2015-05-23 64 views

我有一个示例数据(插槽= 1) 系统必须为客户端提供1个插槽。如果客户端A获得一个插槽,则样本数据将为插槽= 0.多个客户端同时执行SQL

如果客户端A和客户端B同时执行SQL查询会怎么样? 示例数据将为Slots = -1。


if($Slots > 0){ 

但客户仍执行的SQL查询。 我怎样才能让一个人即使在同一时间执行它也能得到这个插槽?




然后,您可以使用SELECT .. FOR UPDATE命令获得对该行的独占访问权限。




$db = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test;charset=utf8', 'root', 'password'); 

// Ask PDO to throw Exceptions on error 


    // If the row is locked, mysql will wait for a time-out. By default the timeout is 50 seconds 
    // so to make sure the flow of the script works, we set the time-out to 1 
    $db->query('SET innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 1;'); 

    // Select the row we want to update and tell MySQL to lock it until we are done updating 
    // by adding the "FOR UPDATE" command to the query. 
    // Note that if the row is already locked by another process, this query will throw an error 
    // which we'll catch below. It means that someone else already has the slot and is updating it. 
    $result = $db->query('SELECT slots FROM table WHERE id = 1 FOR UPDATE'); 

    if ($result !== false) 
     $object = $result->fetchObject(); 

     if ($object->slots > 0) 
      $db->query('UPDATE table SET slots = slots - 1 WHERE id = 1'); 

      echo "You got the slot!"; 
     else echo "Sorry, no more slots available."; 

    // Commit the transaction and release the lock, and move on. 
catch (Exception $e) 
    // An error was thrown, so rollback the transaction 

    // and tell the user he couldn't get the slot 
    echo "Failed to reserve a slot for you: (" . $e->getMessage() . ")"; 


{10:34}[5.4.36]/tmp ➭ mysql -uroot -p 
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. 


mysql> USE test; 
Reading table information for completion of table and column names 
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A 

Database changed 
mysql> BEGIN; 
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) 

mysql> SELECT slots FROM table WHERE id = 1 FOR UPDATE; 
| slots | 
| 87 | 
1 row in set (0.00 sec) 

the lock is set, if you now run the example script you should not be able to update the slots and get an error 

mysql> COMMIT; 



如何客户端B知道他/她的行动不成功? –


如果你尝试更新一个锁定的行,MySQL将会抛出一个'Lock超时超时;尝试重新启动交易错误。我会在例外情况下捕捉到这一点,并让用户知道他无法获得插槽。我不认为有另一种方法来检查锁定的行。 –


我已经使用有效的代码示例更新了我的答案。希望有助于澄清。 –