2015-03-31 106 views

我目前正在尝试为我的Mandelbrot Set浏览器创建颜色渐变类。线性颜色渐变不起作用


为了计算颜色,算法从给定位置搜索下一个约束条件,将颜色分成四个单独的通道,然后对每个通道搜索两者中较低的一个,并添加一部分差值等于(x-lpos)/(upos-lpos)与较低颜色的比率。之后,通道被移位并进行或运算,然后返回为RGBA8888的无符号整数。 (请参见下面的代码)。


class Gradient { //remade, Some irrelevant methods and de-/constructors removed 
    map<double, unsigned int> constraints; 
    unsigned int operator[](double value) { 
     //Forbid out-of-range values, return black 
     if (value < 0 || value > 1+1E-10) return 0xff; 
     //Find upper and lower constraint 
     auto upperC = constraints.lower_bound(value); 
     if (upperC == constraints.end()) upperC = constraints.begin(); 
     auto lowerC = upperC == constraints.begin() ? prev(constraints.end(), 1) : prev(upperC, 1); 
     if (value == lowerC->first) return lowerC->second; 
     double lpos = lowerC->first; 
     double upos = upperC->first; 
     if (upos < lpos) upos += 1; 
     //lower color channels 
     unsigned char lred = (lowerC->second >> 24) & 0xff; 
     unsigned char lgreen = (lowerC->second >> 16) & 0xff; 
     unsigned char lblue = (lowerC->second >> 8) & 0xff; 
     unsigned char lalpha = lowerC->second & 0xff; 
     //upper color channels 
     unsigned char ured = (upperC->second >> 24) & 0xff; 
     unsigned char ugreen = (upperC->second >> 16) & 0xff; 
     unsigned char ublue = (upperC->second >> 8) & 0xff; 
     unsigned char ualpha = upperC->second & 0xff; 
     unsigned char red = 0, green = 0, blue = 0, alpha = 0xff; 
     //Compute each channel using 
     // lower color + dist(lower, x)/dist(lower, upper) * diff(lower color, upper color) 
     if (lred < ured) 
      red = lred + (value - lpos)/(upos - lpos) * (ured - lred); 
     else red = ured + (upos - value)/(upos - lpos) * (ured - lred); 
     if (lgreen < ugreen) 
      green = lgreen + (value - lpos)/(upos - lpos) * (ugreen - green); 
     else green = ugreen + (upos - value)/(upos - lpos) * (ugreen - lgreen); 
     if (lblue < ublue) 
      blue = lblue + (value - lpos)/(upos - lpos) * (ublue - lblue); 
     else blue = ublue + (upos - value)/(upos - lpos) * (ublue - lblue); 
     if (lalpha < ualpha) 
      alpha = lalpha + (value - lpos)/(upos - lpos) * (ualpha - lalpha); 
     else alpha = ualpha + (upos - value)/(upos - lpos) * (ualpha - lalpha); 
     //Merge channels together and return 
     return (red << 24) | (green << 16) | (blue << 8) | alpha; 
    void addConstraint(unsigned int color, double position) { 
     constraints[position] = color; 


image[r + rres*i] = grd[ratio]; 
//With image being a vector<unsigned int>, which is then used as data source for a `SDL_Texture` using `SDL_UpdateTexture` 


black-white works flawlessly


0 000000ff 
1 ffffffff 

然而,当我使用更加丰富多彩的梯度(的线性版本下面Ultra Fractal gradient,输入文件), 图像远离预期的结果 图像仍然不显示所期望的着色:

enter image description here


0  000764ff 
.16  206bcbff 
.42  edffffff 
.6425 ffaa00ff 
0.8575 000200ff 




您确实应该将大量代码从'operator []'中移出,并移入读取约束的方法中。使用排序的'vector'而不是'map'来保存约束条件,并尽早将这些约束条件解析为单独的RGBA组件。 – Alnitak 2015-04-01 16:16:47


哦,如果你将你的RGBA组件存储在它自己的类中,那么你应该把这个基本数学运算方法放在这个类中的那些颜色上。 – Alnitak 2015-04-01 16:19:31


地图为什么要成为问题?实际上我之前使用过一个矢量,但随后切换到了一张地图,因为地图**中的值是按键升序排序的,这在初始化时给出了对数访问时间。 – s3lph 2015-04-01 16:19:39




使用其他因子r(具有范围0 .. 1),以指示在该范围内它是完全不必要的,以确定ab是否大于该位置的范围内a .. b当线性内插。你身边无论哪种方式可以只使用:

result = a + r * (b - a) 

