parameters if needed. 
    * @return Array the session 
    public function getSession() { 
    if (!$this->sessionLoaded) { 
     $session = null; 
     $write_cookie = true; 

     // try loading session from signed_request in $_REQUEST 
     $signedRequest = $this->getSignedRequest(); 
     if ($signedRequest) { 
     // sig is good, use the signedRequest 
     $session = $this->createSessionFromSignedRequest($signedRequest); 

     // try loading session from $_REQUEST 
     if (!$session && isset($_REQUEST['session'])) { 
     $_REQUEST['session'] = html_entity_decode($_REQUEST['session']); 
     $session = json_decode(
      ? stripslashes($_REQUEST['session']) 
      : $_REQUEST['session'], 
     $session = $this->validateSessionObject($session); 

     // try loading session from cookie if necessary 
     if (!$session && $this->useCookieSupport()) { 
     $cookieName = $this->getSessionCookieName(); 
     if (isset($_COOKIE[$cookieName])) { 
     $_COOKIE[$cookieName] = html_entity_decode($_COOKIE[$cookieName]); 
      $session = array(); 
       ? stripslashes($_COOKIE[$cookieName]) 
       : $_COOKIE[$cookieName], 
     ), $session); 
      $session = $this->validateSessionObject($session); 
      // write only if we need to delete a invalid session cookie 
      $write_cookie = empty($session); 

     $this->setSession($session, $write_cookie); 

    return $this->session; 

    * Get the UID from the session. 
    * @return String the UID if available 
    public function getUser() { 
    $session = $this->getSession(); 
    return $session ? $session['uid'] : null; 

    * Gets a OAuth access token. 
    * @return String the access token 
    public function getAccessToken() { 
    $session = $this->getSession(); 
    // either user session signed, or app signed 
    if ($session) { 
     return $session['access_token']; 
    } else { 
     return $this->getAppId() .'|'. $this->getApiSecret(); 

    * Get a Login URL for use with redirects. By default, full page redirect is 
    * assumed. If you are using the generated URL with a window.open() call in 
    * JavaScript, you can pass in display=popup as part of the $params. 
    * The parameters: 
    * - next: the url to go to after a successful login 
    * - cancel_url: the url to go to after the user cancels 
    * - req_perms: comma separated list of requested extended perms 
    * - display: can be "page" (default, full page) or "popup" 
    * @param Array $params provide custom parameters 
    * @return String the URL for the login flow 
    public function getLoginUrl($params=array()) { 
    $currentUrl = $this->getCurrentUrl(); 
    return $this->getUrl(
     'api_key'   => $this->getAppId(), 
     'cancel_url'  => $currentUrl, 
     'display'   => 'page', 
     'fbconnect'  => 1, 
     'next'   => $currentUrl, 
     'return_session' => 1, 
     'session_version' => 3, 
     'v'    => '1.0', 
    ), $params) 

    * Get a Logout URL suitable for use with redirects. 
    * The parameters: 
    * - next: the url to go to after a successful logout 
    * @param Array $params provide custom parameters 
    * @return String the URL for the logout flow 
    public function getLogoutUrl($params=array()) { 
    return $this->getUrl(
     'next'   => $this->getCurrentUrl(), 
     'access_token' => $this->getAccessToken(), 
    ), $params) 

    * Get a login status URL to fetch the status from facebook. 
    * The parameters: 
    * - ok_session: the URL to go to if a session is found 
    * - no_session: the URL to go to if the user is not connected 
    * - no_user: the URL to go to if the user is not signed into facebook 
    * @param Array $params provide custom parameters 
    * @return String the URL for the logout flow 
    public function getLoginStatusUrl($params=array()) { 
    return $this->getUrl(
     'api_key'   => $this->getAppId(), 
     'no_session'  => $this->getCurrentUrl(), 
     'no_user'   => $this->getCurrentUrl(), 
     'ok_session'  => $this->getCurrentUrl(), 
     'session_version' => 3, 
    ), $params) 

    * Make an API call. 
    * @param Array $params the API call parameters 
    * @return the decoded response 
    public function api(/* polymorphic */) { 
    $args = func_get_args(); 
    if (is_array($args[0])) { 
     return $this->_restserver($args[0]); 
    } else { 
     return call_user_func_array(array($this, '_graph'), $args); 

