2010-09-26 21 views

我android的许可文件(http://developer.android.com/guide/publishing/licensing.html)和下面的斜面参考LVL当我去,我添加许可项目的引用(在日蚀)的步骤我的项目,我得到一个错误在控制台(见下文)和我的项目不建立。任何想法如何我可以解决这个问题?我在Google上尝试了几次搜索,但我没有提出任何问题。谢谢。LVL错误 - 在我的项目


[2010-09-26 05:54:41 - MyApp] ERROR: Unknown option '--auto-add-overlay' 
[2010-09-26 05:54:41 - MyApp] Android Asset Packaging Tool 
[2010-09-26 05:54:41 - MyApp] 
[2010-09-26 05:54:41 - MyApp] Usage: 
[2010-09-26 05:54:41 - MyApp] aapt l[ist] [-v] [-a] file.{zip,jar,apk} 
[2010-09-26 05:54:41 - MyApp] List contents of Zip-compatible archive. 
[2010-09-26 05:54:41 - MyApp] 
[2010-09-26 05:54:41 - MyApp] aapt d[ump] [--values] WHAT file.{apk} [asset [asset ...]] 
[2010-09-26 05:54:41 - MyApp] badging   Print the label and icon for the app declared in APK. 
[2010-09-26 05:54:41 - MyApp] permissions  Print the permissions from the APK. 
[2010-09-26 05:54:41 - MyApp] resources  Print the resource table from the APK. 
[2010-09-26 05:54:41 - MyApp] configurations Print the configurations in the APK. 
[2010-09-26 05:54:41 - MyApp] xmltree   Print the compiled xmls in the given assets. 
[2010-09-26 05:54:41 - MyApp] xmlstrings  Print the strings of the given compiled xml assets. 
