2011-03-12 37 views

嗨 这是我最前一页的时间来读取或写入文件 我得到了在定义文件中的错误,从 帮助我读错误文件定义

/* global.h */ 

    #include <stdio.h> /* include declarations for i/o routines */ 
    #include <ctype.h> /* ... and for character test routines */ 
    #include <stdlib.h> /* ... and for some standard routines, such as exit */ 
    #include <string.h> /* ... and for string routines */ 

    #define BSIZE 128 /* buffer size */ 
    #define NONE -1 
    #define EOS '\0' 

    #define NUM 256 
    #define DIV 257 
    #define MOD 258 
    #define ID  259 
    #define DONE 260 
    #define PLUS 243 
    #define MINUS 255 

    int tokenval = NONE; /* value of token attribute */ 
    int lineno = 1; 

    struct entry { /* form of symbol table entry */ 
     char *lexptr; 
     int token;  

    struct entry symtable[]; /* symbol table */ 

    void init(); /* loads keywords into symtable */ 
    void error(char* m); /* generates all error messages */ 
    int lexan(); /* lexical analyzer */ 
    void parse(); /* parses and translates expression list */ 
    int insert(char *s, int tok); /* returns position of entry for s */ 
    int lookup(char *s); /* returns position of entry for s */ 
    void emit (int t, int tval); /* generates output */ 
    /* init.c */ 

    struct entry keywords[] = { 
     { "div", DIV }, 
     { "mod", MOD, }, 
     { "plus", PLUS }, 
     { "minus", MINUS}, 
     { 0,  0 } 

    void init() /* loads keywords into symtable */ 
     struct entry *p; 
     for (p = keywords; p->token; p++) 
     insert(p->lexptr, p->token); 
    /* symbol.c */ 

    #define STRMAX 999 /* size of lexemes array */ 
    #define SYMMAX 100 /* size of symbol table */ 

    char lexemes[STRMAX]; 
    int lastchar = - 1; /* last used position in lexemes */ 
    struct entry symtable[SYMMAX]; 
    int lastentry = 0; /* last used position in symtable */ 

    int lookup(char *s)   /* returns position of entry for s */ 
     int p; 
     for (p = lastentry; p > 0; p = p - 1) 
     if (strcmp(symtable[p].lexptr, s) == 0) 
      return p; 
     return 0; 

    int insert(char *s, int tok) /* returns position of entry for s */ 
     int len; 
     len = strlen(s); /* strlen computes length of s  */ 
     if (lastentry + 1 >= SYMMAX) 
     error ("symbol table full"); 
     if (lastchar + len + 1 >= STRMAX) 
     error ("lexemes array full"); 
     lastentry = lastentry + 1; 
     symtable[lastentry].token = tok; 
     symtable[lastentry].lexptr = &lexemes[lastchar + 1]; 
     lastchar = lastchar + len + 1; 
     strcpy(symtable[lastentry].lexptr, s); 
     return lastentry; 
    /* lexer.c */ 

    char lexbuf[BSIZE]; 

    int lexan() /* lexical analyzer */ 

     int t; 
     while(1) { 
     t = fgetc (fs); 
     if (t == ' ' || t == '\t') 
      ; /* strip out white space */ 
     else if (t == '\n') 
      lineno = lineno + 1; 
     else if (isdigit (t)) { /* t is a digit */ 
      ungetc(t, fs); 
      fscanf(fs,"%d", &tokenval); 
      return NUM; 
     else if (isalpha(t)) { /* t is a letter */ 
      int p, b = 0; 
      while (isalnum(t)) { /* t is alphanumeric */ 
      lexbuf [b] = t; 
      t = fgetchar (fs); 
      b = b + 1; 
      if (b >= BSIZE) 
       error("compiler error"); 
      lexbuf[b] = EOS; 
      if (t != EOF) 
      ungetc(t, fs); 
      p = lookup (lexbuf); 
      if (p == 0) 
      p = insert (lexbuf, ID); 
      tokenval = p; 
      return symtable[p].token; 
     else if (t == EOF) 
      return DONE; 
     else { 
      tokenval = NONE; 
      return t; 