    * Invoke the old restserver.php endpoint. 
    * @param Array $params method call object 
    * @return the decoded response object 
    * @throws JO_Api_Facebook_Exception 
    protected function _restserver($params) { 
    // generic application level parameters 
    $params['api_key'] = $this->getAppId(); 
    $params['format'] = 'json-strings'; 

    $result = json_decode($this->_oauthRequest(
    ), true); 

    // results are returned, errors are thrown 
    if (is_array($result) && isset($result['error_code'])) { 
     throw new JO_Api_Facebook_Exception($result); 
    return $result; 

    * Invoke the Graph API. 
    * @param String $path the path (required) 
    * @param String $method the http method (default 'GET') 
    * @param Array $params the query/post data 
    * @return the decoded response object 
    * @throws JO_Api_Facebook_Exception 
    protected function _graph($path, $method='GET', $params=array()) { 
    if (is_array($method) && empty($params)) { 
     $params = $method; 
     $method = 'GET'; 
    $params['method'] = $method; // method override as we always do a POST 

    $result = json_decode($this->_oauthRequest(
     $this->getUrl('graph', $path), 
    ), true); 

    // results are returned, errors are thrown 
    if (is_array($result) && isset($result['error'])) { 
     $e = new JO_Api_Facebook_Exception($result); 
     switch ($e->getType()) { 
     // OAuth 2.0 Draft 00 style 
     case 'OAuthException': 
     // OAuth 2.0 Draft 10 style 
     case 'invalid_token': 
     throw $e; 
    return $result; 

    * Make a OAuth Request 
    * @param String $path the path (required) 
    * @param Array $params the query/post data 
    * @return the decoded response object 
    * @throws JO_Api_Facebook_Exception 
    protected function _oauthRequest($url, $params) { 
    if (!isset($params['access_token'])) { 
     $params['access_token'] = $this->getAccessToken(); 

    // json_encode all params values that are not strings 
    foreach ($params as $key => $value) { 
     if (!is_string($value)) { 
     $params[$key] = json_encode($value); 
    return $this->makeRequest($url, $params); 

    * Makes an HTTP request. This method can be overriden by subclasses if 
    * developers want to do fancier things or use something other than curl to 
    * make the request. 
    * @param String $url the URL to make the request to 
    * @param Array $params the parameters to use for the POST body 
    * @param CurlHandler $ch optional initialized curl handle 
    * @return String the response text 
    protected function makeRequest($url, $params, $ch=null) { 
    if (!$ch) { 
     $ch = curl_init(); 

    $opts = self::$CURL_OPTS; 
    if ($this->useFileUploadSupport()) { 
     $opts[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = $params; 
    } else { 
     $opts[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = http_build_query($params, null, '&'); 
    $opts[CURLOPT_URL] = $url; 

    // disable the 'Expect: 100-continue' behaviour. This causes CURL to wait 
    // for 2 seconds if the server does not support this header. 
    if (isset($opts[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER])) { 
     $existing_headers = $opts[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER]; 
     $existing_headers[] = 'Expect:'; 
     $opts[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER] = $existing_headers; 
    } else { 
     $opts[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER] = array('Expect:'); 

    curl_setopt_array($ch, $opts); 
    $result = curl_exec($ch); 

    if (curl_errno($ch) == 60) { // CURLE_SSL_CACERT 
     self::errorLog('Invalid or no certificate authority found, using bundled information'); 
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, 
        dirname(__FILE__) . '/fb_ca_chain_bundle.crt'); 
     $result = curl_exec($ch); 

    if ($result === false) { 
     $e = new JO_Api_Facebook_Exception(array(
     'error_code' => curl_errno($ch), 
     'error'  => array(
      'message' => curl_error($ch), 
      'type' => 'CurlException', 
     throw $e; 
    return $result; 

    * The name of the Cookie that contains the session. 
    * @return String the cookie name 
    protected function getSessionCookieName() { 
    return 'fbs_' . $this->getAppId(); 

    * Set a JS Cookie based on the _passed in_ session. It does not use the 
    * currently stored session -- you need to explicitly pass it in. 
    * @param Array $session the session to use for setting the cookie 
    protected function setCookieFromSession($session=null) { 
    if (!$this->useCookieSupport()) { 