如果r == 0这是平凡显示为a,如果r == 1a - a取消了,只留下b。同样如果r == 0.5那么结果是(a + b)/2a > b或反之亦然无关紧要。

在你的情况下,优选制剂,因为它避免了b - a减法是可能的命中范围夹紧限制是:

result = (1 - r) * a + r * b; 


static RGBA mid(const RGBA& a, const RGBA& b, double r) { 
    return (1.0 - r) * a + r * b; 



经过一番大量的反复试验后,我终于设法让它工作。 (在这一点上非常感谢@Alnitak,他建议使用一个单独的RGBA颜色类。)

主要问题是,当上部约束的颜色值低于下部颜色时,我仍然乘以比率(x-l)/(u-l),相反,我应该使用它的挂件1 - (x-l)/(u-l)来指代上限约束的颜色作为新约束的基础。


class RGBA { 
    unsigned int red = 0, green = 0, blue = 0, alpha = 0; 
    static RGBA mid(RGBA a, RGBA b, double r) { 
     RGBA color; 
     if (a.red < b.red) color.red = a.red + (b.red - a.red) * r; 
     else color.red = b.red + (a.red - b.red) * (1-r); 
     if (a.green < b.green) color.green = a.green + (b.green - a.green) * r; 
     else color.green = b.green + (a.green - b.green) * (1-r); 
     if (a.blue < b.blue) color.blue = a.blue + (b.blue - a.blue) * r; 
     else color.blue = b.blue + (a.blue - b.blue) * (1-r); 
     if (a.alpha < b.alpha) color.alpha = a.alpha + (b.alpha - a.alpha) * r; 
     else color.alpha = b.alpha + (a.alpha - b.alpha) * (1-r); 
     return color; 
    RGBA() {}; 
    RGBA(unsigned char _red, unsigned char _green, unsigned char _blue, unsigned char _alpha) : 
      red(_red), green(_green), blue(_blue), alpha(_alpha) {}; 
    RGBA(unsigned int _rgba) { 
     red = (_rgba >> 24) & 0xff; 
     green = (_rgba >> 16) & 0xff; 
     blue = (_rgba >> 8) & 0xff; 
     alpha = _rgba & 0xff; 
    operator unsigned int() { 
     return (red << 24) | (green << 16) | (blue << 8) | alpha; 
    RGBA operator+(const RGBA& o) const { 
     return RGBA((red + o.red) & 0xff, (green + o.green) & 0xff, (blue + o.blue) & 0xff, (alpha + o.alpha) & 0xff); 
    RGBA operator-(const RGBA& o) const { 
     return RGBA(min(red - o.red, 0u), min(green - o.green, 0u), min(blue - o.blue, 0u), min(alpha - o.alpha, 0u)); 
    RGBA operator~() { 
     return RGBA(0xff - red, 0xff - green, 0xff - blue, 0xff - alpha); 
    RGBA operator*(double _f) { 
     return RGBA((unsigned int) min(red * _f, 0.) & 0xff, (unsigned int) min(green * _f, 0.) & 0xff, 
        (unsigned int) min(blue * _f, 0.) & 0xff, (unsigned int) min(alpha * _f, 0.) & 0xff); 

class Gradient { 
    map<double, RGBA> constraints; 
    Gradient() { 
     constraints[0] = RGBA(0x007700ff); 
     constraints[1] = RGBA(0xffffffff); 
    ~Gradient() {} 
    void addConstraint(RGBA color, double position) { 
     constraints[position] = color; 
    void reset() { 
    unsigned int operator[](double value) { 
     if (value < 0 || value > 1+1E-10) return 0xff; 
     auto upperC = constraints.lower_bound(value); 
     if (upperC == constraints.end()) upperC = constraints.begin(); 
     auto lowerC = upperC == constraints.begin() ? prev(constraints.end(), 1) : prev(upperC, 1); 
     if (value == lowerC->first) return lowerC->second; 
     double lpos = lowerC->first; 
     double upos = upperC->first; 
     if (upos < lpos) upos += 1; 
     RGBA lower = lowerC->second; 
     RGBA upper = upperC->second; 
     RGBA color = RGBA::mid(lower, upper, (value-lpos)/(upos-lpos)); 
     return color; 
    size_t size() { 
     return constraints.size(); 


elephant valley


你实际上不需要比较开始和结束组件来插入它们。如果'r'是插值的程度(范围在0 ... 1),那么你只需要'val =(1-r)* start + r * end'。事实上,你的整个'mid(a,b,r)'函数可以变成'return(1-r)* a + r * b'。 – Alnitak 2015-04-02 07:29:32