    /* emitter.c */ 
    void emit (int t, int tval) /* generates output */ 
     switch(t) { 
     case '+' : case '-' : case '*' : case '/': 
     fprintf(ft,"%c\n", t); break; 
     case PLUS : 
      fprintf(ft,"PLUS\n"); break; 
     case MINUS : 
      fprintf(ft,"MINUS\n"); break; 

     case DIV: 
     fprintf(ft,"DIV\n"); break; 
     case MOD: 
     fprintf(ft,"MOD\n"); break; 
     case NUM: 
     fprintf(ft,"%d\n", tval); break; 
     case ID: 
     fprintf(ft,"%s\n", symtable[tval].lexptr); break; 
     fprintf(ft,"token %d, tokenval %d\n", t, tval); 
    /* parser.c -- without the optimizations */ 

    int lookahead; 

    void match(int); 
    void start(), list(), expr(), moreterms(), term(), morefactors(), factor(); 

    void parse() /* parses and translates expression list */ 
     lookahead = lexan(); 

    void start() 
     /* Just one production for start, so we don't need to check lookahead */ 
     list(); match(DONE); 

    void list() 
     if (lookahead == '(' || lookahead == ID || lookahead == NUM) { 
     expr(); match(';'); list(); 
     else { 
     /* Empty */ 

    void expr() 
     /* Just one production for expr, so we don't need to check lookahead */ 
     term(); moreterms(); 

    void moreterms() 
     if (lookahead == '+') { 
     match('+'); term(); emit('+', tokenval); moreterms(); 
     else if (lookahead == '-') { 
     match('-'); term(); emit('-', tokenval); moreterms(); 
     else { 
     /* Empty */ 

    void term() 
     /* Just one production for term, so we don't need to check lookahead */ 
     factor(); morefactors(); 

    void morefactors() 
     if (lookahead == '*') { 
     match('*'); factor(); emit('*', tokenval); morefactors(); 
     else if (lookahead == '/') { 
     match('/'); factor(); emit('/', tokenval); morefactors(); 
     else if (lookahead == PLUS) { 
     match(PLUS); factor(); emit(PLUS, tokenval); morefactors(); 
else if (lookahead == MINUS) { 
     match(MINUS); factor(); emit(MINUS, tokenval); morefactors(); 
     else if (lookahead == DIV) { 
     match(DIV); factor(); emit(DIV, tokenval); morefactors(); 
     else if (lookahead == MOD) { 
     match(MOD); factor(); emit(MOD, tokenval); morefactors(); 
     else { 
     /* Empty */ 

    void factor() 
     if (lookahead == '(') { 
     match('('); expr(); match(')'); 
     else if (lookahead == ID) { 
     int id_lexeme = tokenval; 
     emit(ID, id_lexeme); 
     else if (lookahead == NUM) { 
     int num_value = tokenval; 
     emit(NUM, num_value); 
     error("syntax error in factor"); 

    void match(int t) 
     if (lookahead == t) 
     lookahead = lexan(); 
     error ("syntax error in match"); 
    /* error.c */ 

    void error(char* m) /* generates all error messages */ 
     fprintf(stderr, "line %d: %s\n", lineno, m); 
     exit(EXIT_FAILURE); /* unsuccessful termination */ 
    /* main.c */ 

    int main(void) 
     FILE *fs, *ft ; 
     char ch ; 
     fs = fopen ("d:\\source.txt", "r") ; 
      if (fs == NULL) 
       { puts ("Cannot open source file") ; 
       exit(0) ;  

      ft = fopen ("d:\\out.txt","w") ; 
      if (ft == NULL)   
       {    puts ("Cannot open target file") ; 
        exit(0) ;  

     exit(0); /* successful termination */ 

对不起,我放弃了,我无法猜出错误是什么。请告诉我。 –


你需要编辑你的文章并找出错误。如果你不这样做,你的帖子可能会被视为“不是真正的问题”。 –


我讨厌那些发布他们整个代码的人,并且只是说一些类似“为我修复它!”的东西。告诉我们*错误在哪里(至少在哪个函数中),*什么是错误的*,最重要的***你试过什么!*** – BlackBear




int tokenval = NONE; /* value of token attribute */ 
int lineno = 1; 
FILE *fs, *ft;   /* <--- ADDED */ 


int main(void) 
    /* FILE *fs, *ft ; <-- REMOVED */ 
    char ch ; 

我可以通过删除所有不编译的位来获得编译代码。 –


对不起,这有点讽刺。关键在于编译它不一定与解决问题相同。 –


@David这不是问题的答案,但是,那是毫无疑问的。 –