    $cookieName = $this->getSessionCookieName(); 
    $value = 'deleted'; 
    $expires = time() - 3600; 
    $domain = $this->getBaseDomain(); 
    if ($session) { 
     $value = '"' . http_build_query($session, null, '&') . '"'; 
     if (isset($session['base_domain'])) { 
     $domain = $session['base_domain']; 
     $expires = $session['expires']; 

    // prepend dot if a domain is found 
    if ($domain) { 
     $domain = '.' . $domain; 

    // if an existing cookie is not set, we dont need to delete it 
    if ($value == 'deleted' && empty($_COOKIE[$cookieName])) { 

    if (headers_sent()) { 
     self::errorLog('Could not set cookie. Headers already sent.'); 

    // ignore for code coverage as we will never be able to setcookie in a CLI 
    // environment 
    // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart 
    } else { 
     setcookie($cookieName, $value, $expires, '/', $domain); 
    // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd 

    * Validates a session_version=3 style session object. 
    * @param Array $session the session object 
    * @return Array the session object if it validates, null otherwise 
    protected function validateSessionObject($session) { 
    // make sure some essential fields exist 
    if (is_array($session) && 
     isset($session['uid']) && 
     isset($session['access_token']) && 
     isset($session['sig'])) { 
     // validate the signature 
     $session_without_sig = $session; 
     $expected_sig = self::generateSignature(
     if ($session['sig'] != $expected_sig) { 
     self::errorLog('Got invalid session signature in cookie.'); 
     $session = null; 
     // check expiry time 
    } else { 
     $session = null; 
    return $session; 

    * Returns something that looks like our JS session object from the 
    * signed token's data 
    * TODO: Nuke this once the login flow uses OAuth2 
    * @param Array the output of getSignedRequest 
    * @return Array Something that will work as a session 
    protected function createSessionFromSignedRequest($data) { 
    if (!isset($data['oauth_token'])) { 
     return null; 

    $session = array(
     'uid'   => $data['user_id'], 
     'access_token' => $data['oauth_token'], 
     'expires'  => $data['expires'], 

    // put a real sig, so that validateSignature works 
    $session['sig'] = self::generateSignature(

    return $session; 

    * Parses a signed_request and validates the signature. 
    * Then saves it in $this->signed_data 
    * @param String A signed token 
    * @param Boolean Should we remove the parts of the payload that 
    *    are used by the algorithm? 
    * @return Array the payload inside it or null if the sig is wrong 
    protected function parseSignedRequest($signed_request) { 
    list($encoded_sig, $payload) = explode('.', $signed_request, 2); 

    // decode the data 
    $sig = self::base64UrlDecode($encoded_sig); 
    $data = json_decode(self::base64UrlDecode($payload), true); 

    if (strtoupper($data['algorithm']) !== 'HMAC-SHA256') { 
     self::errorLog('Unknown algorithm. Expected HMAC-SHA256'); 
     return null; 

    // check sig 
    $expected_sig = hash_hmac('sha256', $payload, 
           $this->getApiSecret(), $raw = true); 
    if ($sig !== $expected_sig) { 
     self::errorLog('Bad Signed JSON signature!'); 
     return null; 

    return $data; 

