2017-07-25 71 views

例如。 ThisOutlookSession/[FolderA]移动到ThisOutlookSession/Inbox/[FolderA]



Private Sub ImportFolder() <br> 
'' Assume for this example so im not overloading code that I have already created the CSV that im drawing data from, opened in excel & this Macro is running from Outlook 

Dim xlWkb As Object ' As Workbook 
Dim xlSht As Object ' As Worksheet 
Set xlSht = xlWkb.Worksheets(1) 'set active being first worksheet 
Dim iRow As Integer 
Dim ChilCol As Integer 
Dim parentFolderName 
iRow = 1 'set start a Row1 
ChilCol = 1 'set start as ColA 

'Set Parent as Static nomination in head macros 

While xlSht.Cells(iRow, 1) <> "" 'while Parent is not blank 

If ChilCol <= 1 Then 
Set objParentFolder = Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox) 
parentFolderName = xlSht.Cells(iRow, ChilCol - 1) 'set the parent to be the previous Column 

Set objParentFolder = objParentFolder.Folders(parentFolderName) 
End If 

'Set name for the new folder 
    newFolderName = xlSht.Cells(iRow, ChilCol) 

On Error Resume Next 

Dim objNewFolder As Outlook.Folder 

If newFolderName = "Inbox" Then 
newFolderName = Nothing 
End If 

'If ParentFolder = newFolderName 

Set objNewFolder = objParentFolder.Folders(newFolderName) 

'' This is where I am unsure - I have a Archive email folder on same hierarchy as Inbox 
'' due to how mobile Outlook displays folders. This part of the code should check that if 
'' the Parent Folder for the new folder to be mapped in then move the Folder in Archive to Inbox\SubFolder 

     If objNewFolder.Parent = "zArchive" And objNewFolder.Parent = parentFolderName Then 
      objNewFolder.MoveTo Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox) 
     End If 

'If no issues, then create the Folder 
If objNewFolder Is Nothing Then 'if no value 
    Set objNewFolder = objParentFolder.Folders.Add(newFolderName) 'add folder 
End If  

' make new folder the parent 
Set objParentFolder = objNewFolder 
    If xlSht.Cells(iRow, ChilCol) = "" Then ''unless blank 
     iRow = iRow + 1 'new row 
     ChilCol = 0 'reset ChildColumn 
    End If 
    ChilCol = ChilCol + 1 ' move to next nesting column 
    Set objNewFolder = Nothing 'required to reset the New Folder name 

Set xlWkb = Nothing 
Set xlApp = Nothing 
Set objParentFolder = Nothing 
End Sub 

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Sub MoveFolder() 
    Dim myNameSpace As Outlook.NameSpace 
    Dim myFolder As Outlook.Folder 
    Dim myNewFolder As Outlook.Folder 

    Set myNameSpace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI") 
    Set myFolder = myNameSpace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts) 
    Set myNewFolder = myFolder.Folders.Add("My Test Contacts") 
    myNewFolder.MoveTo myNameSpace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox) 
End Sub 

您可能会发现文章Getting Started with VBA in Outlook 2010对您有帮助。


非常感谢。我试试这个。 我收集此示例中的键是myNewFolder.MoveTo myNameSpace.GetDeafultFolder(olFolderInbox)。 我只是想知道为什么你有olFolderContacts包括在内? ..所以如果我有myNewFolder已经设置(从csv读取)然后我上面添加的代码应该工作? –
