2010-05-14 34 views


var scrollElement = (function (tags) { 
     var el, $el, init; 
     // iterate through the tags... 
     while (el = tags.pop()) { 
      $el = $(el); 
      // if the scrollTop value is already > 0 then this element will work 
      if ($el.scrollTop() > 0){ 
       return $el; 
      // if scrollTop is 0 try to scroll. 
      else if($el.scrollTop(1).scrollTop() > 0) { 
       // if that worked reset the scroll top and return the element 
       return $el.scrollTop(0); 
     return $(); 
    } (["html", "body"])); 

    // do stuff with scrollElement...like: 
    // scrollElement.animate({"scrollTop":target.offset().top},1000); 


另外,我通常不会等到document.ready来设置我的JavaScript处理程序(通常这会起作用)。我可能临时增加一个高的div到body强制上面的方法工作,但要求文档在IE中准备就绪(在标签关闭之前,您不能将节点添加到body元素)。欲了解更多关于document.ready“反模式”主题read this



为什么不使用if($埃尔.scrollTop()> = 0)?编辑:哇只是意识到这个问题是超级老 – 2015-04-25 19:23:23





通过使用this polyfillMathias BynensDiego Perini


* How to detect which element is the scrolling element in charge of scrolling the viewport: 
* - in Quirks mode the scrolling element is the "body" 
* - in Standard mode the scrolling element is the "documentElement" 
* webkit based browsers always use the "body" element, disrespectful of the specifications: 
* http://dev.w3.org/csswg/cssom-view/#dom-element-scrolltop 
* This feature detection helper allow cross-browser scroll operations on the viewport, 
* it will guess which element to use in each browser both in Quirk and Standard modes. 
* See how this can be used in a "smooth scroll to anchors references" example here: 
* https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/598365/scrollTo/scrollTo.html 
* It is just a fix for possible differences between browsers versions (currently any Webkit). 
* In case the Webkit bug get fixed someday, it will just work if they follow the specs. Win ! 
* Author: Diego Perini 
* Updated: 2014/09/18 
* License: MIT 
function getScrollingElement() { 
    var d = document; 
    return d.documentElement.scrollHeight > d.body.scrollHeight && 
      d.compatMode.indexOf('CSS1') == 0 ? 
      d.documentElement : 

- getScrollingElement.js