    * Build the URL for api given parameters. 
    * @param $method String the method name. 
    * @return String the URL for the given parameters 
    protected function getApiUrl($method) { 
    static $READ_ONLY_CALLS = 
     array('admin.getallocation' => 1, 
      'admin.getappproperties' => 1, 
      'admin.getbannedusers' => 1, 
      'admin.getlivestreamvialink' => 1, 
      'admin.getmetrics' => 1, 
      'admin.getrestrictioninfo' => 1, 
      'application.getpublicinfo' => 1, 
      'auth.getapppublickey' => 1, 
      'auth.getsession' => 1, 
      'auth.getsignedpublicsessiondata' => 1, 
      'comments.get' => 1, 
      'connect.getunconnectedfriendscount' => 1, 
      'dashboard.getactivity' => 1, 
      'dashboard.getcount' => 1, 
      'dashboard.getglobalnews' => 1, 
      'dashboard.getnews' => 1, 
      'dashboard.multigetcount' => 1, 
      'dashboard.multigetnews' => 1, 
      'data.getcookies' => 1, 
      'events.get' => 1, 
      'events.getmembers' => 1, 
      'fbml.getcustomtags' => 1, 
      'feed.getappfriendstories' => 1, 
      'feed.getregisteredtemplatebundlebyid' => 1, 
      'feed.getregisteredtemplatebundles' => 1, 
      'fql.multiquery' => 1, 
      'fql.query' => 1, 
      'friends.arefriends' => 1, 
      'friends.get' => 1, 
      'friends.getappusers' => 1, 
      'friends.getlists' => 1, 
      'friends.getmutualfriends' => 1, 
      'gifts.get' => 1, 
      'groups.get' => 1, 
      'groups.getmembers' => 1, 
      'intl.gettranslations' => 1, 
      'links.get' => 1, 
      'notes.get' => 1, 
      'notifications.get' => 1, 
      'pages.getinfo' => 1, 
      'pages.isadmin' => 1, 
      'pages.isappadded' => 1, 
      'pages.isfan' => 1, 
      'permissions.checkavailableapiaccess' => 1, 
      'permissions.checkgrantedapiaccess' => 1, 
      'photos.get' => 1, 
      'photos.getalbums' => 1, 
      'photos.gettags' => 1, 
      'profile.getinfo' => 1, 
      'profile.getinfooptions' => 1, 
      'stream.get' => 1, 
      'stream.getcomments' => 1, 
      'stream.getfilters' => 1, 
      'users.getinfo' => 1, 
      'users.getloggedinuser' => 1, 
      'users.getstandardinfo' => 1, 
      'users.hasapppermission' => 1, 
      'users.isappuser' => 1, 
      'users.isverified' => 1, 
      'video.getuploadlimits' => 1); 
    $name = 'api'; 
    if (isset($READ_ONLY_CALLS[strtolower($method)])) { 
     $name = 'api_read'; 
    return self::getUrl($name, 'restserver.php'); 

    * Build the URL for given domain alias, path and parameters. 
    * @param $name String the name of the domain 
    * @param $path String optional path (without a leading slash) 
    * @param $params Array optional query parameters 
    * @return String the URL for the given parameters 
    protected function getUrl($name, $path='', $params=array()) { 
    $url = self::$DOMAIN_MAP[$name]; 
    if ($path) { 
     if ($path[0] === '/') { 
     $path = substr($path, 1); 
     $url .= $path; 
    if ($params) { 
     $url .= '?' . http_build_query($params, null, '&'); 
    return $url; 

    * Returns the Current URL, stripping it of known FB parameters that should 
    * not persist. 
    * @return String the current URL 
    protected function getCurrentUrl() { 
    $protocol = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' 
     ? 'https://' 
     : 'http://'; 
    $currentUrl = $protocol . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; 
    $parts = parse_url($currentUrl); 

    // drop known fb params 
    $query = ''; 
    if (!empty($parts['query'])) { 
     $params = array(); 
     parse_str($parts['query'], $params); 
     foreach(self::$DROP_QUERY_PARAMS as $key) { 
     if (!empty($params)) { 
     $query = '?' . http_build_query($params, null, '&'); 

    // use port if non default 
    $port = 
     isset($parts['port']) && 
     (($protocol === 'http://' && $parts['port'] !== 80) || 
     ($protocol === 'https://' && $parts['port'] !== 443)) 
     ? ':' . $parts['port'] : ''; 

    // rebuild 
    return $protocol . $parts['host'] . $port . $parts['path'] . $query; 

    * Generate a signature for the given params and secret. 
    * @param Array $params the parameters to sign 
    * @param String $secret the secret to sign with 
    * @return String the generated signature 
    protected static function generateSignature($params, $secret) { 
    // work with sorted data 

    // generate the base string 
    $base_string = ''; 
    foreach($params as $key => $value) { 
     $base_string .= $key . '=' . $value; 
    $base_string .= $secret; 

    return md5($base_string); 

    * Prints to the error log if you aren't in command line mode. 
    * @param String log message 
    protected static function errorLog($msg) { 
    // disable error log if we are running in a CLI environment 
    // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart 
    if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli') { 
    // uncomment this if you want to see the errors on the page 
    // print 'error_log: '.$msg."\n"; 
    // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd 

    * Base64 encoding that doesn't need to be urlencode()ed. 
    * Exactly the same as base64_encode except it uses 
    * - instead of + 
    * _ instead of/
    * @param String base64UrlEncodeded string 
    protected static function base64UrlDecode($input) { 
    return base64_decode(strtr($input, '-_', '+/')); 



如何迁移到OAuth 2.0,以及如何解决这个问题。
